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New Period

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32 years ago, in the continent of Gaia. Tales were told and passed down generations to another about a man who brought an idea of freedom to the whole continent. He opposed the Empire because of the way they rule and created a revolution that will make great changes. He became the leader of the New Revolutionary Government that he made. He led every people in the continent to revolt against the Empire to free them from poverty, and slavery and to create a new republic government. For that, he was called of being the world's most wanted criminal rebel, Gorv The Havoc. However, after numerous defeats, he turned himself and later was arrested by the Empire. His final words that were said before he was been executed in public which drove countless men to revolt. This man made all of these events possible and changed the entire history of Gaia and the reputation of the Empire. There is no other than this man Gorv Von Dracci who had it all. Fame, wealth, and power. He who carries the title of a Kingsman and is the 1st world's most heinous bandit chief who became a rebel leader in the entire generation.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Three Brothers

The sun shone brilliantly and trees swayed gently in the breeze. Ponds glittered invitingly and birds chirping in harmony. Somewhere in the continent of Gaia.

" ouch!! "

Jack fell in the ground.

" come on Jack, get up. We haven't even gotten to the good part yet and you're laying down already "

" oh Jack, do you really want to be part of the Empire? i mean look at you. The fight didn't even at least last longer than 10 minutes " *said George*

" uhm, Jack? was that punch...too much? " *said Ivan*

They all laughed except Jack who was sitting in the ground.

" i'm trying my best guys but...he's way too strong and taller than me. There's no way i can beat him " *said Jack*

" we've been practicing this for weeks and yet you haven't gotten any experience from this *sighs* " *said George as he shake his head in disappointment*

" well...cheer up Jack!! i know someday you'll be able to defeat Ivan properly " *said George as he smile widely*

While they were talking, a woman dressed in a nun outfit appeared and shouted at them.

" boys!! come inside, it's getting darker "

Their conversation stopped and they all replied simultaneously.

" okay!! " *they all replied*

" come on Jack, get up " *said Ivan as he extended his hands to Jack*

" hmm "

So, my name is Jack. I'm a 11 years old boy and i'm now living at the orphanage that was run by the churches of the Empire. I have no any idea how i came here nor my parent's names and faces, i think i lost half of my memories. The only thing i remember back then was when i woke up i was surrounded by the nuns. I once tried asking them but they kept on ignoring me until i gave up. They were too hard and begging isn't working though. Sooner i started to forget all the questions in my mind and accepted this reality that i experienced when Ivan, George, and i started to know each other and get along pretty well in the past years.

" go to the table and have a seat, i will prepare a dinner for all of us in a moment "

" yes Sister!! " *they all replied*

Ivan and George approached Jack as their faces were covered in enjoyment, one of them said.

" hey Jack, where do you want to take a sit? " *Ivan asked*

" hmm, i don't really know. The rest of the seats are occupied, i guess i'll just follow the both of you wherever you'll take a sit " *said Jack*

We've been friends ever since we lived here. Me, Ivan, and Goerge. Although we aren't related by blood, we treated and act like a real brothers to each other. They both also don't know much about their parent's or what happened to them back then.

But still, even though we don't know our parents, we are contented and happy enough to be with them. Ivan is the eldest among the three of us, he's already 13 years old while George is 12 years old. This makes me the youngest among them. *sighs*

After a while, Jack found an available seat and proceed to sit there along with Ivan and George.


" boys quite and behave!! i'm already finished. Tell Joma to get the plates!! and also, Trix go get the spoons!! make sure they're clean "

The nun was walking, back to the kitchen as she carry a pot. The two girls replied to her simultaneously.

" okay Sister!! " *they both replied*

" oi Jack "

Ivan was grinning as he turned his attention to Jack. Jack was surprised so he ignored him. George suppressed his laugh, he knows what Ivan was going to do. Ivan picked a cup of water to drink and started asking some random questions to Jack.

" Trix is pretty, isn't it? " *said Ivan*

" hmm, i guess " *said Jack as his eyebrows drew together*

" do you like her? " *said Ivan as he smirked*

" pftt, no way!! " *Jack laughed*

" i see " *said Ivan as he looked inside a cup of water*

While Ivan was drinking, Jack suddenly think of something and said it to him in straightforward without hesitating.

" why do you ask? do you like her? " *said Jack as he raised his right eyebrow*

Ivan suddenly spurts the water he was drinking and George burst his laughter out loud after he witnessed his friend, Ivan blushing and getting embarrassed for a moment. Ivan suddenly stood up and stared at Jack widely as he blushed in embarrassment.

" wh-what nonsense are you saying!?? "

( wh-what!? do i her!?? what's happening to me all of a sudden... )

" so do you like her hehe " *Jack smirked*

" hmp!! o-of course n-not, yo-you idiot!! "

" hey Trix!! Iv- " *Said Jack*

Jack was about to call her when Ivan suddey covered his mouth with his both hands.

" !!?? "

Ivan covered Jack's mouth with his two hands as Jack struggled to remove the hands from his mouth. Soon Trix turned around, raised her eyebrow, and said to them with confusion.

" huh? did someone called my name? "

The rest of the boys including George pointed at Jack and Ivan. When she noticed, Trix approached and asked them.

" hmm? may i help you? " *said Trix*

" mmmmmmmmm!! "

" ah no no, he uhmm. It's just a misunderstanding, don't mind us miss Trix " *Ivan replied*

" ah o-okay. By the way, you should remove your hands already. I think Jack is suffocating from it "

" huh? really? wait, ah there you go, sorry Jack hehe " *said Ivan as he giggled*

Ivan immediately removed his hands away from Jack. He had no any idea that Jack began to struggle his breathing the way he covered Karl's mouth. He didn't noticed it. He was too focused on Trix's appearance.

" jeez Ivan!! i almost got out of breath because of you " *said Jack*

" hehe, sorry Jack " *said Ivan as he giggled*

" dinner is here!! " *said the nun as she smile*


The nun hit the iron pan with a large wooden spoon 4 times. Soon the nun went to the table as she pushes a cart with full of foods, rice, and vegetables. Joma was also finished cleaning the plates and had started distributing to them.

" yehey vegetables!! " *said Jervon*

" wait, did u all already finish washing your hands? " *said the nun*

" uhh... " *said Benjamin*

" Trix, go get the paddle " *said the nun with her eyes glaring intensely at them*

" oh no guys, hurry!! " *said Ivan*

After the peaceful dinner, they all went to their respective bedrooms including Trix and Joma to accompany their nun since only Trix and Joma are the females in the orphanage. After a while, the nun decided to read a book for them.

" Joma, go get the careful "

" yes Sister "

" Trix, make sure to lock all the windows. Also don't forget the door downstairs to check " *said the nun*

The boys have no any idea what was happening. Some of them are beginning to get scared assuming that something bad might happen. Some are just chilling and not minding them. Jack, Ivan, and George were sitting near their bed as they clutched their bed sheets and their sweats had started to drop from their heads. When Joma arrived all of them immediately move near their Sister.

" this is the book, right Sister? "

" yes, thank you "

" i am also done, Sister "

" thanks girls "

After their Sister turned around to them, along with the two girls. They saw those boys cower from fear. Their Sister found it funny to see them like this so the three of them decided to suppress their laughs.

" ehem!! "

Their conscious returned immediately.

" okay boys are you all ready for the story that i will read? "

" y-yes Sister!! " *they all answered back*

" shh!! don't shout "

" s-sorry Sister!! "

" oh my " *sighs*

After a while, their Sister began reading a book to them.

Once, there was a man who saved our country from the Kalmari. Some said that he's a Hero who descended from heaven. Others said that he's a Hero who our God, Yawhi chose to protect our Kingdom. The Kalmari that came from the Norce Realm that up until today this generation they are still active, roaming everywhere and especially everynight. They hunt down people or whatever human race you are as long as it keeps them away from hunger.

This man defended our country along with his soldiers and trusted subordinates to repel the invading Kalmaris. After numerous battles, that long night, our country the Waxon Kingdom emerge victorious. We were able to repel those vicious Kalmaris.

" uhm, Sister? "

One of the kids raised his right hand and asked to her.

" yes? "

" who was this man that we are talking to? is he our hero? "

" yes Sister, i was about to ask the same question " *one of them added*

" i don't know, his name wasn't wrote in the book and it didn't gave more details on him "

The Sister continued to read.

The remaining Kalmaris retreated and went back to the Realm of Norce, some fled somewhere in northern continent of Gaia. For this problem, the King decided to create the " Kalmarisii " a system in every guild where adventurer can take quest in exchange for ZoL provided by the civilians who made request. The " Kalmarisii " became popular and well known in only a week for its high income supported by the Kingdom.

After those events, months later, the kingdom panicked after knowing the Empire was marching towards their nation without a declaration. War broke out, the Waxon Kingdom met the Empire's force in the plains of Juanco and fought to defend their territory however, they couldn't stop them. The Empire's force was invincible.

Many of the Kingdom's warriors died in the hands of the Empire and was arrested for the crime they committed. The king who ruled their kingdom were exiled to the island of Inka by the orders of the five Supreme Leaders of the Empire. After their exiled, they were replaced by the officials and nobles of the Empire.

The man who leads the war was arrested and later on, executed by shooting him in a public place near the kingdom's capital of Waxon, along with his trusted subordinates. Cries and Screams of their people were heard across the streets after witnessing their deaths. " Freedom!! " were their last words before the execution.


" Sister "

Jack suddenly raised his right hand with a solemn look. He interrupted.

" what is it? " *said the nun*

" does it have a happy ending?? "

" maybe, soon. We will wait for that miracle to happen someday " *said the nun as she smile*

" huh? " *Jack's eyebrows drew together in confusion*

" so that's it for today. Joma turn off the lamp "

*knock knock*

" huh?...strange for someone to visit at this hour in the orphanage "

*knock knock*

An abrupt loud knock appeared downstairs. Without a second thought, she told them immediately in a quiet way.

" Joma and Trix, you both stay here " *said the nun*

" hmm " *they both nodded*

" boys, don't even make a single noise, got it? "

" yes Sister... " *they all answered quietly*

As she was going down, she felt nervous and scared. It was her first time encountering someone who visited their place except for the Imperial Army of the Empire. Though she feels worried, she had still decided to go downstairs by herself to check it.

" will we be alright George? " *Jack asked*

" don't worry Jack, we're so many here. They won't stand a chance against us " *said George as he giggled*


( The Sister's POV )

( I am feeling nervous as my heartbeat became faster. I don't know what will happen if i open this door right infront of me, i feel anxious and my hands are trembling from fear )

*knock knock*

( Could it be, a Kalmari? )

" oi is there anyone in here!? open this damn door!! "

( An abnormal Kalmari!? )

*knock knock*

( No wait, i must be overthinking. I should just calm myself ) *deep sighs*

*knock knock*

" who is this? "

" we are the Imperial Army!! we request to open this door immediately!! "

( End of POV )


After she opened the door, she saw two Imperial Soldiers carrying a lamp along with their musket guns on their back. She rather became so nervous. So many awful what if thoughts ran through her mind that caused him to sweat continuously and made her spaced out for a moment.

" oi miss " *said one of the Imperial Soldier*

" h-huh o-oh yes, sir what brings you here in the orphanage? " *said the nun as she gave a half-smile*

" we got a report that there was a Kalmari near the orphanage roaming around here so we were ordered to patrol this area until morning "

" Kalmari? i didn't know there were Kalmaris in this area. May i ask where did you get the report? "

" from the Empire's HQ. Someone made a report and paid us. Unfortunately, we didn't get his name. He suddenly vanished out of nowhere when we followed him. "

" how many are you? "

" we are a total of six Imperial Soldiers. Five Imperial Troopers and including one Imperial Captain. They are still in the forest investigating the surroundings "

" hmm i see, becareful on your way. May God, Yawhi bless you a divine protection from the Kalmari "

As soon as she was about to close the door, she was stopped when one of the Imperial Soldier blocked his hands in the door. This made her more nervous and anxious.

" !!?? "

" i'm sorry miss but can we go inside to rest for a while? i'm sure you'll get scared if we leave this area unguarded " *said the Imperial Soldier as he grinned*

The two Imperial Soldier glanced from up and down at her. She can feel their lust flowing as she sees their eyes. It frightened her for a moment and sweats ran down. All she feels is nothing but fear right infront of her.

" i'm sorry but, you have to leave please "

Suddenly one of them grabbed both of her hands and the other one pulled a piece of cloth from his pocket and was about to tie her feet.

" hya!! let me go!! urgh!! " *said the nun as she keeps struggling to escape*

" HAHAHA " *they both laughed*

" help!! "

She kept struggling and shouting until she was punched into her stomach by one of the Imperial Soldiers.

" ahh... "

The punch was strong that it caused her to weaken her body and unable to resist but can still shout softly.

" "


" G-George...wh-what's happening down there? is Sister o-okay? " *said Jack with a worried looks*

" G-George? "

George was in deep thoughts, he was spacing and jack doesn't know whatever he was thinking. So he decided punch him in his head to make him listen.

" hey George!! "

Jack punched George's head so strong that he came back to his senses.

" ouch!! Jack, what the h*ll "

" i want to check what's happening down there "

" but's dangerous "

" where all the confidence you had earlier? did it perhaps disappear because you're scared? "

George put both his hands on Jack's shoulder and stared at him closely.

"'s the Empire we are talking "

Jack gulped for a second and he glared back at him. He was hesitant at first but in the end, he had still decided and immediately went downstairs.

" this is very troublesome " *sighs*


Jack was downstairs and he was searching for their Sister. He had no any idea where did she go so he wonder as he walk.

" huhu "


" hmm? "

Jack heard a crying voice coming in that room. The moment he heard a voice, he recognized from who it was and thought that it was their Sister because of the familiar voice. He wonder why their Sister is crying so he decided to peek.

" huh? "

" no!! please don't pull my clothes nooOo!! Mmmmmbbbmm "

The Imperial Soldier put a piece of cloth in her mouth forcefully.

" !!?? "

Jack saw their Sister laying down on the table. Her hands and feet were tied up. Jack's heartbeat suddenly went faster, he became so nervous. He had no any idea what's happening. He wants to help but he felt scared. It was as if something was preventing him.

" S-Sister? "

" huh? is someone in there? "

Jack immediately hid after unexpectedly letting out a word.

" that's just your imagination "

" i swear i heard a voice earlier "

Jack feels nervous and afraid. He couldn't think clearly and was panicking so he first made himself calm.

" what do i do? "

" damn think of something "

Jack suddenly remembered the paddle earlier and decided to use it as a weapon.

" ah...i must hurry "

The Imperial Soldier was kissing her foot as the other one is busy groping her chest.

" man, this is a fine body " *smooch*

" both of these are bigger than my wife "


She couldn't resist because she was out of strength. All she can do was to cry, hoping that someone will help. However, it was useless. Her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth and her voice is almost fading after she received a beating earlier.


Karl finally found the paddle and already started sneaking carefully. He made sure that they will not hear any footsteps of his. His heartbeat became faster as he comes closer to them.

When he was near, he finally can hear their voices. He decided to peek, and there he saw her sister faintly.

" tsk "

While they were busy. He immediately run inside, then jump, and swing the paddle to the Imperial Soldiers head at his back.


" ahh!!... "

With only one hit, the Imperial Soldier was instantly knocked down due to the strong force applied by swinging the paddle.

" oi brat!! what did you do!!? "

" J-Jack?... "

" Sister "

The other Imperial Soldier immediately grabbed his musket gun and aimed at him.

" drop that wood brat and lift your hands in the air or else. I'll shoot you in the head "

" !!?? "

Jack didn't dare to move as he was told to. He remembered how dangerous that weapon was. It can kill him with only a single shot. So he dropped the paddle immediately without hesitation.

" that's it, what a good boy you are "

The Imperial Soldier slowly approached Jack as he hold the rope. He probably was going to tie him up and cover his mouth. Jack thought to him.

" tsk "

" hehe "

While he was approaching, the Imperial Soldier had no idea the woman on his back already began to untie the rope carefully near her hands. She wants to help Jack escape away from this, so she continued untying herself faster.

" huh? "

The Imperial Soldier noticed something so he turn around at her while he still aimed the musket gun at Jack.

" what are you doing!? "

" eecckk!!?? "

When he turned himself to her. Jack suddenly created an opportunity and picked the paddle immediately. He swung again the paddle to him with all of his force.

" hyaa!! "

" he-hey!! "

The Imperial Soldier was able to blocked the paddle using his musket gun. He immediately kick Jack away from him with his left foot.

" ugh!!... "

The Imperial Soldier soon aimed at him and he started to shot him.


" aaahhh!! " *Jack screamed*

" kya!! Jack!! " *she shouted*

Jack was hit in his shoulder. He had no time to avoid and even if he does, he wouldn't be able to avoid those. It was so fast and loud.

" i-it hu-hurts... " *said Jack as he suddenly sit strained in the floor*

" HAHAHA " *he laughed*

The Imperial Soldier laugh as he was still aiming the musket gun at him. Jack's tears began to fall and blood spread on his shoulder and clothes, it became red.

" any last words? this is a punishment for being a stubborn boy heh "


Jack only gave a cold glare at him as his teeth gritted from anger.

" hoh? how cold. Well you better say goodbye already to your dear nun "

Jack closed his eyes as the Imperial Soldier aimed the musket gun at him. When he was about to pull the trigger, someone interrupted and it was his brothers and sisters, they were jumping and running down.

" hyaa!! "

" eh!!?? "

" huh? "

When the Imperial Solder turned around, he suddenly met a pan on his face.


Applying with a strong force to the Pan and hit him to his face.

" I-Ivan? " *said Jack as he was laying down in the floor*

" yooOo-huh? *

Ivan saw his brother in a weak condition. His eyes widened when he saw blood on his shoulder and this made him worried so he immediately approached Jack to check him.

" Jack what happened to you!? "

" hurts "

The blood keeps on coming out of his shoulder slowly. He became worried to him. He was glad that it was only his shoulder were hit.

" damn it, George go get me a piece of cloth or a handkerchief and Benjamin go get me a Mariosa Herb inside the cabinet, hurry!! "

" aye!! "

The two immediately respond without asking. They both saw their friend covered in blood in a weak condition. They can't help but feel sorry for him.

" Si-Sister? "

" Joma...?? "

The girls saw their Sister laying on the table, half naked and fainting. Trix noticed some of the boys are peeking. She became mad so she punish whoever was peeking.

" hey you!! stop looking!! " *said Trix with an angry looks*

" eh? "

The boys ran away from her and Joma immediately covered their Sister with a fabric. Joma started to untie her as Trix decided to get some clothes for her.

" ahh...wh-what happ-ened? "

One of the Imperial Soldier that Jack knocked down first earlier has started to get awake. They all noticed him.

" ?!?? "

Jack and the rest of them saw the Imperial Soldier getting up slowly. They all became aware and nervous for a moment.

" wh-what? " *said Benjamin*

" shh!!! "

" grab the musket guns and be prepared. If he gets awake, beat him again. You two, Calix and Yumiko, guard the girls " *said Ivan with a serious looks*

They all nodded except Jack, and immediately picked the musket guns.

Soon, the Imperial Soldier's senses started to cameback and he saw them standing right infront of him.

" h-huh yo-you...wh-where is my...companion? what happened!!?? what di-did you do!? "

When he tried to pick up the musket gun, he noticed that it wasn't by his side anymore. The Imperial Soldier thought that the musket gun was beside him however, he saw that it was already in their hands.

" you!! "

" hehe " *they all smirked*

The Imperial Soldier suddenly run to them as he glared furiously and his teeth gritted.

" waahhh!!! run!!! " *said Jervon*

The Imperial Soldier clenched his hand and punch one of the kids without hesitating.

" uhh!!... "

" Jervon!! " *said Benjamin*

Benjamin was enraged after what he did to Jervon and then immediately run towards him as he holds the pan. After, he swing the pan he was holding at him.

" hyaa!!! "

" !?? "


The Imperial Soldier instantly evaded the incoming pan and then he whirled his whole body then used his incoming right foot to kick Benjamin in his stomach.

" uhh!! "

" ah!!?? "

Suddenly 2 boys jumped and gripped his neck. He was struggling and he keeps on removing those hands from his neck.

" aaahhh!!! "

Ivan then run and punch the Imperial Soldier in his stomach.

" ugh... "

After the punch, he immediately kick him again in his stomach two times.

" agghhh.... "

When Ivan was about to kick him again. The Imperial Trooper immediately reacted and pulled Ivan's foot.

" nnngghhh!!?? "

Ivan fell to the floor and the Imperial Soldier keeps punching his face while the

two boys are still gripping him. Ivan received another punch in his cheeks.

" a-ah... "

While the four of them are fighting and struggling, Suddenly.


A loud gunshot echoed inside their house that caused all of them to stop.

" !!?? "

" kyaa!! "

Their attention turned to a man standing and wearing a black coat as he hold a flintlock pointing above along with other Imperial Soldiers behind his back.

" enough!! " *he shouted*

The Imperial Soldier's eyes widened when he saw his superior standing intimidating.

" C-Captain!?? "

~ End Of Chapter 1 ~