At this moment, a voice was heard faintly in the ears of Shine.
"Shine, what are you doing?"
The object of the question of course Shine. People are asking is Yura, she's panting because suddenly, Shine ran away and was chasing someone.
"Shine! Hey, wake up!"
Yura saw something strange on the self-Shine. Now she looks speechless and confused.
"I have been studying martial arts for a few years before." Yura looked up and glanced towards Shine, smiling and give her the answer to that is very standard. In fact, Shine can always get out of any problem, and martial arts require a lot of difficulties to be able to become an expert. However, it looks like Shine's very talented to "kill". Yura didn't know whether it's a modification or a gene that is left in the body Shine by both her parents who died with a special identity. Yura have to say that this is the answer to that is very convincing.
The other shows a view that dominates, even a little bit curious. Compared with ordinary people like them, people like Shine who has been studying the martial arts is much more secure.
Yura smiled bitterly and said, "If I knew a day like that, I'm not going to stay at home and play with you every day."
After resting for a minute, they walked for more than 20 minutes and finally get in the car. An off-road vehicle, black. The driver is Yura and Shine sat down beside her.
They continue the journey to Los Angeles, United States. Heading to a place that is hidden and safe from the they are the hunters that have been sent to kill both of them.
Yura in front of her glanced down here with a thin smile, her eyes swept across the body of Shine, and she smiled a little at Shine. She has the appearance is beauty, and she was also smiling when she laughed. With a sense of confidence.
Yura, who was driving, suddenly raised her eyes and looked into the glass right side and then froze for a moment. In the mirror, Yura see the back of a car the other follow suit.
"Shine, prepare the weapons. There seems to be a want to invite a firefight with us," said Yura.
"Not possible!" said Shine.
"What is it?" asked Yura.
"I detect who's in there."
"She is Yang, the victim of the accident the airplane a few years ago, and she was killed in a plane due to an explosion that could not be avoided."
"How could she come back to life?" asked Yura.
"There seems to be the organ of her body that managed to be saved, so that she could return to live with the body intact without defects."
"What? Don't joke with me! Is she a zombie or something?"
"Yura, what you've heard about human cloning?"
"Yes, it looks like a lot of division is asking about human cloning."
"She's one of them. Because the body of the original has been destroyed, so scientists use the past to evoke the aura of the anger."
Hearing the explanation Shine, Yura looks more focus to accelerate the pace of the car.
"Who are they already control it?" murmured Shine.
"Could It Be ... Ace?"
Shine was silent and re-think. However, when it is being done Shine. Suddenly the sound of the explosion on the back of the car. And the car was raised slightly and then back again at the position it should be.
"Shit! She uses bazookas."
Shine move towards to the middle part, she took a small missile that is stored there. Then, from the sunroof Shine bring up the half of her body to aim the car driven by Yang.
Boom …
The car stopped because part of her burned. While Shine and Yura back to continue their journey.
After driving for almost one and a half hours, they finally arrived in Los Angeles, a construction site remote which is built into the hiding place of the two.
They live in a building that new half-finished, and the houses of course not calculated because only the walls of the half collapsed and the windows are empty all. To prevent attacks of wandering around in there, the stairs in the first floor everything is blocked by the cement, they ride through rope ladder fell from the second floor.
Yura meet other people in the building, and among them was the biggest reason back to Los Angeles.
"Nao! Are you okay?"asked Yura.
After Shine climbs the rope ladder to the second floor, he saw Yura and Nao receive a warm welcome. Some of the young men and women surrounding them. One very beautiful girl holding Shine in one hand.
"Shine, what you remember who I am?" he asked.
The emergence of Shine immediately attracted the attention of these people. After seeing the face Shine, some men have a flash of surprise in their eyes.
"This Is Yura." Nao introduced with a smile.
"Where did you meet?" someone suddenly asked.
Then a warm and harmonious just cools instantly and people are asking this question also was silent.
"Did you find the culprit?" asked Shine.
Nao shook his head." No. Just a little information found."
"It's okay." Shine shook hands with Nao with caution.
The sixth floor is where they live. The bulkhead in the middle of the house has not yet been made, so the entire sixth floor is connected entirely except for a few of the mast. The concrete floor has not been cleaned and closed blanket or a mat that can be used.
"Is that hurt?" A middle-aged woman asked anxiously after seeing the wounds on the body of Shine and Yura.
Yura smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."
After saying that sentence, Yura looks back sitting and staring at the screen in front of her. There look there's a lot of video of persecution committed against girls in the streets. They like to choose every child to be taken and trained to become a special forces.
While Shine find out about the army human cloning just after her. Hope is not the same person while knowing that information.
"Shine, look at this," call Yura.
Shine walked towards Yura and he looks half-standing to be able to balance the body.
"Yura, the coordinates of the point that you give it just leads to Miami. There's a warehouse that looks like the cave. You guys will not believe what I see today," said the Nao.
Shine and Yura view to the screen belongs to the man. They are also quite surprised he made. How not, it turns out there is where they dig for gold and sell it illegally.
Yura looks very upset by it all. Up to Nao get a call from the head of a secret agent for starting one dangerous mission.
"Nao, don't go! You could be in danger," said Yura worry.
"I was an agent, and I've been living with danger during this time," replied Nao with a smile.
Just Nao will step out from there, Shine blocking the way. He did not allow the Nao to be separated from the wall that was made.
"Shine, you're not nobody can stop me."
"Right, I'm not anyone. But if you get out of this place with such conditions. I'm sure, five steps will make the last day you gaze at the rays of the sun."
Explanation Shine is quite reasonable, it makes Nao stopped and sat back down in his chair.