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Our Other Mate

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Chapter 1 - Our Other Mate: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Ella's POV

"Stop fidgeting!"

My mother always had a way of making me stay still when my hair was getting made up, always to my annoyance. Large auburn curls dropped over my face as the hairstylist continued. I am glad they did, that way no one could see the sour look on my face. Today was the worst day of my life I thought to myself. Today I was to be married, not by my own choice but at the behest of my parents.

Normally lycans are allowed to wait for their true mate unfortunately I had already met mine. When I was 18, I met Paul, a werewolf soldier in my Fathers guard. We loved each other so much and planned to be married as soon as possible but he was killed in the line of duty. He saved my Father and Sisters' life when the Silver Spears invaded our kingdom.

After his death I was numb, I couldn't sleep, or eat and at the time it felt like I couldn't even breathe. My parents did whatever they could to console me but for years I was just numb to everything. On the eve of my 23rd birthday, my father took me into his office. His blue eyes twinkled at me as he offered me a seat and as I sat he joined me on the beautiful cream-colored couch my mother had picked out for the space.

" I know you still grieve my dear, but life without a mate will drive you mad. Your mother and I have had to think about this a long time after Paul died and we wanted to give you time. As you know I just got back from holiday with your Mother in Dashpoint", he looks at me as if expecting me to react.

He reclined on the couch next me to, his large hand going over the top of mine.

"Well, you see the Duke of Dashpointe is very ill and his only living heir Merrick Saint-James needs a mate."

In a flash, I could feel my face get red with anger. "Your point?!" I ask although I know what he was driving at.

He flashed a quick smile at me just the way he did when he had something to tell me he knew I wasn't going to like.

" Now listen my love, I know this isn't what you wanted but he can provide you a home and protection. He may not be your true mate but at least your life will have more meaning than sitting by the fire waiting for someone who will never be there. In 6 months, you are to be married, you have greaved long enough."

My jaw drops, and I can't believe that my father is willing to do this to me. Not a care at all for my feelings, just that I will be safe and provided for.

"This isn't fair to me or Merrick! I had my shot at true love and just because he is ...dead", I Croke.

Tears begin to fill my eyes but I continue " ..doesn't me I am going to marry someone else because I need protection. I love Paul and I will be dead before I let another man touch me!" I slam the chair behind me and run to my room as my Father shouts my name.

I felt disgusted that my parent would ever make such a deal without even talking to me. I closed the door to my chamber and locked the door behind me. I was done talking to anyone for the day. I lay on my bed and thought of Paul. My arms were around the shirt Paul left in my room the night he died. Tears stream down my face as I close my eyes and try to escape this nightmare.

"Ella! Are you asleep? Today is supposed to be the happiest day of your life and you are asleep!" I look up to see my mother pinching the bridge of her nose.

We only have a few hours before the wedding starts and I need you to be refreshed so if you need to take a nap dear, please do it now. I stumble over to the daybed in the corner of the room. My curls bounced in every direction. As I lay down I feel the stare of my mother's green eyes like daggers in my back. I could smell the worry coming from her and knew any moment I was going to get the foot tap of death.

"What is it?" I say, not looking back to see the look she is giving me.

"Honey, I know this is not what you would have chosen but it's what's best for the Lycan kingdom. Without this alliance, the Silver Spears will destroy our kingdom and all of the packs within its safety. "

"That is the only reason I am agreeing to marry someone I have never met. So someone out there doesn't lose their true mate as I did with Paul!", I exclaim.

I hear the harshness in my voice as I yell at my mother, I don't want to yell I am just upset I couldn't at least meet the man I am to marry.

"I know dearest, but you will love him! He is very sweet and caring and was very happy to make this arrangement. After the death of his mate...., well you know how it feels my dear. In the end, you will find that true mate or not love can still thrive." She tells me

I closed my eyes at that word "Love". It means nothing to me now, love died when Paul did and there was nothing that this Merrick could do to change that, nothing anyone could do. An hour flew by as I glanced out of the window watching the clouds pass and the raindrops hitting the glass. Almost as if to count down the last few moments that I had of freedom. I say a small prayer for Paul and stand up to finish the process of getting ready.

My parents had spared no expense on my dress and the other accessories. From the beautiful lace on the back of the gown to the long train with embroidered lilies. It was honestly beautiful and had this been a different occasion, I would have been happy to wear it. My older sister, Grace, steps in and she starts to cry. Grace had always been the more beautiful of the two of us. She was tall and slender as opposed to my short thick build. I had wide hips and a full bust, long auburn hair, and blue eyes like my father.

"Oh Ella, you look so beautiful!" I turn to look in the mirror and I have to say I did look pretty good. My long red curls bounced from the updo that the hairstylist had chosen and the dress fit like it was made just for me. It hugged my hips and my butt so well, that I could've sworn it was sewed on me.

Grace kissed me on the top of my head and let out a little giggle. " I bet the Duke is going to love this dress on you", she giggles.

The door suddenly swings open and my bother in law saunters in. "Damn Ella, If I wasn't already mated with your sister." he teased.

Grace quickly shot him a cold stare and he straightened up. Matthew was a goof and the perfect counterpart to my sister's seriousness. Thank the goddess that true mates are a thing or I doubt they would have ever found each other. Matt gave Grace a quick kiss and nuzzles into her neck and it's almost as if she melts. I remember that feeling. Tears threaten to leave my eyes as I blot them away with a tissue.

"So, I was just told that it was time and they are ready for you, Ella," Matt says as he leans over offering his arm. I take it reluctantly and we start to make out way to the cathedral. I feel like I am walking on death row and in the end, I come out as the Duchess of Dashpointe.