"You seem rather chipper." Derrick said to Kendra who was tapping her foot to an unheard tune and marking on a map. She felt happy, felt good all day and she gave him a bright smile.
"I feel just fine, great actually." He smiled back at her. Then gestured to some reports that Linda had brought in.
"It looks like there's been a few attacks, in Shanghai a housing complex was attacked. The news said it was gang-related." She had been just skimming them. Though Derrick seemed bothered by it a bit.
"In reality?" She asked with a sigh looking at him.
"A mix of shapeshifters and werewolves destroyed the complex holding a few different animals. Also weapons against their kind."
'I see." She said and went back to tapping her pencil.
"You don't seem too upset about it."
"Should I be?" She asked. He stared at her and frowned.