Chereads / RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System / Chapter 1 - Arrival on Remnant

RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

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Chapter 1 - Arrival on Remnant

Taking a bullhead to Vale from Atlas was considered very dangerous and foolhardy unless there were an escort of at least two more bullheads, both being armed. This one, was by itself. This was because of the passenger inside and the fact that said passenger bribed the pilot with a lucrative thirty-thousand lien.

There didn't seem to be an issue though, as a young man wielding a black scythe-halberd-shotgun mechashift weapon was currently shooting medium-sized nevermore and lancers with fire dust shotgun rounds. With a wide smile on his handsome face, he dispatched Grimm after Grimm as the bullhead flew through the skies as fast as it could. The Pilot was currently regretting taking this suave brat alone but the money was too good. As a Mantle citizen, he made decent money but with this, he'll have enough lien to buy himself a way into Atlas.

"Damned kid is nuts.. I swear this better be worth it!" The pilot exclaimed and took a dive toward the sea as they neared the land of Vale.

"Hey! I heard that, asshole. Keep flyin' and I'll make sure we get there in one piece!" The young man speared a Lancer through the abdomen when it got close and killed off two more before the flying horde retreated.

"Oh thank god.." The pilot slowed down as he reached land, seeing the city of Vale closer now.

"Woo! What a rush! Killing Grimm is WAY more fun than the show would imply.. So that's Vale eh? Start of my new life, coming up!" The young man excitedly uttered more protagonist "this is the start of my awesome adventure" lines as they began to make a landing in the city.

Hopping off, the young man thought of what to do next, as Beacon applications are next week. He decided to try and see if he can "accidentally" meet Yang and Ruby so he could raise some romance flags. Be the strongest and hottest huntsman of their year, maybe win over Pyrrha by pretending he didn't know her too. As his thoughts turned to ensnaring the RWBY girls for his future harem, he was abruptly bumped into by someone he recognized.

Looking down, he saw the petite frame of one of his favorite girls in the show, Neopolitan. Or Neo, for short. The girl looked up at him and squinted as if she were inspecting the boy. He almost wanted to abduct her right there and then. She seemed way more developed than she had in the early volumes. He knew she was an antagonist but capturing and converting her for his harem shouldn't be too hard, right? He just needed to show her he understood her. Clearing his throat he looked down at her sincerely and spoke.

"Oh my Oum you are so cute.. Are you a model perhaps? You do have that huntress vibe going on though" He tried to flirt/compliment the girl but something about his sentence made her slightly laugh to herself as she grabbed his arm and hugged it between her breasts.

At this, he was stunned. She was infatuated at his looks. He had perfectly designed his current body to look like a sexy badass anime boy that the ladies would fall for. So it wasn't completely out of the ordinary for girls to give him this kind of attention. He was just a bit too focused on the feelings he was experiencing on his arm to notice the fact that his neck was very abruptly snapped at a weird angle. That is, until it was too late and he noticed that the ice cream themed waifu had taken him to an alleyway near Junior's club and was currently behind him with her hands clasped around his head.

"So the whole Oum thing? That's fucking cringe, dude. And like nobody from the actual show said it. I get it. People wanna honor Monty Oum in their stories and all but come on man.. Imagine you make a story, kay? And you die before you finish it. It sucks but death happens all the time, to anyone. Say you're in the afterlife and you see a bunch of fanfic writers equate your name to God. Over.. and over.. and over. It gets cringey.. So I propose we go about it another way. Like say "Monty's BALLS!" when shit hits the fan or something? Hey are you listening? Oh, wait.. Yup, dead."

The ice cream girl monologed/ranted at the corpse before putting it in a trash bin outside Junior's.

Walking inside, she heard the familiar notification of her system, confirming the death of the reincarnated she just killed. Tapping the bar to get Junior's attention, she gave him a "cut throat gesture" and thumbed outside.

"In the alleyway, trashbin" She simply sat down as he sighed and grumbled, signaling his men as some walked out into the back entrance of the club.

"Roman friggin' owes me for all these bodies you 'come across' near my turf.." He ran his hand through his short black hair and complained, earning a grin from the girl.

"I'm helping him with something big so this is pretty much nothing in comparison. He'll whine but he won't really get mad at me" She shrugged before feeling a soft impact on her back.

Turning her head, she noticed it was Neopolitan. Roman was right behind her, sighing dramatically before paying Junior a modest cleaning fee. Picking up the smaller Neo and putting her on her lap, she pulls out a small waffle cone of pink, brown and white ice cream from seemingly thin air and hands it to the Neo on her lap.

"Hey Rome, Neopolitan. Finish up your 'business' already?" Neo was petting the other Neopolitan as Roman slightly nodded.

"Yeah and it looks like you did too, messy. Can't you learn how to do that yourself? All you need to do is smash the teeth in, cut the parts up, melt the limbs in a tub of acid and bury the torso and head somewhere.." Roman sighed and mentioned the acts casually as the Neos and Junior looked at him in disgust, horror or both.

"For one.. Ew? Two, I just need the body gone. Nobody'll I.D him because he didn't exist till a week ago. That's how some of these reincarnated work. Guy even had a friggin' system that gave him XP for killing. And he seemed like the typical self insert so he can have all the bad bitches. He would really have just fucked me in an alleyway.. Bleugh..!" She made a face at that last statement while the other Neo frowned and held onto her counterpart tighter.

"I don't even understand half of what that rant was but.. good on you?" Junior went back to cleaning mugs as the sound of a motorcycle was faintly heard through the loud club music, earning a surprised face from the bigger Neo.

"Oh ass.. Rome, Neo you gotta go out the back. A future huntress in training just arrived. Probably gonna make a mess here too" She ushered smaller Neo off her back and gestured them to hurry.

"Thanks for looking out, Cloneo! Come, Neo. I think our 'boss' is getting mad at me for ignoring her texts for the last thirty minutes" Roman tipped his hat and walked out as Neo gave the bigger Neo a wink and a thumbs up, following after him.

"I'm not a friggin' clone.. I didn't ask to be a woman.." Double facepalming, she used Neo's semblance and changed appearance to a black haired, twin-tailed girl with the same proportions.

"But you don't exactly bitch about missing your dick too much.." Junior muttered as he saw a blonde bombshell walk in with a cocky smirk.

"Just for that? I'm watching you get your ass kicked"

"Oh fuck you.. Watch, I'll be so smooth, I'll even get her number.." Junior combed his hair back.

"..She's 17 and I don't fuck dudes"

"So?" Junior watched as the blonde got about 4 meters away from the bar.

"Nevermind.. Enjoy yourself!" She sat back and watched the 'Yellow' trailer play out live. Hearing Junior's pitch change as Yang manhandled his balls made her break out into cackles, prompting a pleased smirk from the blonde.

Once the dance floor was obliterated, she took her chance to slip out. But not before slipping a note in Yang's pocket. Once out, she noticed her stomach started growling.

"Oh yeah.. haven't eaten dinner yet" Muttering that, she walked off and decided to check out Vale's restaurants as she thought back to the day 'he' died.

-Unknown place, two weeks earlier-

Looking at a plain faced man in a black T-shirt and sweats was a floating, transparent and equally plain faced man in simple clothes. The transparent man finally broke the silence by clearing his throat, earning a response from the other man.

"Oh! Sorry, I was looking at your Karmic lines there" The guy who wasn't transparent was rubbing his jaw in thought.

"My what..?"

" You know the butterfly affect? Well, it's like that but something great happened" He explained and looked at something the transparent man could not see.

"Do tell? What'd I do exactly? I don't remember anything outstanding"

"You gave that homeless guitarist 20 dollars. Good deed but so what, right? Well, thanks to that money, he went to Starbucks and got a coffee. Struck up a conversation with a nice, intelligent woman. They started dating. He moves in with her and this allows his career to really take off. His songs come from the heart and are about suicide, depression, hope and acceptance. This saves an untold amount of lives. Next, his wife, who would have been pressured into becoming a lawyer by her strict parents, is instead supported by her husband to pursue her passion in genetics. She has a scientific breakthrough and many diseases and ailments are eliminated due to the dawn of the biologically improved humans. They have children who also go on to do wonderful things." The man explained, seemingly impressed as the transparent man's eyes widened.

"Holy fuck! That's awesome. But their accomplishments, right? I just made a tiny impact"

"No. See, without your involvement in that exact timeframe, they would never have met or hit it off as well as they had then. Usually, I'd send a neutral soul like yours on a regular reincarnation on Earth where you'd get negative or positive karma and you'd be sent to the right afterlife but.. Well, you fit the criteria for this little problem we have.." The man nodded to himself, as if he decided on something.

"What's that exactly?"

"Oh? No surprise at your sudden and young death? I thought freaking out slipped your mind until just now when I mentioned the afterlife.." The man raised his brow.

"Oh I KNOW I died.. I drank like 3 Monsters to stay up for a project and faceplanted my keyboard. As long as I don't have to bust my ass for twenty hours straight again, I'm cool." The ghost man shuddered at the mention of 'twenty hours'.

"Oh then perfect! You know those Isekai anime or novels where nerds reincarnate as original characters or even canon characters? Yeah, some evil Outer Gods are doing that in the Omniverse, leeching off the chaos that their reincarnated cause. I need you to reincarnate and kill the OP system reincarnators. I'm not asking you to do it alone though. It'll be a system based on that 'Multiverse Chat' niche. From the worlds you visit, you can recruit some characters native there to your group chat and they can help you on your quest to kill the reincarnated. The system will even come with a gift shop, system points and quests. Do you accept the proposal?"

"Ah.. Uh... Damn.. I'd kinda feel bad for those reincarnated though. I'm sure they just wanted to live the dream of being born in such cool worlds" The ghost hesitated and rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh the evil gods pick the dumbest, naiive or morally corrupt one. One's even living out as an original character but with the premise of 'abused and neglected OP male charac-"

"I will gladly kill them for you!!" The ghost grabbed his shoulders and spoke with an aggravated tone in his voice as the man chuckled.

"Perfect. Your origin world will be the world of Remnant, from RWBY" He opened a magic window showing the city of Vale as he spoke.

"Ugh.. pre volume seven, right..? It got dumber after Monty Oum died... It's sad. Maybe the anime'll be better?" The ghost started mumbling to himself.

"Yes, you'll start prior to volume one. Two weeks before Beacon's new term. Your body as it is won't cut it. I'm going to create a copy of a character for you to inhabit. You'll inherit their physique, skills and important memories. It can be any character from the series at any point in time. Choose wisely"

"NO JAUNE ARC! Even later on he's still mediocre.. Skill wise! Other than that, he's kinda relatable to introverts. Uh.. no Ren, he's too skinny and.. Oh no.. All the strongest characters are women! Qrow won't work.. I'd be treated as some weird lab experiment by Salem.. Ahhh... I need to blend in... As Mercury I'd be caught by Cinder as soon as I was seen.." The ghost kept thinking as the man grinned and thought of the best choice.

"Might I suggest Neopolitan then? She's very skilled and can take essentially any form through illusion via her semblance" The man suggested.

"Shit, you're right... Okay, okay.. Won't be so bad. Not like I'll start liking guys because my body's different. Alright, I choose.. Volume 8 Neo. 'Thicc Neo' if you want a reference" He rubbed the bridge of his ghostly nose and accepted his fate.

"Very well. I'll add in something as well.. It may seem like a curse at first but if you can control it, it will vastly increase your fighting power. You'll see what I mean later on, though" The man put his hand on the ghostly man's head.

"Ominous.. Oh wait! Before I go.. what's your name, Dude? Sorry, I forgot to ask earlier"

"No worries. You can call me Michael. Remember the mission but also have fun too! It's not supposed to be an uber serious thing.. yet. Spoilers?" Michael laughed at the last part.

"Oh come on, don't do tha-Ahhhh!!" He screamed as Michael pushed him through the magic window.

"You'll be fiiiine, Chris! Take care!" Michael yelled out as Chris fell into the world of Remnant.

[Author's notes]

First shot at a RWBY fic. Read the tags annnd feel free to comment if you want.