Carlos Circus, Main tent, seating area 3rd floor, southeast corner, 2:20 P.M.
Daniel and Bill met with Damien as an inflow of people and EPD officers and other police forces came walking in to the main stage.
"I haven't seen anything like this since the emerald was taken from the Everleason museum." Damien relayed.
"About 22 reports of people finding bits and pieces of that stolen treasure, and 10 more who were found in possession but obviously weren't going to do the right thing and report, and that's since Abraham told us about the first incident at 1:38." Bill stated.
"We had to arrest those people, even though they didn't steal the money, they still were trying to hide that they had found the stuff to begin with, which counts as theft by deception." Dan stated.
"Hey genius, why not explain it to someone who doesn't know." Bill retorted.
A man with hazelnut hair in a windswept do approached. He had eyes as green as the leaves of a maple in spring, he was 166cm tall and he weighed 112kg, and his slightly round belly attested to that. He smelt slightly of felines, but there was not a speck of cat fur on his person. He wore his EPD uniform with pride. His badge showed that his name was Arbane Court. Rank 444,444.
"Arbane! Report!" Bill stated and Arbane saluted Bill.
"Arbane, there us no need for that." Daniel stated. Arbane stopped his salute.
"Sorry, sir. Got ahead of myself." Arbane stated. His voice was deep yet naive.
"My name is Daniel. Please do not give me any of this sir stuff. Besides I usually go by Dr Smith. Not sir." Dan chuckled. "Besides, last time I checked, I haven't been knighted so sir is far above my title."
"Right." Arbane chuckled. "Is it okay to call you Dan?"
"By all means, go ahead. But don't call me Danny. I'm 50 years old." Daniel added.
"Cool. You can call me Barb, like barbed wire. I'm sharp." Arbane added.
"Excuse me!" Bill interrupted. "When did I become chopped liver?"
"I beg my pardon, sir. You wished for me to make a report." Arbane stated.
"Yes, Mr Court. I want you to tell us what Sig Marchetti had to say." Bill relayed.
"Well, first of, Massimiliano Marchetti is just a stage name given to the man by none other than Laurance Carlos. His true name is Martin Maverick. He came from Kyte Lake. He's not the only one from Kyte Lake here today. Prince Palarock, and Benjamin Wavestone are also from that place." Arbane explained.
"Intriguing." Dan stated. "They all came from the same place."
"Yes. Kyte lake is a subregion in Illumineria controlled by the Palarock family. Just east of Violet Hill." Arbane added.
"Go on."
"Martin also found a few of the treasures and turned them in. He gave them all to me." Arbane took off a backpack that was on his back and showed Daniel everything he had gathered. Daniel checked off each item on the inventory list.
"Well, Daniel, what's the good news about the list?" Bill inquired.
"We have approximately 79.8% of the items that were stolen from the treasure chest. It may be possible that people may have left the circus with some of the valuables and may be on their way to sell them before the police apprehended them." Daniel stated.
Bill picked up his walkie-talkie and called down to the Circus security and had them secure the area. Only emergency services may enter or leave.
"What if people need food or water?" The voice on the other side inquired.
"Any food or water will be passed through via the police around the parameter. We're not savages." Bill added.
"Did Mr Maverick have anything to say about the murder weapon. The main reason for which you were asked to question him?" Damien asked.
"I was starting to wonder if you talked." Arbane relayed. "He told me that a blade went missing around 12:12. He used the restroom at that time and that's when he noticed that one of his swords went missing."
Daniel nodded. "Thank you, Barb. I am sure this information will help us."
Arbane gave a bow. "It was no issue, doctor, no issue at all."
"At ease. Damien!" Dan stated.
"Yes, Dan?" Damien inquired.
"See if you can locate our special guest."
Damien nodded and wondered away.
"The prince? What do you think he has to do with this?" Bill inquired.
"I'm not entirely sure, however, Mr Carlos did point out the fact that the shoe prints in the shipping container match the shoes that he said the prince is wearing today. I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together to see this makes him a suspect." Dan stated.
"I knew that," Bill retorted. "But I never said I was happy about it."
"I thought you came here to clear the ringleader's name? Are you going back on your promise?"
"It's not that. But this guy you think did it is a well-trained swordsman. You could be endangering yourself."
"If that's the case, then I have nothing to worry about."
"What? Listen, if he's killed before, which may or may not be the case, what makes you think that he won't do it again?"
"The swordsman's code. If a swordsman is bested, then they lower their blade."
"I didn't know that you even had time to read fantasy novels, considering all the duties the force puts you through." Bill joked.
Daniel chuckled. "If you look for time hard enough, you can find it."
"I wish that were true for socks lost in the laundry."
"I've never had that issue."
"May I leave yet?" Arbane interrupted.
"But of course. Please join the other officers in finding the rest of the missing items." Daniel stated.
Arbane nodded and dashed away so fast that Dan wouldn't have been surprised if he had left behind a cartoon puff of smoke, but he didn't.
"You know Dan. There's something I can't explain." Bill stated.
"What is that?" Dan asked.
"Why did the killer take the treasure, only to spread it around the park?"
"Perhaps they were only after a particular item, but because Laurance is extra about protecting his valuables, they probably figured that he would find that the one item that they wanted to get away with was missing. At least this way, when something gets overlooked, Laurance may just think nobody had found its hiding spot yet, and the killer gets away with nobody being the wiser."
Bill nodded. "It's a good theory. A good theory indeed."
"Well. I can't be standing up here all day. I have a job to do." Daniel stated and walked away.
"Where do you think your going? I'm working alongside you on this one, wherever you go, I will follow." Bill stated, following behind Daniel.
"I want to talk to the medical staff that are supposed to take away the cadaver. Maybe they have something to add." Daniel stated.
2:42 PM, south-eastern roadblock.
Daniel and Bill made their past the FORMAL members and past the police cars and vehicles owned by said FORMAL employees, after that they went past the thick and big wooden barricades. After all of that they looked for Bill's vehicle.
"You seem to be lost, gentleman." Stated a tall man with blonde hair and sharp Violet eyes. He was wearing an expensive suit and tie with designer pants and a lovely belt with a platinum buckle. He had a FORMAL badge with number 1 written on it.
"No freaking way." Bill stated, with his mouth agape. "Your..."
"I am nobody in the presence of him." Adam relayed gesturing to Daniel.
"But, your the CEO, how could you put people above you when your the top dog?" Bill asked.
"Oh, and I guess you think having people under your foot like they are like roaches? Dirty little insects that need to die because they are dirt?" Adam stated.
"Sorry about my friend, Adam, he's a character." Daniel interjected. "So what brings you here? You must have other things on your agenda?"
"Oh, you know me, just trying to find someway to help. If you like, I can give you a ride to where you want to go." Adam replied.
"But, you don't have a car, sir." Bill stated.
"My name is Adam, none of this sir stuff please. I know I'm important, but I don't want that going to my head any more then it already has." Adam chuckled.
"My apologies, Adam. It's nice to meet you at last." Bill bowed.
"Same for you. Now, where do you wish to go?" Adam inquired.
"Adam, would you mind taking us to Everleason hospital? I believe that is the place that the victim was taken to, if I'm not mistaken." Daniel asked.
"Yes, he was taken there, but as young Bill here has just explained, I do not have a vehicle." Adam added.
"Well, does your dragon form have seatbelts then?" Daniel inquired.
"I'm a magical dragon from an alternate universe, I don't have seatbelts, but for you I will happily manifest them for your safety. I'll even fly slowly so you don't get too much of a thrill." Adam stated.
"You really mean that?" Dan asked.
"I'm Adam Bolmer, leader of FORMAL, my word is as good as gold."
"You can go with him Dan, I'm going to find my car and drive to the hospital." Bill stated.
"Are you certain Bill?" Daniel inquired.
"He may be willing to take you there, but the same can't be said when you ask him for a ride back." Bill relayed.
"Your friend is right, Daniel, I may not call myself an important man, but I am an important man, and I can't shirk my duties. If need be that I need to be elsewhere when you finish your task at the hospital then I must leave and not take you with me. I hope you understand." Adam explained.
"Of course I understand, I won't be upset if something you need to deal with comes up. I'm not one of those uptight divas that gets their trashy butt sent to Entitlement Island."
"You are a humorous man, Daniel Smith. Are you ready to go?"
"Never more so."
"Then, let us go." Adam transformed into a dragon and Daniel hopped upon hid back. Adam manifested some rainbow restraints around Daniel and began his flight toward the hospital.
Bill went around the perimeter of the barricades until he found his car parked where he had left it. The entryway into the lot was now blocked by a prison bus. Nobody could get in, and even though someone could get out from the parking lot, they would first have to make it back to their car first.
Adam and Daniel soon arrived at the hospital. Adam hovered above the helipad as he slowly transformed. Soon only his wings were the only dragon part of him that were visible behind his gorgeous suit.
Daniel hopped down the 20cm jump to land on the helipad from Adam's back.
"Thank you, Adam." Daniel stated.
"It was no issue Daniel. I will now be taking my leave. I have a meeting to get to." Adam stated and he left the sight in a flash of rainbow light.
Daniel made his way down the stairs and made it to where Caroline Avue was doing her job.
"Caroline, who obtained the corpse of Kevin Kelvin from the circus this afternoon?" Daniel inquired.
"Let me look through the system here..." Caroline stated and typed into her computer. "Oh, my."
"What is it?" Daniel inquired with concern.
"There's no such person as Kevin Kelvin. According to these notes, that was a fake ID created by CORE. The victim's real name is unknown. They have sent fingerprints down to all police agencies and his DNA is being compared against all samples." Caroline stated.
"A fake ID? FORMAL should have a policy to check for that." Daniel stated.
"They do. They usually do background checks on their employees. The schedule on which they do it depends on the behaviour of said employees. For you and I, since we are both sweet little angels, we get our checks done annually, while people like 'Kevin' would get them weekly. My guess is that he was killed within the seven-day grace period after he was hired." Caroline explained.
"I didn't know you had so much knowledge about this." Daniel stated.
"You know, I'm not just a pretty face." Caroline added with a giggle.
"Let's hope the guy you married thinks the same thing." Daniel added.
"If he didn't, I wouldn't have said I do." Caroline laughed.
Bill entered into the building. "Hey guys, I have arrived."
"You got here quick." Daniel noted.
"Traffic was not as bad as it typically is at this time of day, I guess more people got stuck at the circus than I first thought." Bill.
"Anyway, Caroline here said that the corpse has been identified as a John Doe." Daniel stated.
"What?" Bill stated with shock.
"Apparently, the ID he carried was fake." Daniel added.
"Shit. I didn't think we'd lose a guy in his grace period. What has this planet come to." Bill stated.
"We don't swear in front of ladies, apologise to Caroline." Dan stated passionately.
"She's got a husband; she'll get used to it."
"Bill!" Dan stated with a stern voice and a raised brow.
"Daniel, I get that you would like to be a feminist, but we don't have to put women on pedestals just because they think they deserve it."
Daniel narrowed his eyes.
"Oh, you better not say it." Bill relayed.
"William Joseph Storm! You apologise now, or you will regret it." Daniel stated with his fathering voice.
"Damn! The full name. I should have seen that coming. Sorry Mrs Avue." Bill added.
"No problems. I found it quite entertaining." Caroline stated, laughing so hard that her butt checks might have fallen off.
"Well, since our guy is not who we thought he was, we need to know who he is." Bill stated.
"Caroline said that the unknown corpse has been fingerprinted and his DNA is being examined. We just need to wait." Dan relayed.
"I will give Edwin a call." Bill stated and he pressed a few buttons on his watch. Edwin's voice soon ejected from the watch.
"Hello? Identify yourself. I'm using the landline." Edwin stated.
"Lieutenant William Storm." Bill stated.
"Oh, greetings Bill. I think IT was bored and decided to switch out my regular number with the one for the phone we use for catching scammers." Edwin stated.
"You know, if you react like that, the scammers will just hang up." Daniel stated.
"If you hadn't noticed Daniel, it's been a very long time since I was a young officer dealing parking tickets, watching disabled spots and answering scam calls. Plus I'm angry because it's drawing closer to the anniversary of a tragic event. I know my anger is unjust, but sometimes you can't help it." Edwin explained.
"Edwin, you must gave been one of the first to hear this," Bill stated. "Kyle Kelvin isn't Kyle Kelvin at all."
"Kyle Kelvin isn't a person, it's just a name some guy came up with, he died today." Edwin noted. "Yes, I've heard of him. His fingerprints matched that of a guy from Kyte Lake. A fellow by the name of Raymond Bravery."
"Bravery? Of Kyte Lake? I feel like I know something about those things." Dan stated.
"His father Dylan Bravery was killed when queen Helena Palarock was assassainated."
"Ah yes. Dylan oversaw the Palarock's royal guard. The best of the best in his kingdom at fighting. That tragedy happened about two months ago. Although, I still don't understand why none of us at the EPD or any of the other FORMAL associated police stations weren't hired to solve that case? As far as I'm aware, their killer hasn't been apprehended yet." Daniel stated.
"First off, enough with the history lessons, doctor, this isn't a classroom, and second off, some killers just get away with their crimes. I know it's unacceptable, but that's just the way things are." Bill replied.
"Well, I will be gutted before I let the criminal of this case get away with this crime." Dan stated with passion.
"Good, Daniel, I'm glad this is in good hands." Edwin stated.
Suddenly, Bill's watch made a bird whistling noise. Bill tapped at the screen until a message appeared on it.
"Dan," he stated after he gave the message a quick read. "Damien found the Prince and is waiting for your return. He said that the prince brought his own tent to the circus and was waiting inside."
"Huh, I didn't think he'd like the circus so much that he would get excited enough to pitch a tent." Dan stated.
"Oh, ha ha. I swear in front of a lady, and you go crazy, but you make a dirty joke and everything is fine and dandy." Bill retorted.
"Honestly, I was hoping it will go over your head and then haunt your dreams until you got it. Well, farewell Mrs Avue. I hope when I see you again it won't be when I'm ill." Dan stated and waved goodbye to Caroline.
"Farewell. You two have fun."
With that, Bill and Daniel left the hospital and made the journey back to the circus.