Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 187 - Origins Of The FBI supernatural division.

Chapter 187 - Origins Of The FBI supernatural division.

"I'm not surprised you're here already Ramon, but couldn't you call me earlier to tell me you were coming today?" Ned said, "Sorry big brother Ned, I wanted to surprise you!...wait, what do you mean by you're not surprised I was here?" Ramon asked.

"Yeah, can you explain that to us?" Muriel asked, "Ramon here is not just any vampire, His sire is Edward Levine himself." Ned said.

"WHAT?!" Both Jade and Jasper asked, "Sire? you mean Edward turned Ramon into a vampire?" Garrick asked and Ned nodded.

"Upon the death of one's sire, a vampire will experience a momentary jolt of pain, presumably feeling the same pain their sire felt at death.

Ramon is here because he felt Edward dying, and he probably came to tell me the news and to celebrate." Ned explained.

"So that's why..." Tacito Mumbled, "That's why, what?" Yurei questioned.

"Wait, so you know Edward is dead?" Ramon asked, "The whole reason I called you to the hotel was to get the FBI's help on the crime scene.

Edward was murdered, here in my hotel." Ned explained.

Ramon's eyes went wide open, "Did you kill him big brother?!"

"What? no! we found the culprit already, some random woman some of us happened to know, she was hired to kill Edward." Ned said.

"I feel ashamed to say this as an FBI agent, but honestly I would've rewarded that woman or the person who hired her for killing Edward." Ramon said catching their attention.

Curious, "You hate Edward even though he's your sire?" Jasper asked, "Edward accidentally turned me into a vampire...I'm one of his victims, that's why I hate him." Ramon explained making Jasper blink twice in surprise.

"Wait, How come we never knew about you Ramon?" Jade asked, "That would be my doing...You and your brother didn't want Edward to be part of your lives when I came across Ramon, I kept his existence a secret from you, but I'm sorry to tell you, he knows too much about you two.

Ramon's one of few survivor of Edward's crimes that we know of." Ned explained.

"You mean there's others who escaped that peace of shit?" Garrick asked, "Yeah! back then we found few survivors from before the murder part of Edward's story happened.

Because apparently and prior to his murders, Edward was only actively assaulting teenage boys, then he'd let them go, eventually...

Lots of Vampires have the ability to wipe fresh memories off of people's minds, so The majority of his assault victims didn't even remember what he did to them.

However some survivors were either immune to Edward's magic or ended-up somehow retrieving their memories back later on, but None of them reported what happened out of shame and guilt and they probably thought it was too late anyways.

Again, this was happening in the 70s, where victim-blaming was very common, even for teenage boys." Ramon said.

"I'm glad to know he didn't always kill, but what triggered that, the killings I mean?" Garrick asked.

"Jasper is probably the only survivor of Edward's after he started killing his victims.

We believe Edward changed his old ways.

The approaching and befriending his victims part remained the same, he'd gain their trust before assaulting them, but instead of freeing them once they no longer appeal to him, he'd kill them instead.

And that change happened after meeting me." Ramon replied.

"Are you comfortable sharing your story with us?" Nashoba asked.

Smiling, "Let's just say, I'm no longer ashamed of being a victim, if me talking helps others, so be it." Ramon replied.

"Wow...I'm an immortal just like you...yet I never felt comfortable sharing my experience." Jasper said, "It's okay to feel uncomfortable, I only managed to Speak about what happened thanks to the support I got from people Like big brother all these years.

I understand not all people can overcome trauma, I haven't overcame it fully's normal." Ramon replied, "Anyways, like I said it all started when Edward and I met for the first was 1970, years before Jasper's experience.

Edward and I ran into each other by accident, and I was 15 at the time." Ramon added.

"What made him change?" Fernando asked, "When Edward attacked me, he did so because I told him I don't love him back...When he first met me, he fell in love with me.

And after some weeks of fun and friendship, he took me for the first time to his house, Where he eventually confessed his feelings." Ramon replied making Jasper's eyes go wide open.

"But that's...what happened with me?" Jasper Said, "I figured so, that's why You survived longer than the others...You were different like me, Edward fell for you." Ramon replied.

"Wait, so Edward was obsessed with you too?" Jade asked, "Yeah, I was in a tough spot at the time, I met Edward and believed he meant well for me, so I trusted him.

He was a good friend until, he started getting creepy around me, asking me whether I liked someone and what I thought about things like Sex, And then out of nowhere he invited me to his house to show me something 'Cool'.

I tried to think that Edward's behavior was typical for guys like him, so I brushed it off and accepted his invitation, but then while we were talking in his kitchen, he confessed his feelings and tried to kiss me, so I rejected and pushed him away and he got mad...So mad, that he grabbed me and tried to force himself on me.

Luckily I managed not to let him Assault me that way, I knew how to fight despite being a teen omega in the 70s.

So I fought back with all I got, but even so... Edward was still way stronger than me, and I ended-up getting scratched pretty badly by him, multiple times as we struggled.

However, I didn't back away and eventually i got my hands on a knife and stabbed Edward.

That caused him to bleed pretty badly and his blood got onto my injuries and even into my mouth, and as disgusting as that was, his blood entered my system.

My transition into a vampire began that moment, and if I hadn't fought Edward back, I wouldn't be here today." Ramon explained.

"I heard about being bitten, but I never heard about Mixing your blood with a vampire to become a vampire too?" Yurei questioned, "Actually it's a correct method, if vampire blood enters the system of a human being through an open wound, or sometimes by digestion, That human will most likely become a vampire.

Although if I'm not wrong, the last step to this method, is for that human to die then rise again after few days or even weeks as a vampire..." Nashoba explained.

"I did die by Edward's hands...I was his first murder victim." Ramon said earning few terrified looks.

"When Ramon attacked Edward and even managed to make him bleed, Edward's pride didn't take kindly to that.

Edward exposed that he was a vampire to Ramon who didn't know Edward was a vampire Until that moment, then he attacked Ramon again and killed him." Ned explained.

"Oh my god!" Muriel gasped.

"I don't know exactly what led to what afterwards, but after my death, I woke-up somehow under tons of dirt.

I realized I was buried, I was so afraid and confused by that fact, i dug myself out of the grave desperately.

When I made it out, it was so dark and I was in an area I've never seen before.

I was too hungry, craving human blood, so I started walking around until I made it to a small town...I saw this guy in an alleyway, he was hurting a girl and it reminded me of what Edward did to me, so I attacked him...

I drank his blood, and even though he was human garbage, I still felt guilty about attacking him.

It was amazing at first the taste of blood, but then the realization that I've become what Edward was, shattered me...though I've come to realize not all vampires are evil later on, but at the time I thought being a vampire meant that I've become a deadly monster.

So I went into hiding for the next few years, and adapted to the lifestyle of vampires, I never went back to my hometown, and no one I knew before knew I was still alive.

Luckily for me, I didn't have to hide during the day, since vampires have evolved and sunlight wasn't an issue anymore, but I still made sure that I wasn't spotted." Ramon explained.

"You poor thing..." Muriel murmured, "I'm sorry that you went through that..." Fernando spoke-up surprisingly.

"Thank you...It was possibly the worst time of my life...But years later everything changed, it was almost 1980 and my 25 birthday was closing by.

At the time I had no friends and no one to celebrate with, and I felt deeply homesick...I was an orphaned kid raised by my only sister Juanita who was 18 years older than me, she was an omega woman who loved me like I was her son.

But because I became a vampire, I didn't go back home and I left her behind to protect I was surprised when on my birthday, My sister knocked on my door.

And she wasn't alone, She and Big brother Ned have found me." Ramon explained.

"Edward had killed a great number of boys by the time we managed to stop him...Ramon was the first victim but when we caught Edward, we had no idea Ramon was even a victim.

That was until we met Juanita, Ramon's sister who was one of the people that declared a missing boy in her family, she had for years been doing her own investigation to find Ramon, so we talked with her and figured that Edward must've taken Ramon at some point, even though we couldn't find his body.

Edward was nonchalant about the arrest and didn't show any remorse, he told us where to find each victim we asked for, until we questioned him about Ramon, then he got angry and refused to talk about him.

When we eventually made that deal to wipe everyone's memories, Juanita was so against it and didn't want her memories of her brother to be wiped, she believed that her brother could've survived the ordeal and begged me to keep her memories.

Eventually I tricked everyone else into believing that her memories were removed, And then I started to help her look for Ramon and other survivors whenever I had time, and I financed her search too." Ned replied, "And that's how we found Ramon." He added.

"This so heartbreaking...I can't imagine...the pain you...and your sister... must've gone through." Tacito said.

"I'm glad that something good came out of if it.

Thanks to big brother and my sister's efforts to find the other survivors, The FBI supernatural division idea was born.

It all happened when My human sister made a formal request to create the division, and sent it to the supernatural beings within the government with the rightful authority. " Ramon said.

"The request was eventually accepted since there was a rise in these crimes, there was even crimes against the supernaturals committed by humans which was mostly the 'Supernatural hunters' doing." Ned said.

"And while I was among the First 70 agents, My sister Juanita was among the first 7, as the only female FBI agent in the division, and second Omega agent too! since despite her efforts, discrimination against Omegas was as wildly common as discrimination against beta woman." Ramon explained.

"Wow! that's so cool! you sister was amazing! Who's the other omega with her?" Jade asked, "That would be me...hehe." Ned replied.