Chereads / The One I've Waited For / Chapter 12 - Chapter 10

Chapter 12 - Chapter 10

Aarush was kissing her. His hands were all over her body, she was moaning on his every touch. They were so mesmerized at the moment, unable to keep them away from each other, but Aarush broke the kiss and looked at Samaira.

He still didn't let her go and said, "What did you think I will wait for you for 7 long years?"

At that moment, her eyes shot up and sat on the bed. Now, these nightmares are turning very dreadful. Even when she closed her eyes the image of them kissing crossed my mind. How come this is affecting so much?

It was now a constant reminder to her he wasn't mine. She looked at her ring and rubbed it as hard as she could. She was so stupid that she came back to Mumbai when she knew this place was full of him and his memories for her. However, she still moved here thinking that it was all in the past.

She had forgotten that ever since she had laid her eyes on him, she wanted to be his. Her past was full of him and she wants her present and future with him. Her being engaged and Aarush being in love with someone else, they could never be together, even if she wants to.

They have gone too far in their individual lives. It would be impossible for her fantasies to come true. She needed to clear her head; caffeine would precisely help. She got up from the bed and went to the kitchen, making herself a hot steaming cup of coffee and white sauce pasta.

It was a very filling breakfast yet she was feeling as horrible as before. Samaira washed up and wore a peach-colored dress with white heels, at least getting ready helps her to keep away unnecessary thoughts. She took her bag and locked the apartment.

On the way to the basement, she called Tarun as he was leaving in an hour. He picked up after a long ring. "I am so sorry I was getting past the security." "Okay, Mr. Saxena, there is no need for an explanation."

They laughed together. "Are you alright now?" he inquired. "Oh, of course. What would happen to me?" She lied. She was so disturbed from inside that even she didn't know how to fix herself.

"It's just that you seemed pretty lost last night. You didn't pay attention to what I was saying. And after the dance, your behavior blew up my mind. I am worried about you." Before he could go on, she had to stop him. "I am fine, Tarun. It was just a hectic day. You don't have to worry about it."

She pulled up to the main street and the Mumbai traffic hit her. "Is there anything between you and Aarush Bakshi? I mean, has anything happened between you two?"

How come he is so good at making connections?

"Bullshit, there is nothing between us. Have a pleasant flight."

Samaira hung up the phone before he could ask any further. Drive to the office was tiring. By the time she reached her cabin, she was exhausted. She got her cappuccino and sat down in her chair. She closed her eyes and the events of last night flashed in her mind. The dinner, Tarun talking and Aarush Bakshi with the same girl. Why can't her life be less stressful?

He looked so happy with her. They were even dancing together. But when Aarush pulled Samaira and started dancing together, butterflies fluttered in her stomach. They danced to the same song they did 7 years ago. With such ease, they were dancing together, and it was so perfect, with the lights, music and them.


Aarush pulled Samaira towards him after every beat. She tried to resist him for a long time but then gave up. Her angels would have killed her. She loved being so close to him. Their bodies touching, hands linked and eyes locked. Every cell of his body responds to this closeness. They were breathing the same air.

He was enjoying every moment. She saw the spark in his eyes, which was there even in the school, something she didn't see when he was with the other girl. She was so in the moment that she barely remembered that she was in public. He came close. They were inches apart. She moved towards him as he grabbed her face in one of his hands and she sank in. His juicy pink lips were pulling hers like a magnet.

Their lips brushed, but reality struck her hard and she loosened herself from his hand. She couldn't do this to Tarun. Aarush is with someone else. She could see the disappointment in his eyes. That moment would never happen between them again. She ran out of the restaurant, called Tarun and told him she was feeling sick and he dropped her home.

Upon opening her eyes, tears rolled. What has fate planned for her? She was engaged to someone whom she doesn't love and the person she loves is sitting next door but is with someone else. This is worse than hell. She finished her coffee and started working.

After some time, the door of her cabin swung open. "Samaira." It was Aarush. She looked towards him. He was disturbed, maybe didn't even sleep the whole night.

"Are you engaged to Tarun Saxena?" he barked. How dare he ask this? If he can be so cold-hearted adding insult to the injury, then even she was not backing off. "Yes, engaged to Tarun," she said. Sarcasm was clear in her voice, but he got this call and left her with her thoughts again. He will always be that Aarush from the school.

Anjali often used to tell her he couldn't contain himself when he saw her with other boys. Maybe he never changed. So, then what stopped him from asking her about the school? God! Who said girls are the ones who are difficult to understand? These boys are no less? Their actions and words are poles apart.

By the time it was 1:00, she had completed reviewing the previous marketing strategies and her report was ready. I went to the desk and asked Tara to submit it to Mr. Bakshi. "You should give it to him. Last time he got angry and I really want to leave early today. I can't risk this." she said. Samaira didn't want to argue with her. She was right. Samaira can't drag her into this because she didn't want to face that man. Samaira shot her a smile and walked towards his cabin.

The door of his cabin opened, and she tripped because of the wet floor and fall into his embrace. He held her from her waist and her both hands were around his shoulders. The papers which were in her hand had spilled around them. Time had stopped for her. His golden-brown eyes were looking directly into her soul.

His hands traveled up her hands and put the lock of hair behind her ear. His thumb moved through her cheeks towards the bottom lip. He slid his thumb over it. "Are you both alright?" Tara barked, and Samaira heard her heels approaching them.

She quickly stood on her feet and bent down to collect the papers; Aarush joined her too. "Yup. She just lost her balance." Aarush said, and Tara left them alone. "Remember, this is how we met on my first day in the school," he exclaimed with a smile. "Of course, only if I didn't have those files. I think we could have saved your head." She laughed, and he handed in the rest of the paper.

"Oh, but I loved bumping into the most beautiful girl in the school." He winked and extended his arm to help her get up. She took it and with one pull she was on her feet but inches apart from Aarush. Before anything could happen, she handed him the papers and told him about the report. "Why don't we discuss it in my cabin?" he asked, and she had no choice but to agree. He opened the door for her and she stepped inside.

It was just yesterday when she ran into Aarush and a girl making out in this cabin and here, they will discuss the report she prepared. Isn't that legendary? He pulled out the chair for her. Gentleman. He took his position, and it went on for half an hour. They discussed the flaws that earlier strategies had and what we can do next. "I think you should be in the public's eyes. He would be a boon to the company. People should know about the young man who is running this successful company." She argued with full confidence.

He was looking at her with defiance, but instead, he agreed, "Are you sure? Like I really like the idea, but this would be a very bold move and could affect my family." She nodded, and he smiled. They talked for half an hour without any jealousy or making an awkward moment. They were really into having a positive outcome of this exchange. After a long pause, he said, "Well done, Sam. I mean, Samaira, you really pulled this off. I knew you would not disappoint me ever." Samaira flushed. "Thank you." She could barely hide my amusement.

"On this note. Lemme ask you a question." she shot her eyes, "Would you come to dinner with me?" He is not being serious. "What! Why?" He was ready with the answer, "Truly professional like colleagues or as school friends? Whatever you want. I feel like I have missed a lot and there is a lot to fill in." He said the last sentence by looking at her engagement ring. "Maybe an old acquaintance would be fine." Samaira wanted to go out with him and she was not missing this at any cost. "Text me your address. I will pick you up at 7:00."

Samaira was at home by 6:00 and thought of wearing something classy and sexy, just didn't know why she wanted to show him what he was missing. After fighting a battle with herself, she picked up one of her favorite dresses which Anjali gifted her on her last birthday. It was a light coffee-colored off-shoulder dress that hugged her curves perfectly, pairing it with high ankle-black-colored boots. She decided to let her hair loose, brushing them with her fingers, applying very light make-up to go with it.

Samaira checked herself out, and she looked simple but beautiful. She got a message saying that he was waiting downstairs for her. She grabbed her clutch and went down. He was there, waiting outside his Porsche. He always had good taste when it comes to cars. It was his obsession since his school days. Then her eyes drifted to him.

Samaira saw Aarush wearing tight-fitted light-blue jeans along with a white tee that was sticking to his torso, defining his six-pack abs. A drool-worthy sight indeed. He wore white sneakers and a long coat. His look was classy, sexy, and hot at the same time. She could stare at him all night long without a break. He knows how to play. With him wearing that, she will fail terribly in making him jealous.

He moved forward, gave her a quick hug and kissed her cheeks. "You look dazzling." He said and blushed. "You don't look bad yourself," Samaira said with sarcasm. He placed his hand on her back and said, "Then let this not-so-good-looking person have your precious time tonight." He opened the door for her and she sat in the passenger seat.

He came to the driver's seat and glanced at her. "Okay, fine. You look fantastic, too." She smiled and a wave of familiarity washed over her. She remembers mocking him. He has still not lost his touch. She looked at him. His eyes were fixed on the street. "You won't keep staring at me, will you? because it is a bit distracting." She didn't realize that she was staring at him. "No, I am not. Just trying to find out if you are the same Aarush back from school or not."

He smirked. "Why have I changed that much?" "I don't think you have changed at all or maybe it's just me." We kept laughing and chatting about the school. "And the farewell party, do you remember that?" she asked him. But they reached the venue, The Earth Palace. It was Samaira's favorite restaurant back in Mumbai. She looked at Aarush, he smirked. "You told me once while we were preparing for the debate." He still remembers it. He climbed out of the car and opened her door. She took his hand and followed him inside.

"I remember the farewell party. You looked stunning in that saree." She looked at him. He was looking back with admiring eyes. They were quickly given their tables and a complimentary bottle of red wine. Tonight was so different, he was all by himself, with no one to interrupt. She had forgotten every pain which was caused in past hours. They were talking like everything was perfect between us.

He talked about his university days in the US. To be honest, she didn't know he left for the US the same week. She told him about her family shifting to Delhi and college there. By the time entry was given, they had caught up a lot about each other's life. "When did you got engaged?" he inquired, keeping his eyes on the ring. She felt if he could melt diamonds with his eyes, he would have done it twice by now. Is he really jealous? "8 months ago. Tarun and I went to the same university and have known each other since then. He was my senior there."

He looked disappointed or angry. God knows, but he went pale after that. "Congratulations on that. Love marriage was definitely not your type in school." He shifted and gave her a mischievous smile. "Why is that so?" she asked, eyeing him. "You know, you never had a boyfriend back then, so I thought romance was never you." "Very funny Mr. Bakshi, but it is an arranged marriage and I expect you would be quite happy to know your intuition is correct." He laughed, and Samaira gave him a stern look.

He ordered one more bottle of wine. Before she could get his attention back, he got a call. He picked it up swiftly. "Yeah, of course, I remember it." "Fine." "Okay, I will take you on a dinner date tomorrow." What the heck? Now he is making plans with his so-called girlfriend in front of her? Adrenaline rushed inside her and she grabbed her clutch and went outside the restaurant, leaving him alone.

How did this beautiful night have to have a sour ending? She booked a cab and without glancing back, Samaira headed straight to her apartment. He has played his game, and it is better to keep a distance from that two-faced man. He almost made it their first date. Tears began running down her eyes. She let her guard down today and he stabbed her heart. She hated that she once again let her heart loose around him.