Leaning forward against the wall I continued to hurl the food I'd forced down my throat moments earlier. All day I'd wandered the civillian grounds in a stupor, to be harshly reminded by System I was starving the foetus of nutrients by not eating.
"Han, there you are," Will jogged up to me, instantly pulling my hair out my face as I wretched again, struggling to bring up the last of the bile.
"I thought your morning sickness was over?" he chuckled awkwardly, stroking my back, "Ivy's barely lasted two weeks."
Wiping my mouth on my sleeve I struggled to stand up straight, feeling his hands firmly holding me up. Without his grip, I'd fall to the ground. My knees were weak and trembling.
"That bad?" He lifted me up like a child, making me wrap my arms and legs around him and use his shoulder as a pillow. "Get some sleep, I'll get you to bed."
I jerked and whimpered at the idea of going back into bed with that weird version of Alex.