Five years. I wasted five years of my life in a damn cell! The reason ? For a crime I didn't even commit!
I will always remember that day, that day that changed my life so much. It was my wedding, I was so happy, but someone had to ruin this wonderful time in my life that only lasted a few minutes.
The lifeless body of my sister-in-law, Paulina, will forever be etched in my memory. She was so sweet and kind. So why kill her? Why kill such an innocent girl?
I was devastated after discovering her lifeless body in my room lying on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Everywhere.
But what hurt me the most was that everyone I trusted didn't hesitate to point fingers and call me a murderer. I was devastated. My parents disowned me, my friends turned their backs on me, and my fiancé spat hurtful words in my face that I will never forget. Words that pierced my heart. Words that finished me off.
I also remember the surprise I wanted to surprise him and my family and friends. However, I lost it after Leo hit me hard.
A tear rolled down my cheek thinking back to that night. I had lost everything. All. I was so naive at the time that I didn't see it coming. But all that is over! Yes, it's over! I spent five years of my life surviving in the hell they call prison. I was beaten by many prisoners day and night. And thanks to that, I became stronger! Stronger than I've ever been!
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