(everything in this novel is not real and is pure fantasy)
BL-SH is a one-shot one chapter novel about a mysterious chef that works in a city's well known restaurant.
Happy restaurant, is a famous restaurant in [city] , two of the most known chefs in the [city] cooked there for sometime.
One night after a long day filled with joy and customers, the restaurant had it day and closed only to left the two chefs inside doing their business.
Takeshi Kota
(Ta as in Taa)
(ke as in key)
(shi as in she)
(Ko as in coh/cou)
(ta as mixture between da/ra, so it's pronounced as Koda/Kora)
Allen Fruvotsuki
(Allen as ellen)
(Fru as frouh)
(vot as in vote)
(suki as in sowkey)
In the ketchin, Allen is working, a door opens entering the joy-ss kota, Kota seems to be happy and proud of his work this day as People had enjoyed the meals he had done.
As for Allen, He seemed to have little warm smile, staying quite while chopping meat.
"it's been quite a day isn't it?"
-Kota starts a conversation with a cheerful voice as he rubs a towel to his wet face, it looks like he took a quick bath.
"it is quite festive I'd rather say"
-Allen replied with a quite tone, yet the satisfaction could be heard in his voice
"You were hard working Kota, I'm seeing you're going ahead of me, are you jealous of my good tasting food?"
-Allen chuckled to himself.
"I'm not jealous! haha, though you've done a great job today too, unlike me where I was nervous and under alot of pressure, you kept yourself quite and calm, although I could see how fast you were working and it's incredible!"
-as saying that kota started rubbing the back of his head while remembering how good Allen's dishes were
"Haha, don't exaggerate, I'm always worried under pressure so I try to calm my self down."
-Allen giggles a small giggle, while cutting meat with his left arm using a butcher knife.
"hmm I've been watching you clearly when you're cooking, You only showed one face the whole time during the preparation, it's kind of weird isn't it haha."
-Kota mumbles the last sentence under his breath, yet allen noticed and stopped cutting the meat on the counter.
"hmm, what's weird?
-Allen asked as his eyes met kota's with curiosity.
"well your dishes are well made and full of love and emotions to it while staying calm and relaxed during hard pressure and tons of orders left, I wish I had that ability."
-kota quoted, he's smiling, a sad smile.
-kota continues with
"I'm sorry if I did sound a bit clingy or-"
-Allen cuts off kota with sigh.
"Takeshi Kota, hmm"
-allen continue's to cut through the meat while talking.
"let me tell you something, kota. There is always a connection between emotions and food, do you know that connection?"
-Allen asked while looking down at the huge chunk of meat he's cutting.
-Kota answered, unsured.
"precise answer, but not what I looked for."
-Fruvotsuki wipes the knife he was cutting with from the blood of the meat chunk then raises it in front of his face, Takeshi could see his reflection on it.
"it's the chef who connects both emotion and food, you see, when unexperienced chef is under pressure, His nervousness could hurt the dish he's preparing, taste can deliver emotions to the mind very quickly, like sweet could sound like love, care and comfort, while bitter could give a depressing, hatred or just calmness feeling to it, so take it like this"
-Fruvotsuki is slowly lowering his knife down, Takeshi is focusing on it.
"so you can name it like this, sweet-love and bitter-hate, easy right?"
-Fruvotsuki eye's been focused on Takeshi's this whole time, Takeshi is still looking at the knife.
-Fruvotsuki reached to open the drawer with his right empty arm, Takeshi had already spaced out, thinking about Fruvotsuki's words.
He continue's:
"a good chef will never let you know If he was under any pressure, As for me~-"
Fruvotsuki pulls out something as his voice is raising slowly...
Takeshi finally looked at Fruvotsuki and a shock of fear takes down Takeshi's spine,
it's like he's been frozen completely.
-those words seems to to wake Takeshi's mind to realize what is happening...
"Takeshi kota, have you realized why I was taking so long in cutting the cow meat?"
Fruvotsuki asked calmly, While pointing a pistol right at Takeshi's face,
Takeshi couldn't answer as his mind is blown of questions...
Fruvotsuki cuts the silence.
"then I'll answer, this is *NOT* a cow meat. "
gunshot is heard,
takeshi falls down on the ground.
Blood splatter everywhere.
The next day.
"The meat was great! Thank you chef! I'll make sure to tell people about you!"
a customer said.
"thank you! " A warm smile roam's on Allen's face "vist us later again!"
Allen goes back to the ketchin, noticing a door opened.
"Oh no, The meat will spoil!"