"Kill her," Ralph said because she was holding a nasty looking blade that would damage them greatly. She was closer to the box than half of them were. None had seen her move, nor that she'd even had a weapon in the hall.
"No wait." Daniel said. "Meg is still in there alive. He's fed her his blood. You kill her, it'll make it that much easier for it to get in you." That said a lot about Krio's age and ability. This just seemed to get more serious by the minute. Clearly this demon and his kind had been planning things for a while. Demons were not hiding in the shadows like they should be.
"You move she'll be dead before she hit's the floor." Beth looked at Kitsune. "Stick her with a blade, I doubt that will get rid of me." When he said this Daniel knew it was more of a comment to him as he'd gotten him with a blade the first time that they'd met. But it clearly hadn't continued to poison him, or he'd found a way to contain the blessed blade that had been used.