"Anika wake up, we're gonna be late" I hear series of yelling above my head... Well funny enough, I'm the Anika, the one on the receiving end of my twin sister's yelling. Don't get me wrong I'm a good child, a nearly perfect one but today my twinnie Anita has to win a bet so I have to wake up even though it's nearly dawn...
" I'm up quit yelling" I say in a half annoyed, half sleepy voice.
"Move it, chop chop!" Anika says as I feel my body living the bed and landing on our soft carpet
'Umph' that the literal sound my body makes at it collides with the ground
"What the heck, man" I groan in annoyance "I clearly said I was up"
"Good morning sweet sister, now hurry I can't lose 10 dollars not today" Anita says as she nudges me towards the bathroom
I hurry in and in approximately 15 minutes I'm out but a lot of shouting and cursing from my sister.
I try suppressing my laughter because it feels so nice switching roles, I'm usually the one yelling for to wake up but now it's different, perhaps new year, new happenings.