"The giant is less than three hundred miles from the city! Everyone get into your places! There is help coming, so you all just have to hold! A massive red dragon is headed your way, but it is flying out of the tree range to grab it! It is lighting the forest on fire, but Gaia has already brought all the clones underground!" Sofia called down to the seven girls that were lined up.
Sofia was up inside a massive Mecha-tree monster she had created with Firaga's help. The Mech looked more like a tree monster with armor plating, but it was over sixty feet tall.
"Who is coming to help us? The humans, even in super clones, aren't going to be able to do anything, right? Katie asked.
She was in full plate armor covering her entire body of her creation, but the metal was all pinks and purples. Katie also was carrying bladed whips that were coiled up in her hands.
"Beltzer and the other seven AI Generals are on their way," Sofia said, and Melody screwed up her face.