He googled Rehetogi Committee. It showed: Rehetogi Committee was formed in 1999 and it came to action that very year. It was formed under the leadership of Chief Justice Derek Rehetogi, Crime Branch inspector Samuel Taylor, journalist Barnaby Rush and others. Their guide was Dr. Andrew Long, a leading Anthropologist. Their destination was a foresty area of Novantes, named Chain – a tribal area. There were rumours that men offerings were offered at that place. Rehetogi Committee was formed to investigate into that matter. It's believed that people of Chain area worship their chief as the living goddess. People believe that she had magical power and she was capable of conducting miracles. Goddess Tara's mother also enjoyed same respect until her untimely demise. It was rumoured that to appease Goddess Tara people offer heads of small children, new borns, even grownups. Rehetogi Committee stayed in Chain area for a fortnight to investigate into the matter; but found no evidence in support of these rumours. Yes, chickens, fishes and ducks were freely sacrificed there. Even fleshy fruits like pumpkins and lemons were offered instead of chickens more often. Rehetogi Committee was fully satisfied that there was no human sacrifice and no human rights violation.
After reading this Matthew was shocked that such type of things exist in this world. And Andrew aka Adam knew and was involved in these matters.