However, as the alliance returned to the mortal realm, they were met with an unexpected twist. The celestial artifacts, once conduits of cosmic power, now emanated an unsettling darkness. The harmonious energies that guided them through celestial realms had morphed into discordant echoes.
Ajuri's Starforged Quill, instead of illuminating political insights, began inscribing cryptic prophecies that foretold chaos. Marcus' Scepter of Celestial Balance, once a symbol of justice, now resonated with unpredictable fluctuations, threatening to tip the scales towards cosmic imbalance.
Vincent's Astral Cipher, initially a key to celestial secrets, started decoding ominous messages that hinted at celestial unrest. Elara's Aegis of Celestial Harmony, a protective shield, now flickered erratically, as if unable to withstand the discordant forces at play.