Chapter 2
Year 1:
It was dark apart from the occasional flashes of red light nothing could be seen as time became irrelevant my body proved irresponsive I could not move yet I was calm maybe it was just my body's way of dealing with all the excitement or maybe I just grew numb but calm I was as we drifted through space for how long will always be a mystery but eventually the ship auto repair function deemed it save enough to turn on the lights although dim but enough to see all my crewmates littered on the floor unconscious so I mustered the last of my strength to speak yet the action felt unfamiliar as I commanded the AI to perform a full body scan and reformation on all of us then it went dark once again I woke up to the hustle and bustle as we celebrated our survival. We ate and drank, and for a moment we forgot we were in uncharted territory, a place filled with dangers we knew nothing of, or maybe we just didn't bother; maybe we were just too tired of worrying... Eventually under the captains orders we got back to work and began accessing the damage done while trying to figure out where we were this proved to be harder than we thought as we moved ounce more a risky move I know but we are not so keen on staying in an unknown place for too long and even though the stabilizers were damaged we could move perfectly well at normal speeds ( about half the speed of sound for cruising and 400x the speed of sound for real flight) due to the primary stabilizer which was mostly untouched we felt nothing but a slight weight which was also intentionally added simply cause who doesn't like the feeling of going faster if you don't then rejoice you are part of the 1% and about damages things aren't so good the secondary thrusters are burned out (lol, more like warped out if you get me). the reality anchors damaged and the experimental warp device is very radioactive don't ask what type of radiation all we know is it's radioactive so we probably shouldn't turn it on I mean we don't even know if it works but I'm pretty sure the reality anchors are perfect I remember the space itself getting solidified as we broke the speed of light well not really broke we were just 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 millisecond faster but I guess every increase matters when you going at the speed of light and with a dark matter extraction device providing energy it's not really that unexpected but I imagine we could have gone faster and truly break the speed of light if there was no black hole behind us and no risk of a temporal space explosion Yeah, we probably shouldn't try that. Hell, we only survived because the reality anchors were on full power, basically turning space itself solid. The fact that the captain, with his IQ score of 98, can think of this during that situation is proof experience matters. Also, we probably can't go light speed, burnt thrusters, damaged anchors, and stuff... nope, not good. .We got a red alert; it turns out the ship's space feelers (devices built to measure instabilities in space and measure possibilities of danger on the flight path) were damaged, and we were flying straight into a star.... We managed to correct our flight path, and we decided to just stay in place at least till we finish checking all the damages.... We found some bad news and some good news bad news being due to our exposure to dark matter the subspace and other unknown factors our cells are mutating and on the brink of breakdown good news is we have achieved immortality due to the very same factors and a pretty effective means of regeneration as our cells simply split at the area of damage and the damaged simply break down andĀ feed the undamaged cells (ps: I have no idea how the cells know which are too damaged to fix to me it just looks like some cells heal and some becomes food for other cells) also we no longer age so we are technically immortal as long as we enter siderianic sleep ( a form of sleep we invented slightly similar but very different from cryogenic sleep as our body remains functional and only our brains get shut down) to conserve energy and stop brain degradation we will pretty much remain same forever if we at least sleep ounce in a while.... Speaking of sleep, the ship is once again fully functional. Well, not fully; we still can't go light speed yet, but 10,000 times the speed of sound shouldn't be too difficult. Well, like any bunch of wandering civilizations, we set a course in a random direction and set commands to stop at any planet or asteroid containing materials or resources to fix the ship. Scratch that; we are making a stop at any planet that isn't made to kill us. Hmmmmm, my brain feels weird... Well, sleep time, I guess.