Chereads / Halo Reborn / Chapter 139 - Chapter 137

Chapter 139 - Chapter 137

On Arcturus Station, the Alliance Parliament was summoned for an emergency meeting involving the recent events on the Citadel. At the center of the Parliament was Prime Minister Ainsley watching as the Parliament was filled with the various members discussing the current situation amongst themselves before they started.

Clearing his throat, he rose from his seat and addressed the room. "We are at an impasse," he began, his voice echoing through the vast chamber. "It is not lost on us that the Ascendency has grown into a formidable power. They have been our allies for many years, and we should not dissolve this alliance. They had a legitimate reason for attacking the Citadel and even tried to reason with the council to turn over the Turian councilor before they attacked."

Murmuring filled the room, but Ainsley raised his hand for silence. "We know how the Council works, they don't respect the other races, much less us Humans because of our recent addition to the Citadel and the galaxy. The same could be said for the Ascendency, only their influence far outweighs ours."

"That being said," he continued, "We should remain on good terms with the Ascendency at all costs. Heck we are more similar to the Ascendency then we are to the rest of the Galaxy, they have a species called humans just like us, that can't be a coincidence."

"However," Prime Minister Ainsley paused, sweeping his gaze across the room of parliament members, "We must not become blind followers. We have to ensure that our alliance with the Ascendency is based on mutual respect and understanding, not intimidation or fear."

A wave of consent passed through the members as the Prime Minister's words resonated with them.

"We must also consider our position in the galaxy. This recent attack by the Ascendency have shown their willingness to use force when provoked," another senator, a stern-faced woman named Senator Lila Harrington, said. "While we may harbor a certain measure of understanding for their actions on the Citadel, we cannot ignore their aggression."

"There's another aspect we need to consider," interjected Admiral Miles Anderson from where he stood amongst the military representatives. "The potential for technological exchange and growth. The Ascendency's advancements far exceed anything we've seen. If we maintain good relations with them, think of how much that could benefit us. Already we have seen great advancements in our technology thanks to the shared research initiative between us and the Ascendency."

Nods of agreement sprouted from around the room, yet the atmosphere remained tense. But ultimately, they made the alliance with the Ascendency a priority over their relationship with the Citadel and other species.


On Atlas station, the various less influential species of the galaxy had sent diplomats to voice their concerns over the recent actions of the Ascendency. The Hanar, Elcor, Volus, and others, were more receptive of the Ascendency actions than the Council.

The station's all-encompassing conference room echoed with the low murmurs of interspecies chatter as the representatives prepared themselves. The Volus ambassador, a short, round creature in a pressure suit, huffed anxiously. "This is nothing short of outrageous," he wheezed through his speech synthesizer. "So much raw power...It's not right."

On the contrary, the Hanar representative, an ethereal jellyfish-like entity floating with the help of a gravity suspension device, countered with its bioluminescent body pulsating with each word: "It is indeed alarming... But we must remember, the Ascendency's aggression was provoked. They did not instigate this conflict."

An Elcor diplomat, a large ponderous creature speaking in a monotone voice due to its species' difficulty conveying emotion, added: "Genuine concern: The Council failed to respond adequately to their demands. Result: Unavoidable conflict."

Indeed, these species harbored no ill will towards the Ascendency. Some even held admiration for their technological prowess and swift retaliation against perceived threats.

A Drell delegate, his scaled skin shimmering under the ambient light, regarded his counterparts thoughtfully. "We may not hold much sway in galactic affairs," he began in his reedy voice, "but it is prudent to remember that our actions can still ripple across the stars. Our united stance could highlight the Council's heavy-handedness."

As each representative shared their thoughts, it became evident that despite their relatively minor roles in the galaxy, they had no intention of blindly following the Council's narrative. They recognized that the Ascendency offered a different perspective, one that seemed more equitable compared to the Council's perceived 'might is right' outlook.

"Proposition: We open communication with the Ascendency," suggested the Elcor diplomat. "Goal: Gain insight into their perspective and explore potential alliances."

"Indeed," agreed the Volus ambassador. "We may not stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them on the battlefield, but we can still stand with them diplomatically. To show our support for their efforts at fairness in galactic governance."

The meeting ended with a sense of unity among these minor species. They were ready to make their voices heard, to step out from underneath the shadow of the Citadel.


On Nova, Councilor Kaitus was currently sitting in a chair inside a room with four other people. Both Axel, Miranda, and two guards were present within the room with Axel sitting down across from Kaitus, Miranda was standing behind him, and the two guards standing at the door.

"Councilor," Axel greeted neutrally.

"Emperor Axel," Kaitus responded evenly, maintaining eye contact with the leader of the Ascendency. There was tension in the room, unspoken words and veiled threats all hanging heavy in the air.

"Help me figure out what to do with you, should I strap you to a spaceship and launch it from the surface of the planet to space, or perhaps send you slowly floating towards a star with a protective suit on of course to see whether or not you burn up before you suffocate?" Axel's voice held a dangerous tone, yet there was a note of curiosity in his words.

"Now, tell me why you orchestrated a planned attack on our research lab on Tuchunka?" asked Axel.

Councilor Kaitus shifted uncomfortably in his seat, meeting Axel's gaze. "I don't know what your…" as he started to speak suddenly Miranda had back handed him causing him to fall out of his chair, onto the ground.

The two guards had walked over and lifted Kaitus back up, placing him back onto the chair.

"Attempted deception; unappreciated," Miranda said coldly, her icy gaze fixed on the Turian Councilor. "Try again."

"I'll be honest, Emperor Axel," he began, his voice shaky yet determined. "I saw your advancements as a threat. You must understand... The Ascendency's rapid rise in power was... unsettling. Then add on your research into a cure for the genophage and the Salarians and Asari inaction to do anything to stop you, I had to step in."

Axel listened to Kaitus's explanation, his face a mask of cold neutrality. "I see," he said after a moment of silence had stretched between them. "You felt threatened, and you acted out of this fear. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Emperor," Kaitus admitted, swallowing heavily as he nodded. His gaze darted nervously between Axel and Miranda, clearly anticipating another blow.

"Unfortunately for you, your fear has led to the of your pitiful life, or to be more precise, the end of your freedom," Axel continued with a chilling smile spreading across his face. "I should appreciate your honesty, yet I cannot forgive your recklessness."

The Turian's mandibles twitched nervously as he watched the emperor rise from his seat. Fear was evident in his eyes yet there was a sense of acceptance as well. He had known that this confrontation would not end well for him.

"You will be escorted to a holding cell where you will remain until I decide what is to be done with you. You see, Councilor Kaitus," Axel added, turning to leave the room, "you gave me no choice. I prefer peaceful solutions, but it seems people like you only understand power and fear."