Nova stood covered in mud and she was pissed off. She looked at Conner and then Bridget, both of them covered in mud too, but not as badly as she was. Conner laughed and slapped her on the back, as a couple others moved forward with a black body bag. Inside was the wendigo, it had come at her and she had fought it. Fought it like a badass as Conner had commented earlier.
"You were supposed to be there." Nova snapped, she'd taken a tumble down a hill and into a swamp with the creature. Luckily she'd landed on top and jammed her black glass blade into its chest. The blade created by a shaman that knew how to dispatch of wendigos.
"In case you forgot there was a second, and you looked all amazon woman. I didn't want to cramp your style." Conner said and Bridget put her weapon away as she'd still been holding it.