Chapter 75 - 75.

going back to 1 hour before ren enters the warehouse, i.e. in the time that amerie was able to leave.

She immediately went with her friends, when the others saw Amerie enter most calmly, being surprised was little.

Ren had asked Amerie for a day, but she didn't plan to leave Ren for just one more day in that place.

with the others she report what happened, it can be said that Kiriko was quite indignant, as were the girls.

That this is done in his country by some marquises, and that his friends have been captured and starved for days, was an insult to his sense of justice.

Kiriko's group was planning to get support to attack that place and free the slaves.

as they were about to call for support from the duchess, Akane appeared.

not alone, her sister had permitted them to move the branch members of her guild.

all the adventurers gathered near the entrance for the assault after 30 minutes.

Since Ren's map was accurate, it was not difficult to find the place.

after all in the Kitamura territory, there were a lot of mines as it was the main weapons manufacturing territory.

they waited for the hero's signal to enter.

Kiriko looked at his tattoo, the messenger of the goddess says that the sword of salvation will appear with the will of a king, but Kiriko did not feel ready yet.

Although his sword was a good weapon, he wanted to go as prepared as possible, since his new sword will give him some advantages in the fight.

Kumiko appeared at his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

When Kiriko saw her, she felt that his heart was moved and she gave him a kiss.

the other adventurers just ignored them, they were focused on a mission that their leader gave them through a video call.

- Find this guy.

rose showed an image of ren in the video.

- If I see this boy hurt, they can say goodbye to their careers.

all the adventurers had sweat on their foreheads, that their leader cared about someone other than her sister, it was life and death for them, especially when the sister would also participate in the operation.

Once the warning was given, everyone moved quickly.

that the slave trade of elves and humans be made in this land, despite having the peace treaty in a bind, was reason enough to eliminate everyone.

Kiriko participated as well, as did Kelly and Aiko.

Amerie was sent by her mother to save the elves.

Kara and Kuroka couldn't come because they didn't want to, it was because they couldn't.

Her parents called and forbade them to go to that massacre.

the reason why Aiko was going was that her mother ordered it.

Blanca is a very kind woman, although she was against racial discrimination, she was even more against her son-in-law being a slave.

If it wasn't for the fact that it would be a national issue, she would send Abadon to save Ren.

and Abadon couldn't refuse, he doesn't want another one of those friendly chats with his wife.

Kelly had support from Kiyoshi, in these weeks she was working with Kevin, and the geniuses of the Scarlett house, for a gift for Ren.

They were getting tired of the bastard disappearing on more than one occasion.

rose, in particular, had prayed to the goddess so that ren would be struck by lightning and die at once so that her sister would aim at something impossible and give up instead of going after the humans who hurt ren.

rose then thought about it, and was imagining her sister with her desire to rebel against the church if ren dies, that's why she declined her prayer and only had to resist the desire to hit ren for having ren's sister she anxious.

However, Kelly had the gift ready for her sensei, she hoped to find it and give it to her.

the entrance was something similar to a cave that led to an endless number of different paths.

They all took different routes.

Kiriko, Amerie, and Kumiko took a different route, they went to save the slaves.

Akane, Kelly, and Aiko went with another group looking for Ren.

The soldiers who worked for the marquises were getting desperate.

Since Ren had told the slaves the escape plan, the signal was supposed to be for Ren to be taken to punishment.

Ren had a nice plan already done, which was to have him locked up with Alpha in that icy cell where Ren had the upper hand and the others cause trouble.

Only he didn't trust the slaves too much, that's why he told them that the day Ren gets punished, that will be the signal to cause chaos.

Once Ren was taken with Indis, the riots began.

Using the rumors raised among the guards that Alpha was going to escape.

The guards at first did not believe, since Alpha here was like a king and that he wishes to go outside where they would possibly kill him for rebelling.

But the proof was obtained by a guard.

They had searched the black wolf cell.

Alpha was confident that they would find nothing.

But the guard who entered the cell smiled at Alpha.

Alpha seemed strange to him, his instincts screamed at him not to let him in.

It hurts that he couldn't because they had him pinned down.

After a while, the guard came out with a sack full of weapons and explosives.

When the other guards saw that, they were about to take Alpha to the torture room to show her where he was.

But it was an explosion that distracted them for a moment.

Alpha took advantage of that moment to remove the keys from the guard's handcuffs and open his chains.

He quickly killed the surrounding guards.

Even the clone guard, when he saw that instead of killing him went up in smoke.

He knew they used him, he quickly called his people to escape.

Using the extortion map he got earlier, he was going to escape from this damn maze all the bears followed him.

Luckily for him, the guard had left the door open that led to the corridors.

While Alpha and his group, in addition to the bears ran down the path used by the guards.

The cats, elves, and silver wolves used another route.

A guard opened a door for them, which was the real exit.

The exit Alpha used was the hallway to the cafeteria where all the guards were.

While the cats would use the door of the nobles to rooms that nobles would use to enjoy the slaves.

In one room, they found one of the marquesses holding an already cold slave.

When they were about to kill this disgusting human, the leader of the cats asked that they better take him, he explained that he might know useful information for ren.

The others, when they heard Ren's name, agreed.

They continued down the halls and came to a stairwell.

That I take them back inside an abandoned building, but in good condition.

When they thought about how they could escape from this place...

Buses arrived, with people from the Holland house.

The head cat recognized the man as a butler, but he knew he was another of Ren's clones because of the blue ring on his finger.

He decided to go with them, they moved everyone into the buses.

Once inside, the exterior of the bus changed color, now instead of wolves and cats looking through the windows.

Children were seen as on an excursion.

Once they left, the clone turned off the illusion orb and walked at a leisurely pace towards the abandoned branch.

He was going to blow this place up, though he couldn't have the whole cover covered about these slaves, he would give his king's allies time to use countermeasures.




Returning with Alpha and all his people, they came to a large open room.

It was the cafeteria, the bad thing is that almost all the guards of the place were there, when the men of the beast race are captured, they usually send personnel from rank B, and to small towns, they usually send from rank D.

Since they no longer had the limiters or the chains, they were able to fight

one would think that ren killed rank b men being a rank d?

Well, no.

The high officials did not approach the slaves.

only the weakest and the newest.

Alpha rebelled his fangs at his captors, it was going to be a bloody battle.




Meanwhile, Kiriko and the others arrived at the cells, many were already empty, there was one at the end where the humans were inside.

Although ren gave the humans food, he gave them much less than the cats and elves.

Ren left a message marked on the elves' wall that only Amerie could understand since it was in their language.

she said




Is it so


Ren had left the humans out of the buses, after all, he knew that these people would be saved, he took the demihumans aside because the problem of discrimination would be annoying, and he hoped to secretly take them to an island.

How do I send a message?

Simple, I use one of the guards to pretend that he was going to his rest day and once outside I send an encrypted message to Kiyoshi to get him transportation in a few days, when amerie was leaving here, from amerie's phone another message was sent so you have everything ready.

Luckily, Kiyoshi already had everything ready.

He had companies in the former Duke Holland's Kitamura territory, although they were closed, he could use them to hide the slaves for a few days.

Back with Akane.

They ran through the corridors looking for Ren.

As ren only made the map for the escape of the slaves, he didn't think about the rest and so now they were lost.

On the way, they heard piercing screams.

Especially humans, they ran to the place and found Alpha's group.

They saw alpha finishing off the last guard with a bite to the neck and many other bears and wolves who had already finished off the other guards but were wounded as well.

While alpha smiled with a bloody mouth.

She saw a group coming, led by 3 girls.

2 girls had their eyes covered, one for being a minor, and the other because he was very innocent.

Alpha spat out the windpipe that was in his mouth and stood his ground for the next fight.

But Akane was going to ignore this group of demihumans.

until he saw something that made him open his eyes.

Ren used to use curious things, sometimes he tasted likes.

And after leaving the church, Ren bought a necklace that had the church symbol of the goddess on it.

He was trying to communicate with Gabriel, he missed having talked (kissed) with her.

But the angel who wrote down the petitions in heaven, seeing Ren's impure mind, did not give the letter to Gabriel.

Ren stopped wearing the necklace after a few days, but she didn't throw it away.

She left it lying somewhere in her room.

And it was the same necklace that Alpha used, that he stole from the human who wanted something with his future conquest.

Ren had given it to Paula, who was a great believer, but Alpha, as a way to annoy Ren, took it from Paula.

Who knew that would bite his ass today when the redheaded human said.

- That must be the wolf that Amerie told us about.

The 2 girls at Akane's sides sharpened their senses, although they had blindfolds on, strangely their heads pointed at the wolf.

Alpha snorted.

- Do you think you can beat me?

Akane smiled coldly and answered.

"Who says I'll do it?

Akane stepped back, making way for the second in command of her sister's guild.

the handsome purple-haired boy sighed as he drew his sword.

Alpha got up and called to the other demihumans who were finishing the job with the guards.

My second-in-command friend called his people the same.

And they started to fight.

30 minutes later.

You could see everyone massacred, this sight didn't affect Akane, but they had to move Aiko from the place as well as Kelly.

Although this sight wouldn't upset any of those 3 girls, they followed the guild members' directions.

By the way now Alpha was in the cafeteria, in a room where he could be seen in a chair.

Him being tortured by Akane.

That's right, being tortured by Akane.

It seems that this girl was already a bit crazy to come on this mission, next to a guild member, she wanted to be like a sensei and learn how to make a friendly chat like him.

But she knew Ren wouldn't teach her, even Ren had her limits to teach.

That's why Akane decided to learn a little so that Ren would have less resistance to teaching her later.

she had made alpha talk, but alpha didn't know she wanted this human.

She didn't ask either, she just experimented.

When they thought that was enough, Akane grabbed Alpha's bloodied body and said a few words to her as she had her dagger pointed at her neck.

"Locate the owner of this necklace and he may let you live.

Alpha who had already developed a fear of this girl, did as she was asked.

And he with her sense of smell located Ren.

On the way, Kelly and Aiko also followed them.

Seeing a bleeding wound on Alpha, Aiko offered to close the wound to prevent her from bleeding out.

Aiko shot concentrated fire at him to close the wound.

Which earned a piercing scream from Alpha.

Alpha watched as the angel-faced girl blinked a few times before smiling innocently.

- Wow, it seems that you have another wound here, I should close it.

- agh!!!.

In the corridors, the members of rose's clan only heard the piercing screams.

They purposely ignored those screams, they didn't even want to imagine what would happen to them if they interrupted those girls, they didn't want to face the wrath of them and their families.

When they reached Ren's door, Akane was happy.

But when Kelly opened the door and the first thing she saw was her sensei hugging an elf.

Without meaning to, Akane plunged her dagger into Alpha's neck.

Alpha the last thing he saw was her future conquest, well, former future conquest in the arms of another man while he was dying.

Indis saw how 1 girl was holding the bleeding and now dead body of the guy who harassed her for years.

but Indis looked at the way those girls used it, she saw the body of the alpha totally with wounds, many of them cauterized with burned flesh courtesy of Aiko and bones in positions that you do not want to imagine with marks of small fists courtesy of Kelly.

that scene of carnage that would make anyone's hair stand on end, was what ren ignored.

ren the first thing she did on her way out offered Akane frozen bacon.

"What do you know about this?

Akane tasted.

- knows something strange sensei.

"Really? I thought it would be a good discovery.

-if she puts something in it to intensify its flavor, it might work.

"um, what if she applied a concentrate of...

while Ren and Akane talked about cooking while walking through the blood.

2 more girls joined the talk.

Indis saw that and couldn't help but think.

'what kind of madman did I just have contact with?

Remembering how Ren hugged her, Indis felt her cheeks want to blush.

Ren turned his eyes and saw Indis still on the ground.

" not coming?

-eh?, I'm coming!

ren with the girls was chatting as if they were not on a mission.

before reaching the cafeteria, ren could smell the scent of blood, so he used his arms to hug kelly and Aiko and cover their eyes with his hands, since the girls liked me they didn't resist and felt warm for that unnecessary consideration.

When they passed the cafeteria still bloodied from the battle, Ren just commented.

"Yes, they fought with enthusiasm around here, eh?

- I wanted to participate in this fight sensei, but they didn't let me.

Kelly said as she pouted sadly.

"It's a good thing you didn't, a wolf fights differently than an ordinary person.

- Seriously sensei? could you explain?

"Well, you see, here I had a couple of confrontations with a wolf who had the face of an idiot, he thought that killing me, Amerie would listen to him, the guy moved according to his instincts.

"Humans normally use techniques to fight, but that guy used instinctive moves to attack, it was annoying at first, and I even got a couple of scars.

- eh? seriously sensei?

"Seriously Akane, look this.

Ren lifted her sleeve and there was a large claw mark there, the other members of Rose's guild were open-mouthed.

the second in command immediately went to check if they had captured one with an idiot's face.

yes, they captured him.

The second in command looked in Ren's direction and saw Ren's leader's sister looking at him as if asking a question.

'it's alive?

He nodded while he sighed, it seems that the idiot will not have an end like the others.

"by the way Aiko.

- Yes?

"Do you happen to have a cream for these scars?

- Of course, when I return to the inn I will give it to you.

"You are great Aiko.

-sensei, didn't you say that scars are one's experiences?

"I said the scars from training, not from the war, if they cut the side of my face obviously I have to get rid of that kind of scar, how do you think I can flirt afterward?

- you are insensitive sensei

"I'll take that as a compliment.

Indis that he was following them, he couldn't help but feel afraid for the guys from rose's guild.

many of them had their swords still bloody.

and the one with the lowest rank among them was the same rank as her.

her common sense was fading as she further walked with ren.

"By the way, did Kiriko free the slaves yet?

- affirmative sir.

said a soldier who was nearby.

"Perfect, thanks for the good work.

The adventurer lowered his head thanking Ren.

ren looking at this road, he could only think.

I hope the plan goes well.

he had made Indis go in a cart, courtesy of Kiyoshi to meet the other elves and calm them down, they needed to be in different places for a few days.

what ren didn't notice was the intense look Akane had when she saw her bare back for a moment under her clothes.

a soldier at the entrance just thought.


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