[ 3 Person POV ]
There was a boy sleeping in the middle of a dense forest there were trees everywhere with abnormal height but this forest is full of dangerous monsters, humans do not even think of entering this forest because of the powerful monsters they know if they enter the forest they will became monster food but the monsters were not approaching the week looking boy they were afraid of the boy because in has sleep he is realizing has aura the strongest monsters are afraid of has aura.
The boy woke-up and started rubbing his eyes with his right hand he looked like he was very weak but his aura said another thing . his face was very beautiful his eyes were looking like they are full of charm every girl only by looking at his face will fall for him in first sight because of his charm he looked like there is no one more handsome than him.
The boy slowly stood-up he clearly seems like a teenager of 17-18 years old his height is about 180cm (5ft and 10 inches). has hair looked like the hairs an otome handsome male character has they were not too Long nor short he has beautiful eyes which were screaming laziness
He was wearing a Black Jeans and a grey t-shirt and a jacket with a hoodie with dark blue and white colour on it.
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[ MC POV ]
I was with ROB when suddenly he let out a creepy smile after that i lost consciousness when i regained my consciousness i was in a sleeping state i opened my eyes all i saw was a forest with lots of trees with abnormal height after looking around for a while and rubbing my eyes i feel like my laziness has jump to another degree i slowly stood up and looked my body i have small hands from my original hands my skin colour is white i was wearing clothes that i didn't recognize because they looked like clothes from random anime like characters in Google and after looking at my body for a while i remember what had happened.
I said "Great sage are you... their" while yawning.
I quickly asked great sage if it was their then i heard a voice in my head which i couldn't recognize as male or female and it was emotionless, Cold and a robotic voice
"Great sage tell me... where am i " (MC)
"Great sage tell me what abilities i got... from ROB and what are..... their functions" (MC) while yawning
< 1: Great Sage 2: Authority of Greed 3: Gluttony 4: Authority of Envy 5: Prideful One >> "Great sage why are there... only 4 of sin serise Unique skills what's.... the reason for the 3 missing and where .......the hell my Magicuel Breeder Reactor ....go" < "Well is he angry i called him..... male version of Ramiris whatever Great Sage..... show me the details of.... my skills" yawning < 1: GREAT SAGE : great sage has the following sub-skills 1 Thought :: Raise thought processing speed by a thousand times 2 Analysis and Judgement :: The ability to analyze and make judgement regarding a target 3 Parallel Processing :: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomenon or having multiple thoughts or ideas at a same time 4 Chant Annulment :: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary 5 All of Creation :: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world 2 : Authority of Greed It is the so-called stillness of an object's Time and is a mainly offensive ability. Allows the user to stop the time of anything he is wearing, touching, or even his breathe, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world, only allowing its interference outwards and even granting user the ability to freely manipulate the object's shape. small objects imbued with stillness of an object's Time can be used either as a form of platform which allows user to freely traverse on it, or be utilized as objects of imminent death and destruction as the davasting and destructive attacks when used with malicious intent. 3 : Gluttony Allows user to essentially eat any thing thrown their way using it to replenish them selves while also analyzing anything that has been eaten. 4 : Authority of Envy Allows user to perfectly copy what another has done, However this effect does not extend to skills. 5 : Prideful One Allows user to copy any skill once seen, with 50% output as compared to original one. >> "Is there anything.... i am missing" < "Great sage tell me ...what's written on it" while yawning < Hi mortal you think you tricked me but before reincarnating you i found about it and yeah i tricked you their the limit for wishes is with 1 wish you can obtain 1 Ultimate skill and 3 Unique skills after finding about you tricking me i decided to make your life like a hel*Ahem* make your life little hard but after reincarnating you i forgot to remove Authority of Greed so enjoy my mistake you SUCKER!! and i made your body so you cannot became a father no matter what you do and i took away your Magicuel Breeder Reactor and there will be more punishment for belittling me so goodbye for now i am going to be busy thinking about methods to tortu*Ahem* to annoy you. hahahahahaha >> "Well now what will happen to me.... but that mistake made me..... like something even if a star is dropped on me it ....will not even make a scratch on me it feels ...like am with protagonist plot armor, ....and the prideful one made Guy Crimson .....the strongest in Tensura with this i will be beyond OP..... wait a minute ROB said he will make my life hard does that... mean he is going to make new ...OP Villeins for me then if i don't became..... stronger then i am fuck..... i have made my mind... i am going to became more strong"i said while yawning. ================================== Author-kun✓ the skills used in this chapter are not my Creation your copy cat Author-kun or your neighborhood content thief Author-kun