Dawn and I talked for a while longer, but then we parted ways, and I let the grass pull me along. I wasn't sure where I would go at first, but then I smiled.
I wasn't even the slightest bit tired, and I wanted to get things with the bunker dealt with. As far as I could see, the fight with the sisters was not going to be good for the planet's surface, but it wasn't just the space dragons that I was worried about.
I was actually more concerned about what was going to happen when I started to fight them. Even if I tried my best, it was going to be really hard to keep my cool while fighting. That could get people killed all over the world if the planet started to go crazy. The only way I could see to get around this was to figure out how to use those spaces that were in the bottom level of the bunker at Area 51.
"Sofia?" I said softly, and her image came into my view.
"Papi? Why are you not in bed?" Sofia asked as she sat at her desk, clearly still working.