Chapter 71 - 71.

It was 6 in the morning, and 1 girl could be seen jogging around the academy.

At first, it was a group of 10 girls, and now only one of them was ahead.

it was Akane.

Something that Akane had lost since Ren had taught her was one thing, in particular, her common sense for training.

ren in her old life trained until her muscles scream

" I can not anymore!!!.

he had a great diet, in addition to one or another treatment that he did so that her muscles did not atrophy or break.

as his grandfather was a soldier of the great war, ren received basic training when he was 10 years old, the detail was that he did the same amount of training as his grandfather he was much older than him.

obviously, at first, he was hell, but over time ren got used to it, and with his grandfather, he lost her common sense.

That is why it was known that in a couple of years Ren was able to surpass a teacher in his field of martial arts, due to his training that in anyone's opinion would be a Spartan.

he initially used the training of the bald men to test her limits and based on that she trained.

3 girls had lost their common sense regarding the training with ren, Kumiko although she didn't lose it as much thanks to the fact that ren didn't train her like hers.

but Akane, who did the Spartan training in a very short time because of her competition, did intense sessions.

Akane trains like crazy for at least 6 hours non-stop every day since that competition.

Kelly likewise, was worse, she was with Ren for 2 months, although during the first month she was only at night training with Ren, fighting where her fights were until Kelly couldn't move her legs or hit.

then ren massaged her muscles using some brain energy to heal her.

in the second month, he started the joke, from planks until your arms tremble from picking up a pencil to hitting wood continuously until it breaks.

Kelly and Akane, in that sense, find it common to take at least one lap around All as a warm-up.

it is possible to say that All is almost a small city, not to say medium.

It has a lot of buildings for all walks of life whether it's for woke or not, all years and all clubs.

Not counting the spire, which has a large piece of land as its base.

the girls who came with Akane to train quickly gave up.

Kelly in her room was training early until she got a call from Kiyoshi.


"Calm down Kiyoshi, what's wrong?

- Sensei's locator was lost.

" that!?.

- Seriously, how could you lose?

Just at that moment, Kiriko's voice was heard.

-girls, Amerie, and ren disappeared!

"tch, Kiyoshi, put me through to the butler.

- huh? good.

- hello Miss?.

"Kevin, where is Ren?


- How did you know it was me?

"Since I saw your treatment of my brother.

from afar you could hear it.

- eh? you're Kevin, really?

"Then you celebrate brother, first tell me where sensei is.

-ha..., I don't have the exact location, I turn off his pager.

-So Kevin, could you hack his phone and triangulate her position?

- I could, but you will do it, Master Kiyoshi.

- Eh?, I haven't tried it yet.

-Best reason to practice sir.

Kelly took a deep breath, she knew that Ren was very trusting despite being in possible danger, but she didn't expect her clone to be similar.

"Could you hurry up? Sensei isn't here and I don't know if he's in danger.

- Don't worry, miss, my king is still alive and he's fine.

"How do you know? Ren told me that he initiates the connection with the clones, and for the clone to initiate it, he needed a lot of time.

-Well, you see, I'm a little different from a common clone, I'm known as a meat clone, now the king can only produce one for his low mana, but he will soon be able to make 1 more.


- As I said, I have a more secure and effective connection, although I don't know the exact whereabouts of the king, I have a certain range, I know when the king is being wounded and if the king had died, I die with him.

"So, how are you?

-He is asleep and on the move, it seems that he was kidnapped.


Kiyoshi, how are you?

-I made it!, I'll send you his position.

"I also want you to send the sensei position to someone else.

- whom?

-to Akane.

-sure, I don't think he will react well to the news.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her, you just send the location.

- Understood sister.

Kelly then took a deep breath.

His sensei had turned off her locator, they could only track him by hacking her phone, until All does it, it will be time for Akane to come.

Ren also left a text for Kelly before going to amerie, it was short but he explained everything.

- Give me a head start before they start their search.

Kelly sighed as she left the inn and headed over to Ren's to check it out for clues.

She saw on the way a girl begging people outside the inn where Ren was staying.

- please, didn't you see my sister!?

The man whose arm she was holding loosened and knocked her to the ground.

But the girl, skinny as celery and with signs of anemia, did not hesitate to ask.

Kelly saw under the blanket that covered the girl, with red eyes.

Her feet had marks, Kelly. I suspect that maybe that sister had something to do with it.

- Excuse me miss, can we talk?




Ren opened his eyes, and saw that he was chained hand and foot, he was in a moving cage, and he was not alone.

Amerie was lying on the ground next to his, and a girl with cat ears was hugging her.

Ren looked around, and they weren't the only ones.

More people in torn clothes were sitting in corners, they were all children and youths with long ears like elves or cat ears.

The cage they were traveling in was covered, and it seems they put in a sound-silencing orb.

Ren sat up and smiled.

He had planned to let himself be captured, he just didn't expect amerie to come too.

He sighed at the extra weight, ever since he saw the girl, he suspected they would come for her.

The bad thing is that he fell asleep, and the girl's scream also caught Amerie's attention.

As she pondered how to let Amerie escape, Amerie woke up.

Ren expected the calm and nobility of her character, but the first thing Amerie did when she woke up was to get anxious.





There was a knock on the cage, and a voice screaming.

-Shut up or I'll come in and shut you up damn animals.

Ren walked over to Amerie, when he was about to grab her arm, Amerie screamed.

- Don't come near me!

He yelled as he stood up and tried to walk away, but since he had chains, he fell.

On the ground, she was crawling and dirty as she said.

-Don't come near me!

Amerie reached the other corner of the cage as she looked at Ren with fear and anxiety.

Ren gently stood up and raised his hands.

Amerie kept looking at him fearfully.

Ren slowly approached Amerie.

- no, please no.

"Calm down, it's me.

Ren said as he slowly approached Amerie, she was shrinking little by little until she could see her hugging her knees as she trembled.

Ren reached out to touch her head.

I send nerve impulses to her central nervous system to produce gamma amino butyric acid and calm down (I read that and hope I'm not wrong).

Gradually Amerie's tremors ceased.

Amerie looked up and saw Ren's calm smile.

- We were captured?.

Ren couldn't help but subconsciously say.

"Don't fuck Sherlock.



Amerie said as she looked on with undisguised anger.

"Yes, they captured us.

Ren was still holding Amerie's head in case she needs more GABA.

Amerie took a deep breath and asked.

- How will we escape?

Amerie only had to trust ren to be able to escape, she thought that ren would have a plan as always.

"No idea.


"But we'll find out, we'll have to work together.

Amerie nodded, still hesitant but that was all she had left, she didn't fully trust Ren's words, but thinking of her achievements, she would give him a chance.

She could be heard from inside as people outside were talking with the guards.

- Hello, Enrique.

- New merchandise?

- and the best, we brought a young elf.

- How sad that I don't have the money to buy it.

- you could use your commission money to buy a slave.

- Seriously? how much would it cost me?

- at least, about 100 carriages of bribes more, hahaha.

The voice of the old man could be heard laughing as they entered.

They took the carriage through alleys until they reached a somewhat old building set apart from the territory.

Then they opened the door to what looked like a tunnel.

- move animals.

The voice of a man dressed as a common worker could be heard, but he had a whip in his hand.

Paula was still asleep, Ren still had to carry her with difficulties.

They walked through the tunnels leading down.

They then arrived at what looked like an old mine after many passages and were searched by guards

in the end, they left them in an open space.

Only there were a lot of slaves, in different parts.

It was like a square, many of them were animal people, and they were separated into groups.

There were people with cat ears, others with bear ears, wolf and elf ears, and there were humans as well.

They were separated into different areas, there was a group of guys who seemed strong, groups of women, groups of old men, and obviously a lot of children.

The curious thing is that the groups of men were separated into groups depending on their ears.

And the women, there were groups that were separate from their group, for example, you could see circular bear ears in the cat group, plus they were all large groups.

Paula went with a group of cat girls.

Ren and Amerie went to a corner to avoid the groups, for now, they didn't know which one to go to.

But it seems that amerie's face would be problematic.

Because a guy with wolf ears stared at him with drool on his mouth.

Amerie saw that hid behind Ren's body.

Ren also saw that the beastman seemed to be in heat and decided to keep looking around for possible escape routes, as long as the guy doesn't do anything, ren won't do anything.

after a while, they called everyone to go to their cages.

Ren led Amerie with the elves.

She knew that elves recognize royalty from her and wanted to use that to gain protection for herself since there were a couple of slaves who were at least B+ rank.

" excuse me?

One of the elves, seeing Ren, made a face but Ren didn't care.

- What do you want human?

Ren grabbed Amerie and pulled off the hood he put on him for the wolves a little.

"Do you recognize her?

The mature-looking elf stared at Amerie for a few seconds, then she realized it.

But seeing the index finger in Ren's mouth, she decided to shut up.

-Princess, what is she doing here?

"We were captured Sherlock, could you take her with your group?

- Of course, come here with us, but this human?.

Amerie was about to speak.

- he comes with me-

"wait amerie, don't worry miss, please I ask you to take care of her princess.

High Elf Archer nodded and led Amerie to her group.

Ren separated and went with the other humans, who looked like celery because of how skinny they are.

he looked inside the cage, and in the tattered clothes they were wearing, their skeleton could be seen, their appearances were as if they were dead, and only the young ones looked a little plumper, ren sighed since it would be a great job to deal with this.




As Ren socialized with the other slaves, Kiriko's group was worried to the max.

they separated and began to ask others about the whereabouts of their friends to the others, it was the only solution they reached.

Kelly had gone to Kumiko and was telling her what she knew so far.

- So, you say that Ren allowed himself to be captured with Amerie by a slave trader?

" exact

-and before they take him away he told you to give him 1 day before starting the search?

" exact.

-What kind of idiot allows himself to be captured just to get his whereabouts?

The girls already imagined why Ren allowed himself to be captured, it seemed absurd to them.

but in the end, they talked about ren.

A day had passed already, and Kelly located Ren up to a few kilometers from Kitamura territory, only the phone was destroyed and that is why they no longer received a signal.

her brother had said that he would look where ren could be, but nothing.

Kumiko and Kelly sighed as they went to notify Kiriko of their findings, they had left the red-eyed girl there at the inn for her to calm down, so they could travel back.

The good news is that the things they bought had been ordered from Kumiko.

Apparently, Ren already had a plan for him that very day.




They had spent 3 days in the former mine now called the slave prison.

Ren had been able to familiarize himself a little with the situation of the place.

The reason humans were so skinny in the first place was because of mistreatment by other races.

humans have a lower physical base than beastmen and less magic than elves.

the others took the opportunity to eat the food given to the humans, they made fun of them.

the irony was that the ones running this place were also human.

Ren learned that, unlike the cats that are more neutral, the black wolves were the ones that dominated the place.

Apparently, they asked for their "protection payment" every day, and if you didn't pay you would be the messenger of the wolves.

which is to replace one of them at work, in addition to taking care of his fur, etc.

The slimy guy who looked at Amerie on the first day was apparently the Alpha's brother.

obviously, ren initially used the night to talk to prisoners in exchange for food incentives.

which made Ren win the affection of some of them.

ren I speak especially with the elders.

Young people are usually more stupid.

and he saw him on the third day.

when one of the young men told the wolves about Ren's food.

That same day, Ren was surrounded by 5.

but when she checked it, they saw that she didn't have anything.

and they went to the young idiot and beat him up.

Upon returning, he had to apologize to Ren in addition to a beating by his fellow prisoners.

Ren took it for granted since he was hurt the most.

Luckily for Ren, the abuse turned these people into comrades, the same mistreatment made them aware of their weakness and made them united.

he took advantage of that and made some plans to screw the other races.

Amerie meanwhile, received protection in this place.

she was worried about ren.

she had heard the rumor of ren's food, when it was believed that the other races would attack him, the wolves checked him and saw that he did not bring anything.

Amerie breathed a sigh of relief when they found nothing on Ren.

but she couldn't put her anxiety aside.

the story of many of the elves was similar, they were captured by humans who snuck into elven territory and ended up here.

Although there are some B+ rank leaders among the elves, on the wolf side, their alpha recently reached A rank.

they just don't buy it because of its great aggressiveness.

Luckily for the elf girls their price is huge to be bought.

and since the business is run by 3 nobles from the Kitamura territory in secret, it is difficult to sell.

and it got worse since ren got rid of duke holland, who was running the slave trade and selling humans as well as secretly promoting the slaves.

there was one or another elf who worked selling her body to get food from the soldiers.

Unfortunately, the last one died last week.

and now things are difficult for the elves because food is starting to be scarce on their side and if it is not solved soon, they will have to force a few girls to become prostitutes.

For elves, shedding their purity was a horrible thing if they weren't married.

An elf could only dedicate herself to her man in her lifetime, in case she dies, she will be left alone for the rest of her long life.

That is why marriages between different races are rare, due to the difference in lifespan.

those who had prostituted themselves were elderly women and widows.

although many here were virgins if not all, which gave them an incredible price.

in the morning, 5 rings are placed on a table in the middle of the arena that contained the food of the day, and the 5 leaders or chosen ones on each side have to run to grab their ring before the alpha wolf steals it, there were cases where a group did not eat for the whole day.

at noon they were allowed to come out of their cages to the center to "get some air", but it is only for potential customers to see the merchandise.

then they are sent to the bottom of the mine to work, amerie still didn't know why.

every few days a new shipment of beastmen arrives and one or another human.

the beastmen are located in the human territory in random areas in small numbers and in different kingdoms, also on different continents, but that will be for later.

5 days had passed.

Amerie in the morning from the cage watched as the head elf ace, named Indis went to the center for the competition.

(this is what Indis would look like if it weren't for the slave clothes that are old and ragged clothes)

Amerie watched as Ren came out from the side of the humans.

The bell rang, Indis, the leader of the bears, the leader of the wolves called Alpha, the leader of the cats, and ren ran.

As it would be very boring for Alpha to always win the competition for having more range, they placed blockers on all of them that reduced them to D-rank physically.

to demonstrate his skills.

The first to arrive was Ren, who grabbed his ring and Indis's ring.

Indis was about to break the bones of the human who was stealing the ring from him, but ren taking advantage of his closed ring, clenched his fist and exchanged the ring for Indis for another one and threw it to her.

Indis caught the ring and immediately had to run, she couldn't verify if the human was only trying to help him because of his beauty as a typical human or if he had something up his sleeve.

When he returned, the first to greet him was Amerie.

-Princess, can you explain to me what your human friend is trying to do?

"First we should go to the bottom.

Indis nodded, and they went with the elves to the bottom covering in a circle.

opening the ring, they saw a basket containing at least triple what elves usually receive.

and with it a letter.

-Here he left a gift for the princess.

The girls, seeing this, began to annoy Amerie, which made the girl blush.

but Indis suspected the human, first, he checked that nothing had poison, and then he distributed food for the girls and separated a part for the alpha.

in the afternoon, alpha waited for the rings to be delivered with their share of each.

Ren and Indis met, but they didn't speak, they just scanned each other with their eyes.

Indis being in front of alpha, she was going to give him the ring, but alfa grabbed Indis's arm while he said.

- you know that my offer still stands, if you give me your body, your friends will not have to go hungry.

Indis did not answer him, she just let go of his hand as she walked away from his, before leaving she looked one last time at Ren who looked at her calmly without looking stupid like the previous human who participated in the morning competition.

Ren handed the ring to Alpha as he walked away.

he approached Indis.

" excuse me.

- What do you want human?

"Is my friend okay?

-your friend? Do you say that the princess is your friend?

" so I say.

-Do not think too much to give us food, and if she is fine.

"Please leave a message.

- I could do it as a thank you, what do you want?

"Tell him the bill will come to him when we leave this place.

After saying that, Ren calmly walked away as he whistled before a guard yelled at him to shut up.

Indis, who did not know the human culture, was left confused, he thought that invoice meant courtship.

already inside the cell before going with amerie I ask the girls to see if any of them know.

and they told him this.

-Invoice is like saying that he will charge you later.

Indis found it outrageous that a mere human would dare to charge the princess of her nation, who was born with beauty and talent, rather he should give her food as a tribute to Amerie.

He was going to tell his princess that he would never accept food from Ren again, but when Amerie heard the message, he laughed.

Indis was surprised that instead of him getting angry, he laughed when they told him they were going to charge him.

-Princess, why does she laugh at such an insult?

"Because it's not an insult.

- Not charging royalty, not an insult?

"Well, I should be thankful that Ren sees me as a friend and not royalty.

- excuse my ignorance, but could I ask why?

"Because if Ren considered me royalty, then she would just give me nothing and leave me alone.


- Could I ask what kind of human is he?

"Sure, I'll tell you how I met him.




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