Chereads / RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System / Chapter 96 - Pranking and showing the twins the town

Chapter 96 - Pranking and showing the twins the town

As soon as she walked out, she called Arturia to her hand and wielded her in weapon form while licking her lips. Instantly disappearing from the forest, Hecate appeared on top of Beacon tower, where Ozpin could usually be found. Hecate felt a hum from Arturia, as if to ask what she had in mind.

"Well for Ozzy, I plan to make sure he can never again experience the joy of coffee. And.. a few other things I have in mind. Nothing too extreme. I'll save that for Salem.." Hecate grinned maliciously while slowly crawling down the tower like she was Spiderman.

Peeking down from the window, she saw the immortal man himself. Sitting in his swivel chair while going through reports regarding the destruction of the forest near Vale. It was close enough to warrant his attention. He sighed and started pouring himself a coffee and that's when Hecate executed the perfect plan. Her magic activated as an invisible curse hit Ozpin from behind.

Blinking, he felt a strange yet awful, forboding feeling hit him. As if something bad had just happened to one of his friends. Steeling himself, he sat back down and called one of his closest confidants, Qrow.

"Oz? What's going on? Currently kinda busy trying to sleep, you know?" He heard his friend grumble and sighed in relief, bringing his mug to his lips.

"Sorry, Qrow. I was- *PFFT!*" Ozpin was rudely interrupted by the taste of his supposed coffee.

It tasted like water. No, scratch that.. It tasted like water gone bad. It was slightly soapy and salty, for some reason. He was wholly unprepared for the taste and ended up coughing violently, knocking over his mug and spraying his desk with the nasty water.

"Oz!? What's happening? You okay!?" Qrow asked, worry evident in his voice.

He continued to cough until he stood up and looked at his mug. Though it wasn't his mug any more. It was a glass with a label saying 'Gamer Girl Bath Water <3' with the picture of a cute blue haired girl underneath it. He held back his urge to vomit and shook his head.

"Yes.. I'm fine. Just a prank, I'm sure.. Nevermind it. I was checking in on you because I had a bad feeling" Ozpin sighed and poured himself another mug of coffee.

"Aww do I matter that much to you, Oz-*PFFFT!*" Qrow was interrupted again as Ozpin spat out his drink.

In his hand yet again was another glass of 'Gamer Girl Bath Water <3'. His eyes widened as he started to search his office in a hurry.

"Who's here!?" Ozpin could find nobody despite his experience as a Huntsman.

"I.. ugh.. I'm going to sleep, Oz. Good night" Qrow hung up, his annoyance evident in his voice.

Ozpin stepped out of his office, trying to find anyone who had managed to sneak in. Yet he found no one. He rubbed his eyes and returned to his office, his paranoia going into overdrive as he thought about how his precious coffee was replaced by bath water. He tried once again, carefully watching the sweet brown liquid as he brought it to his lips. Though once it passed his lips, he quickly spat out the used bath water with a disgusted face.

"No... No.. what if I try hot cocoa?" He tried hot chocolate this time, yet the result was the same.

Ozpin kept continuing to try and find a solution to his coffee problem, unaware that every time he got out of his chair something was added to his room. By now, seven anime girl figurines in glass jars had appeared around his desk. Some were starting to be filled with a suspicious white fluid. Yet he was too busy trying to figure out why his drinks kept turning into bath water.

He called Goodwitch up to his office in a panic, trying to figure out if this was a student. Though as soon as she arrived in his office, she saw the disturbing sight of a disheveled Ozpin with several glasses of 'Gamer Girl Bath Water <3' and about a dozen lewd figures in jars, some covered in suspicious white fluids.

"Glynda! Tell me, are there any students that-" Glynda quickly closed the elevator before he could finish and quickly left.

"Glynda? GLYNDA, NO!" Ozpin noticed the figures just as Glynda closed the elevator and rushed over from his desk.

Only to trip on a jar and splash himself with two full glasses of bath water.

"GLYNDAAAAA!!" Ozpin cried out with bloodshot eyes, not noticing the prankster leaving with a maniacal cackle.

-Castle Evernight-

"Master that was..." Arturia was at a loss for words as she remembered the state they left the old man in.

"Amazing? Yes, indeed.. But that was light. This? Well.. you'll see" Hecate grinned while spreading her arms out as hundreds of spells arced out from her hands and sunk into the Grimm pools.

The Grimm all over the Castle started to change as well. Salem, in her room felt a shiver run down her spine.

She had been waiting for Tyrian to check in but he'd been silent for a while. His seer hadn't been responding either. He was a great pawn so it would be a shame to lose him. Thus, Salem spread out her senses through her connection to the Grimm.

Something was wrong. Thousands of Grimm were running towards her Castle despite receiving no command to. Salem furrowed her brows as she tried to command them to stop. They refused.

"What...? They've changed too.. Is it that God? Has he returned..?" Salem asked herself, biting her lip as she looked outside at the coming horde.

She enhanced her sight and her blood nearly froze. There was a physical change in the Grimm. One being that they all had a male reproduction organ. A penis. All quite big in comparison to their size. Salem shivered as she felt the lust directed at her. She immediately took to creating more Grimm to try and stop the horde coming at her.

What came out of the pools confused her. The Grimm gradually started looking more feminine and curvaceous. Yet they too had a penis and a directed lust aimed at Salem. Though they too started to fight the Grimm horde. Not on Salem's command however, but for the right to mate with their Master.

Salem now started to panic and called for Hazel.

"Hazel! Watts!! Get down to the meeting room, now!!" Salem yelled, only receiving a pained grunt as she turned the corner and saw the new, feminine group of Grimm pulling both men out of the Castle and into the Grimm pool outside.

"MISTRESS HELP!!" Arthur cried out before he was pulled in first.

Hazel was trying to fight them off and get back to the petrified Salem. There were quite a few Grimm climbing up the stairs towards her. As he was about to break free, he heard a splash.

There, at the center of the water was.. what used to be Arthur Watts. A humanoid Grimm woman with large hips, legs, breasts and butt with a noticeable bulge under the rags that used to be Arthur Watts' clothing. Hazel was so shocked he didn't notice three Beowolf girls tackle him into the pools.

Salem started blasting the horde with her magic, a cold sweat running down her back. After a half hour she heard a giggle. The horde still coming, she couldn't afford to split her attention on the newcomer.

"You.. You did this. Show yourself..." Salem spat out venomously.

In response, Hecate whistled to her from the roof. Salem looked up at the new hole in her Castle and saw the nine tailed woman sitting there with a large grin plastered on her face.

"I wonder how long you can last? About fifty percent of all Grim were changed and have started to run here. Think you got enough magic for them all? I'd say you have.. maybe a day left? That is, unless you use huge attacks. Either way, they'll keep coming. But enjoy Muscle Mommy Grimm Hazel" Hecate tipped her imaginary hat as Salem was grabbed by a singed but still very much alive Amazonian Grimm girl while she was distracted by Hecate.

Hecate made her way back, hearing a loud and perverse scream from Salem as she left the Grimmlands.

It had been over an hour and a half since she left to screw over the Immortals. Salem was now essentially trapped in a giant horny Grimm horde and Ozpin could never drink coffee or hot chocolate again. Hecate pat herself on the back as she returned to the bunker while Arturia was still blushing at what was done to Salem.

The twins were just gently cuddling on the couch when they heard the duo walk in. As both of them looked up Neo asked, "You seem rather pleased with yourself."

"Well allow me to brag.. First off, anything Ozpin tries to drink will automatically turn into 'Gamer Girl Bath Water' and every time he gets up from his chair, a lewd figurine appears in his office, in a jar that gradually fills up with a certain white liquid. Glynda walked in as he was having a mental breakdown.." Hecate nodded to herself with an evil grin.

Neo tilted her head in confusion and turned to her sister for a moment before her eyes went wide and she started laughing loudly, "That's hilarious! Everyone knows how much Ozpin loves his damn drinks. I swear, that cup never leaves his hands..."

"He's a coffee addict for sure. Now.. as for Salem? Every Grimm was given a large cock and an insatiable lust for Salemussy. Not only that, but every Grimm spawned is now a humanoid female with said cock and lust. Hazel and Watts were dragged into the pool and last I saw.. Hazel managed to grab onto Salem when I distracted her. So she'll be kept really busy for a while.." Hecate explained as Arturia shook her head with a blush.

"That was incredibly lewd.. yes" Arturia muttered.

Both of the twins eyes were large before they broke out in mad cackles, one was naturally silent though. Gasping for air Neo said, "HAHAHA!! I bet that old bitch bag hasn't had something like THAT happen to her before! Serves her right! Hope she wallows in pain for a long time."

Grimm Neo simpled had her mask melt away so they could see the giant smile she had on her face as she gave a thumbs up.

"I knew you'd appreciate it. Well! Now that we've fucked over the two immortals, let's head on back to town. Momma Liliiiiith?" Hecate called out, looking up.

"Ah.. I forgot she can't come through normal portals" Arturia said, transforming back into her lance mode and returning to Hecate's hand.

The twins blinked at Arturia's transformation, and they both tilted their heads to the left looking bewildered. Neo nodded her head and then said, "You're right... I guess she meant it literally when she said she was her weapon..."

"Yup! My partner and fellow fader of a Goddess" She affectionately rubbed the grip with a smile.

Just then, a large portal with its edges glowing a beautiful royal purple opened a little off to the side between them.

"Thank you~ Anyway, head on in. I'm sure you'll be surprised" Hecate smiled and urged them to walk in.

The twins turned and leaned a bit to take a peek through the portal. Neo whistled and said, "Wow indeed." She turned to look at Hecate and continued, "That's where you live? As a side note, she turns into a really beautiful lance! 10/10 would use~.

Neo then felt a tug on her arm from her sister as she was quickly pulled through the portal before she could even say anything in protest.

"Sure is!" Arturia hummed in her hand as Hecate stepped in after them.

"She says 'thanks' by the way" Hecate grinned as they stepped into town.

Though it was predomately filled with women, they could see some shops, a beautiful fountain, the mayor's house, Raven's training hall, the questing hub, a colloseum and many more amenities. Even another Roman was nearby, teasing the Ruby from Hecate's Remnant with a shit eating grin while Yang recorded it.

The twins looked around in total wonder. Neo zeroed in on Roman though and said, "Is it weird that it is more weird to see a Roman and know that's not the one I am friends with, than it is to see a different version of my sister and I?"

Grimm Neo also nodded her head.

"Ah he's a bro. You'll like him, I'm sure. In fact, you'll probably like the Grimmified versions too. Though they're a bit different than the other versions. There's the ones from Remnants like yours and mine, some from a futuristic Remnant and some from a Grimmified Remant. Then there's Artoria's followers I'm sure you'll meet. Ah not my Arturia here but..-" Hecate was interrupted when she saw Raven in the Witchblade walk out of a tear in space with a little Yang under her arm.

"It looks even better in person.." Hecate muttered as the people nearby stopped to look at her appearance for a few seconds.

Raven spotted her and stomped over with a glare. Looking down at the nine tailed girl, she knocked her knuckles against her head.

The twins turned, and their jaws dropped. Neo softly mumbled, "Step on me mommy..."

While Grimm Neo numbly nodded her head, her aura a mixture of orange and yellow.

"You never told me the Darkness and Angelus were in that universe" Raven huffed, clearly annoyed.

"Oooh.. yeah.. forgot that was TopCow universe.. Whoops! Well hey, it was fun right?" Hecate retorted, hearing Raven huff.

"Well... Yes.. Hm? Alternate selves?" Raven looked down at the new additions.

"Yup! Momma Lilith blessed this one here with a barrier" Hecate replied, pointing her tail at Grimm Neo.

"Ah well hello. Nice to meet you both. I'm Raven. This is my daughter, Yang" She lifted Yang up, who was looking at Grimm Neo's sister funny.

"Are you guys.. triplets?" Yang asked, rubbing her chin.

The question seemed to snap Neo out of her lustful gaze as she shook her head and said, "No, my only sister is Neopolitan here." Looking over at her Grimmified sister before looking back.

As she was talking, her eyes kept drifting over Raven's body before the twins suddenly frowned and looked at Hecate with Neo asking, "What did you just say Hecate? We both just realized that we couldn't understand you for a few there..."

"Pfft.. Ah don't worry about it. If I explained everything now it wouldn't be fun seeing your reactions later" Hecate responded with a smirk and a shrug.

"Cool.. It's like.. Dark and Light twins!" Yang seemed excited though Raven cringed a little.

"Yang.. be a little more considerate, okay? Anyways.. I brought the Cloneblades for you. I'm saving two for Esdeath and Salem though" Raven sighed, handing Hecate a number of metallic bracelets.

The twins both tilted their heads at the same time as Neo asked, "Salem? There are actually versions of her that don't deserve what you did to her Hecate?"

That earned a halfhearted glare from Raven, though Hecate gave her a look that made Raven nod in understanding as she glanced back at the Grimmified Neo.

Grimm Neo narrowed her eyes as she looked at her sister, who simply nodded and translated, "I agree with my sister. A good Salem must be very far and between."

"I don't know about the other Salems but mine happens to be a Reincarnate. She was my wife last life so I'll assume she's rather different. Though it sounds and looks like you had a rough go at it. You have my condolences. Feel free to visit my house and you can see the difference yourself. After you settle in, of course. I have to grab my stupid brother and settle my family in. A lot safer in here where no other Gods can intrude.." Raven said, looking back at Hecate.

"Oh he's.. Hanging out with female Qrow and Shizuka? Probably jealous of his alternate self" Hecate snickered as she spread her senses out and found Qrow in the pub nearby.

"Fema-You know what, nevermind.. I'll see for myself in a moment" Raven rubbed her crimson eyes and shook her head.

"Good to meet you all. Hope you enjoy the stay too" Raven smiled at the two before excusing herself.

The twins waved and Neo said, "Was a pleasure meeting you!" Then both of the twins suddenly turned to Hecate with a serious look in their eyes while Neo said, "She was extremely sexy! What the hell?!"

Grimm Neo nodded her head at a rather fast pace, agreeing with her sister.

"Oh I know right?" Hecate replied, watching Raven walk away with Yang.

"Especially in the Witchblade. Definitely giving one to my Raven.. But yes! You'll see some extraordinarily sexy people here. But let's set you two up first before we go off greeting everyone, eh?" Hecate smirked and started walking down the cobblestone street, where the houses were located.

Quite a few were uniquely built. One of them being Medusa's house, was built into a large tree that was carved out. Chisato's (formerly Kouta Hirano) had her house built like a bunker. Of course, it was absolutely stockpiled with guns too.

The twins nodded their head and quietly followed the Kitsune Goddess, while enjoying all the unique looking buildings and people. Hecate then stopped in front of a rather blank and plain looking house. She pulled out her system and immediately a screen popped up in front of Neo.

[Admin privileges granted in customization to new house! Merely think of preferred design and the house will change accordingly]

"Feel free to customize your house however way you want. Even inside you can-" Hecate opened the door and saw her Neopolitan inside.

Her horns, wings and tail quite visible, poking through the gaps made in her Succubus themed armor. It seems she knew she'd be here and waited for her to arrive. Though as soon as she saw she had guests, she quickly abandoned whatever plan she had in mind and stood there with an 'innocent' smile.

The twins again blinked a few times, glancing back and forth from the new Neo and Hecate. It was not long before both of the twins got a slick smirk on their faces as Neo said, "Oh my my! No-wonder you were not surprised by the relationship my sister and I have."

Gimm Neo nodded her head while wiggling her eyebrows as she silently snickers.

Neopolitan raised her brow as her mouth slowly opened. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she saw the twins' reaction. She winked and gave them a thumbs up while sending Hecate a predatory smirk.

"Yup~ They have the same relationship we do. Guessing all of you were looking for me when I came back?" Hecate asked with a knowing grin.

Neopolitan nodded and raised her brows twice while looking at the twins from the side. Seeming to insinuate something.

"No no.. As fun as that sounds, they're monogamous. This is Trivia slash Neopolitan. Succubus Queen and probably the one who knows me so well she can read my mind at this point" Hecate introduced her.

Neopolitan did a showy bow and waved at them both with a little wink.

The twins smiled, while Grimm Neo glomped onto her sisters arm, and Neo said, "It's nice to meet you, Neopolitan. My name is also Neopolitan. And this sexy lady is my sister, Neopolitan~."

With a knowing smile she added, "And yes, sorry to burst your bubble. I will admit, having a go with the two of you would be interesting, I am very much against sharing my sister with anyone. Sorry~."

Grimm Neo just nodded and snuggled closer into her sister as her aura lit up with several shades of yellow.

"Guess I really do have to stick with Hecate eh? Just to avoid the confusion" Hecate snickered.

Neopolitan simply nodded in understanding and gave her a thumbs up before going behind Hecate and stroking her tails from while whispering in her ear. Hecate clasped her hands together and slowly smiled to herself while muttering, "Lord knows I'm finna get smashed.."

"Well I think we can leave you be to decorate and model your houSEEE... any way... you see.. fit!" Hecate said, voice cracking while they saw Neopolitan's seductive yet mischievous smile from over her shoulder.

The twins smiled, a knowing glint in both their eyes, while Neo said, "Can do. Now, I heard rumblings you have a Harem ... why don't you go indulge in them, while I indulge with my little scoop of ice cream here?"

Grimm Neo draped herself over her sisters shoulders and nodded while snuggling their cheeks together.

"Bless. Okay.. I'll leave you to it. Have a GOOOOOOOOOOD... night!" Hecate wrapped Neopolitan up in her tails and quickly left their house with a twitching smile.

All while Neopolitan's hand covered her mouth mischievously while laughing and holding onto a pink button. She saluted them both before Hecate carried her off.

[Sorry about my posting frequency. Work is.. well, work. Been doing more stuff. Also gonna focus on OCRS till the 100th chappy and should get to it by the time my birthday comes around. Anyway, thanks for reading!]

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