She had fallen, and there was comfort in the knowledge that she could fall no further...
-inspired by Sylvia Plath.
The darkness never frightened me, it soothed instead. The darkness represented endless possibilities, you can do anything, be anything, in the dark.
This world had so many boundaries, you can do this, you can't do that. So many restrictions.
In the dark, those lines blurred a little, allowing anyone the ability to be whatever they wanted. And I liked that, the power. I never believed in the lines drawn by human society, to keep everyone in check.
It annoyed me, why should anyone get to control me, measure my thoughts and ration my actions. I liked the freedom that the darkness gave me.
Darkness freed me but it also spoke just inside my head, invaded my thoughts. I felt like it knew all my secrets, my deepest desires.
People judge, everyone judges things that are beyond them. Everyone judged me, because I was different. Nobody understood who I was and what I was capable of, so they alienated me.
Just like they alienated the dark, feared it and hated it. Always villainizing it. Never trying to understand the true depth or power it held.
Just like me.
All of them were cowards, and I pitied all of them.
The dark understood me, encouraged me, it was brave like I was. A twin if you may think so.
One day I allowed it, to overwhelm me, surround me, become a part of me. The darkness allowed me to be who I was, it was a friend, a confidante. It made me confident.
So, I did, everything I wanted to do, but I did it in the dark.