You know Mason had to admit he himself was feeling this nervous excitement. Adina was letting him touch her, she was willing to do this with him. Part of him kept telling himself to not fuck it up and be to eager. It was hard though, this sensation of being so aroused and just wanting it taken care of. To feel something pleasurable and wonderful, but at the same time concerned that you would be the only one that felt that way. This wasn't just about him though and he was determined to make sure that Adina enjoyed what they were going to do.
Hence why he made sure she was into this too. Into letting him touch and try, and that she would be open to say yes or no. How else was he going to know? They didn't have a strong mental connection yet, but he was sure her way of bonding would do it. That would be another way they could know how the other was feeling. He wondered if perhaps they should do hers first.