'I want to hunt. I'm hungry again,' Tazani said, and with that, he took off from Carter's should and was fast across the large, twisted root system. Tazani changed size several times as he ran over the roots and trees. Taking flight here and there before he disappeared from view.
"Will he be, okay? We have never been here before, he shouldn't go too far," Portia said worried about the young dragon. Carter raised an eyebrow at her.
"He won't go that far, and I trust him to return should something come along. He knows what I do. Though he does appreciate your concern and attempt at mothering," Carter commented as he shared what Portia said with Tazani. Portia had a little red on her face.
"Just worried about him is all. Probably could use a little mothering, surprised he's not more of a wild child. He is a dragon after all." Portia teased and Carter laughed a bit.