They left the room, people got pulled out one by one to take the so called aptitude test.Some came back in the room and others did not.We all just sat there waiting for our turn to be judged and every few hours they came in to feed us.It was quiet really quiet so quiet you could hear a whisper from the other end of the room.I sat around some young looking man probably in his twenties and a some guy who looked like he was in his forties.I was worried,worried that i would never see my parents again worried i'd end up on the streets worried that somehow i would get mixed up in this crazy war.From the moment i was born to a few days ago i was taught to hate wizards to believe they were the source of all our problems and now i am one waiting to be approved into their group.In the middle of my thoughts i got teleported to some white room.A woman stood in front of me and said ready to start