A week later, after the arrest of Admiral Gardner, Admiral Parangosky, and Admiral Jackson, Axel was chosen as the new Chairman of the UNSC. He had been voted in unanimously by the other security council members.
On June 11th, 2531, Axel had arrived on Earth in Sydney Australia and was to make his way towards the UNSC headquarters. But instead of taking the direct route and landing at the main building, Axel had taken a detour instead.
He had heard that there were hundreds of thousands of people gathered for his arrival within the city which caused a lot of problems considering the UNSC had put each world under Martial Law.
Army soldiers were deployed throughout the city to ensure that it remained a peaceful gathering. However, at the same time Axel planned to use this opportunity to draw out those who still opposed him.
It was a plan that Omni had come up with to draw out any remaining opposition and secure his position. As they landed on a designated pad far from headquarters, Axel stepped off the ship and into a waiting armored vehicle. The crowd, stretching as far as he could see, was cordoned off by soldiers in full gear. They roared with enthusiasm as Axel's vehicle moved towards them.
Omni had quietly infiltrated all communication channels of known dissenters, actively listening for chatter amongst those who opposed Axel's new appointment as Chairman.
As Axel's convoy slowed, he decided to address the masses before proceeding further. He stepped out of the armored truck despite the Commanders protests. A drone was hovering above recording Axel, displaying the video across every world.
"How's everyone doing today?" asked Axel, hoping to keep things simple. "Today marks a new era for the UNSC and for humanity," Axel continued.
"The previous leaders of the UNSC had abused their power and caused innocent lives to be lost in order to gain information on the enemy," said Axel. In a tactical aspect it was not a bad move, but in the long run it gave Axel exactly what he needed to take them down.
"Your sons and daughters are eagerly fighting the Covenant and risking their lives to help evacuate Colonists within the Outer colonies. They should not be sacrificed when we have already lost hundreds of thousands of people in the war already" Axel's voice had taken a more serious tone. "I give you my word that as long as I am Chairman, I will do everything within my power to protect every son, daughter, mother, father, Aunt, Uncle, etc. We weren't the ones to start this war, But I can guarantee that we will finish it" Loud cheering erupted from the crowd at the end of his words.
Within the crowd a group of people had made to the front where the UNSC soldiers were standing making sure no one got past. One of the people had reached within their coat and placed their hand on a gun which was hidden within their clothes.
The other members spread out into various places surrounding the convoy. But as they were walking through the crowds their numbers had started to fall. This was because Axel had imbedded agents within the crowd that Omni coordinated with to spot and take out threats before they have the chance to act.
Also, around the surrounding buildings Snipers were placed in various placed for extra security. Meanwhile Axel continued talking to the crowd "We will maintain law and order but in a manner that respects each individual's rights. Martial law is a shield, not a weapon to instill fear. We must continue fighting for those that are no longer able to fight, and with me at the forefront we will defeat these aliens and show them the strength of humans."
As Axel stepped back into the armored vehicle, the crowd roared its approval even louder than before. Omni continued to coordinate with the imbedded agents to take out the dissenters within the crowd.
As they made their way through the city streets heading towards UNSC headquarters, Axel looked out onto the bustling city. Now that he was at the top of everyone else, it was time to start truly re-shaping the UNSC into an immovable weapon.
Once he arrived at the UNSC headquarters, he was escorted inside where the UNSC security council was gathered and was clapping their hands. "Congratulations, Admiral Woods on your new appointment" voiced some of them members as he walked by them.
Within the room he had seen a familiar face, Fleet Admiral Ross the former Chairman of the UNSC who was currently holding the temporary position as the Chief of Naval Operations. Axel walked up to him and shook his hand as Admiral Ross smiled warmly at him.
"Congratulations Admiral Woods on your new position, with you at the top the UNSC is going to be ushered into a new era and the current conflict will hopefully be dealt with" Stated Admiral Ross.
"Of course, Admiral, my goal is to secure humanities right to survive in the Universe by overcoming the Covenant threat" Responded Axel.
"I thought as much" said Admiral Ross as a soldier had walked up and presented him with a small case. Admiral Ross opened the case and presented what was inside of it to Axel "I would also like to congratulate you on your new promotion to Fleet Admiral."
Admiral Ross had pinned the 5-star Admiral rank onto Axel's uniform. This was a big moment for Axel as not only had he reached the top in terms of position, but he also now outranks everybody in rank besides the other Fleet Admirals. But his position as Chairman held more power than a Fleet Admiral as he now oversaw the entirety of the UNSC.
Everybody in the room started to clap about his new appointment and congratulate him. After that everybody had took their seats with Axel taking the central seat.
"Well now we are seated let's officially begin this meeting to fill in the empty positions" Stated Axel. "First for the Chief of Naval operations, I say we keep Admiral Ross and make him the permanent CNO as he is the most senior enlisted naval officer, and he has years of experience."
The other members agreed with this as he had a lot of experience, and he was previously chairman before Admiral Gardner.
Seeing that everybody agreed Axel moved onto the next thing "Next, I will make myself the official head of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to ensure that I hold some form of Senior Naval position besides Chairman.
Unlike with the CNO appointment, this suggestion did not sit well with some members such as General Stone and General Graham. Axel respected their opinion and concerns but still went through with it anyway while assuring them that it was needed for the future of the UNSC.
After that they went over a few other matters regarding the implementation of the MCU within the UNSC military. The Misriah Armory robots had proved to cost them in long run as thousands were destroyed by the Covenant without even being able to halt the Covenant advance on multiple fronts.
So as of now the MCUs would once again start being produced by the UNSC. Axel has also introduced some new vehicles for all branches to use to replace the current ones. These vehicles were designed to cost more than the current ones, but their capabilities would save lives on the battlefield and allow a wide range of operations to take place.
A/N: Images regarding the new inventions will be showed in the next chapter and you are more than willing to comment your own vehicles that you would like to see added.
This was all he presented at this meeting as they had things to do and there was still a war going on. But he had many more ideas regarding new ships, Improved AIs, etc. He also wanted to start creating the Spartan-III program to allow for more Spartans to be created. As of now there were less than 500 Spartans which is why he didn't create a department for them but once their numbers increase then he would create such a department.
The last thing he wanted to create was the enhancements that a Space Marine had. They were effectively killing machines which walked on the corpses of their enemies and brought victory to mankind within the 40k universe. If he created something like that then his position would be absolute for centuries to come.
Why centuries you ask? well he also planned to increase his lifespan or at least decrease the aging process. If he could implement this among even civilians, then he would be worshipped as a living god and he would have a strong army with decades of experience.
There are thousands of things that Axel could create simply from his memory that could be created. But first to be able to build all these creations, he would need resources. And to do that he would need to create a massive mega structure to harness the resources of an entire planet to provide the resources he needed. He had the power now all he needed to do was implement it.