Chereads / Halo Reborn / Chapter 138 - Chapter 136

Chapter 138 - Chapter 136

The Primarchs of the Turian Hierarchy had gathered via vid call to discuss the current crisis which had just transpired. The sudden attack on the Citadel was something that most of them expected to happen. Ever since their first encounter with the Ascendency during the first contact war, they saw them as a threat to the stability of the galaxy.

And now the Ascendency had proved that they are a threat they wanted to start preparing for war against them.

"In all my life," one Primarch grumbled, his mandibles flaring in frustration, "we've never faced such a technologically superior foe. Their fleet could not only decimate ours, but probably that of every species combined."

"We need to find a way to overcome their superior numbers, maybe by getting the Council to life the restriction on the number of dreadnoughts we can have at once." responded another Primarch, proposing the first of many solutions to fix their problem.

"Or perhaps we need to rethink our military strategies entirely," suggested a third Primarch, his image flickering slightly on the vid call. "Simply increasing our numbers may not be enough against an enemy like the Ascendency. We'll need new tactics, new weapons...perhaps even new alliances."

His assertion was met with a heavy silence across the vid call. All the Primarch understood that such changes were not made overnight. Any significant reform or advancement would require time and resources that they were unsure they had.

"The Asari might be persuaded to lend their biotic expertise," one Primarch finally offered, breaking the silence. "Their commandos could be of great use against this Ascendency."

"But they are on good terms with the Ascendency, even with this attack, they might believe that the Ascendency had justification for attacking the Citadel and forcefully taking Kaitus into their custody. They would rather seek a diplomatic route rather than take military action" argued another Primarch.

"I agree" voiced another Primarch who had been quiet until this point. "The Ascendency opted for military action rather than diplomacy, we should respond with the same force."

"And what value does force have when we are so vastly outmatched?" argued another Primarch. "We've seen the Ascendency in action, they made short work of the Citadel's defenses as though they were mere child's play. And you think we can retaliate with the same force?"

"Well, it's either that or we surrender," retorted the previous speaker, his voice filled with stubborn determination. "And I for one would rather die than bow to these...invaders."

The vid call was a whirlwind of arguments and counterarguments, spiraling into a relentless cacophony. It was clear that they were divided on how to confront this threat. Some called for immediate war, others for diplomacy and even more suggested waiting, gathering information about their foe before making any rash decisions.


Meanwhile, on Thessia the Asari Matriarchs were having a similar discussion. In the grand hall, adorned with glowing blue sculptures that reflected the light of the planet's two moons, they debated over holo-tables showing star maps and tactical data.

"There's no denying the Ascendency is formidable," one Matriarch stated, her fingers hovering above the map as if she could alter the course of events by sheer will. "But we must not forget they are not immortal. They have weaknesses."

"True," agreed another Matriarch, "but discovering those weaknesses could take time, perhaps more time than we have." She looked around at her peers, her eyes piercing through them even on their projections. "We must act wisely."

"I suggest we send a diplomatic envoy to the Ascendency," proposed one younger Matriarch. "We could negotiate a truce and understand the reasons behind their sudden aggression."

"The reason is clear" said an older Matriarch as she pulled up the data on the reason why they attacked the Citadel. "Councilor Kaitus had orchestrated an attack on the Empress, the wife of Emperor Axel. The emperor is seeking retribution."

"But through an act of war?" A Matriarch countered, her tone anxious yet steady. "That's hardly a rational response."

"Rational or not, this is what we have to deal with," a voice sounded from the back of the room. Even in holographic form, Elder Matriarch Janiris commanded respect and attention as she continued, "We are not dealing with a rational enemy. We are dealing with a force that values loyalty above reason, power above diplomacy."

The room fell silent again as each Matriarch pondered the words of their elder. They were all aware of the stakes at hand; peace in their galaxy hung like a star shimmering in space, beautiful and fragile.

"If we do nothing, the Turians will be furious." pointed out a Matriarch.

"Perhaps, but their spot on the Council will come into question especially when their own councilor has been caught conspiring against a high-ranking political figure of another race." countered Matriarch Janiris.

"Perhaps the Salarians could be of assistance," suggested another Matriarch. "They have always been known for their scientific prowess. They may be able to provide us with weaponry or technology that could even the odds."

"The Salarians are hesitant to join any conflict," replied Matriarch Janiris, her holographic image flickering as her eyes narrowed. "They value their neutrality highly and are more likely to offer intelligence and information rather than direct warfare support."

As the discussion carried on, the only thing that became clear was that there was no clear path forward. No options seemed ideal, every potential plan was fraught with its own set of risks and uncertainties.


Meanwhile on Sur'Kesh a few Salarian Dalatrass's were seated around a round table filled with holograms of various galactic maps, each one blinking with data points and logistical information. The room was filled with the low hum of technology as their discussion began.

"As I have stated before," one of the Dalatrass began, her voice echoing through the chamber, "The Salarian Union has always maintained neutrality in the face of conflict. Not out of fear, but to promote diplomacy and prevent unnecessary chaos."

"However," chimed in another, his fingers twitching nervously over a console, "our intelligence network has been gathering data on this Ascendency. Its technological prowess is... troubling." His eyes darted across the room, noting the uneasy nods around him.

"And yet," a third interjected, "we mustn't let fear force our hand into war. Yes, their capabilities are alarming, but they've demonstrated restraint thus far. Even their assault on the Citadel was targeted and precise, aimed at securing Councilor Kaitus."

"Fear is not what drives my argument," retorted the second Dalatrass, his gaze stern. "It is prudence."

"Are we to stand by while our fellow Council races make decisions that could endanger us all?" asked a fourth Dalatrass. "Our intelligence and neutrality are our greatest strengths."

"Yes, but they could also be our downfall if we remain on the outskirts, uninvolved, while the rest of the galaxy crumbles," countered a fifth Dalatrass, her voice filled with urgency. "We cannot be bystanders in this crisis."

"There is no advantage in becoming embroiled in a conflict that we might not win," argued the second Dalatrass. "Our focus should be on researching this Ascendency, understanding their technology and tactics."

"And what if they consider our research an act of aggression?" questioned the third Dalatrass. "We've seen how they respond to threats. Their retaliation against the Citadel was brutal and swift."

The first Dalatrass, who had until now remained silent, finally spoke. "Perhaps there is a middle ground. We could serve as mediators between the Ascendency and the Council races."

"That would mean breaking our neutrality," objected the fourth Dalatrass. "Taking sides in this conflict could have dire consequences."

"We wouldn't be taking sides," the first Dalatrass clarified, her voice steady and calm amidst the rising tension in the room. "We would merely be facilitating communication between them. Our neutrality would help us maintain a balanced perspective."

"Whether it's war or diplomacy, we're stepping into dangerous territory," warned the third Dalatrass solemnly.

On the one hand, they understood the need to preserve their neutrality. Their ability to maintain peace through unbiased diplomacy had always been their strength. But they also could not ignore the reality that remaining uninvolved could be just as deadly as picking a side in this impending war.

"Alright," said the second Dalatrass, breaking the silence. "We will pursue this course of action. But let it be known that we do this not because we seek to interfere, but because we seek peace."

"There is wisdom in your words," said the fifth Dalatrass, an edge of relief in her voice. "We need to act wisely and cautiously. Let us approach the Ascendency with an offer of mediation."

The room echoed with murmurs of agreement as each Dalatrass nodded their head. It was a heavy burden to bear, but it was one they were prepared to take on for the sake of their galaxy. Every decision had its risks, but inaction was a risk they could no longer afford.


On Earth (Systems Alliance) the Alliance High Command was in session, their faces grim as they analyzed the latest reports from the Citadel. Their fleet had arrived late to the party as the Ascendency fleet was already gone, by the time they arrived.

Some had called their relationship with the Ascendency to be over because of the attack on the Citadel, while those who were aware of what exactly was going on opted to not make rash decisions. But whatever they decided here would affect their relationship with the Ascendency for the foreseeable future.

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