A boy is in the dark alley, with wounds all over his body but not a single drop of tear is seen in his eyes. He is abandoned by his parents at the age of 5. He is born into a powerful family hysteria kingdom. But, at the age of five, when all children are checked for the affinity of magic, he showed no signs of affinity for any element. So, he was abandoned by his parents in a merchant carriage, which brought him to the present Reginald town.
For 3 years, he survived on the streets bullied by kids for his lack of magic. Today is the same normal day in his life where he was used as punching bag for other kids.
Next day, An old magician named, Merlin is passing through the streets of Reginald town when his saw a boy laid down on the ground with wounds all over his body. He was surprised, to see the boy even breathing with his state of body. Merlin carried the boy to his abode, treated the boy.
The boy woke up next day and was astonished, as he was sleeping on a bed in completely new surroundings compared to streets he slept daily. "Ah! so you are finally awake", he heard unfamiliar voice and became vigilant. He saw an old man coming through the door to the room he was sleeping in.
Merlin saw the boy awake and called out to him. He was surprised to see the boy so vigilant and said to the boy, "no need to so alert, I'm not going to hurt you". The boy became less vigilant after hearing to merlin."When I was treating your wounds yesterday, I was astonished to see your healing speed at your age. You must possess some great magic, boy".
The boy was surprised to hear that at first but then replied in sad tone, "you must be mistaken old man. I don't have any magic at all and that is the reason why my parents abandoned me and I'm in this state."
Merlin replied "Impossible. You have magic and and very powerful one at that. We will see about that later then. Firstly, may I know your name." The boy replied,"Its LUCIFER".