Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 171 - Only fools rush in p1

Chapter 171 - Only fools rush in p1

"Rubies...The stone of kings." Ned said shocked.

He was too shocked actually, that he completely let go of Garrick, and just sat there on the ground, staring at Rapunzel's bracelets with wide eyes.

" everything alright? look paler...than the usual?" Tacito asked with concern, "Taci is right, Neddie you look like you have seen a ghost! what is happening?!" Muriel said worriedly, but Ned didn't answer them, he just continuously stared at the bracelets.

When Jasper noticed how Ned was shaken, "Seeing your reaction...I think I have an idea on who's our new villain." he spoke-up.

"Huh? What you're talking about bro?" Jade questioned, "My love, do You know who is controlling Rapunzel?" Faunus asked.

"If you know, then hurry-up and tell us!" Yurei demanded.

"Tch, Alpha man wannabe." Jasper said scoffing, "You Fuc...!" Yurei was almost about to return the insult when Thorn intervened, "You guys can kill each other later, now explain what's going on, Jasper." he said.

"Fair enough.

Everyone! You may not be familiar with this, but there's funny little saying in the world of Jewellery business.

It's about our family and it goes like this: 'If it involves a pretty rock, it involves a Valentino'." Jasper said.

"You sure you didn't just make that up right now?" Yurei asked skeptically, "No he didn't!" Jade replied.

"The twins are telling the truth.

I myself, is well familiar with that saying, Thanks to how involved Ned and myself are in each other's businesses.

Valentino is a household name in this industry." Muriel spoke-up, "And now that you have mentioned it Jasper, I think I know as well who is behind this, Although I do not understand how or why he is behind it...not that anything about that man is ever understandable." He added frowning.

"Understand what? Who's behind this Muri?" Thorn asked.

"I'll explain so listen...One reason why Our family is Annoyingly rich, is the fact that I make those glamours most of you already know and use.

And not to brag about it but what allowed me to make them in the first place, was my talents for both magic and Jewellery designing, that I inherited from my very talented mother." Jasper said, "How humble of you! Sure you ain't bragging?" Yurei said sarcastically.

"It's not Bragging if everyone knows it...I wonder what achievements you've made so far, Yurei?" Jasper questioned sarcastically, "So you care so much about the world knowing the great shit that you do? you fake bitch?!

Is that why you wanted Edward's crimes hidden? because they ain't achievements?!" Yurei replied making Jasper's eyes go wide open.

"Yurei my love...that's enough!" Tacito Scolded him.

Suddenly, "I hope you choke on your next Blowjob YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Jasper Screamed at Yurei.

"Jasper! Yurei both of you! please stop this!" Muriel pleaded with them, "DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

In this life, I'm older than you and You ain't my fuckin mom, you ain't even a mother yet in this life SO DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Jasper Screamed At Muriel startling him.

And Seeing how hurt Muriel got by those words, "THAT'S ENOUGH! YOU'RE GONNA APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW!" Thorn shouted.

"Why does Jasper have to apologize! Yurei was at fault too!" Faunus said, "WHY?! Jasper just insulted Muriel!" Thorn replied.

"You guys really need to stop picking fights with each other." Yuri who's been silent for a while, spoke-up.

"Fuck this, I don't have the necessary energy, I'm outta here!" Jasper said as he was about to walk away, but Thorn grabbed him.

Surprisingly enough, "Hey Thorn! just let him go, Faunus is right! I'm the One who's at fault here, I'm sorry for starting this...I shouldn't have insulted you Jasper." Yurei said.

Tacito was surprised that Yurei would apologize this easily and quickly, so he decided to support him, "Father, please don't...Cause another trouble...Mother please tell...him to stop!" He said to Muriel.

"Thorn love, just drop it...Jasper was only stating the facts, he did not mean to hurt me." Muriel said to Thorn but Thorn ever the stubborn, refused to let go of Jasper's arm.

"Ned, tell your goddamn kid to apologize, Now!" Thorn demanded but Ned wasn't even aware a fight has broke out around him.

"Let me go, before you get hurt." Jasper warned Thorn.

Rapunzel remained silent watching whatever unfolded in front of her, As for Garrick who was beginning to calm down a little, he started to worry about Ned's lack of reply.

He could feel a strong emotion within Ned, it was dark, unsettling and suffocating.

It was Utter Fear.

"Ned?! ...the hell is wrong with you now?" Thorn asked, "I don't think Ned can hear us guys." Yurei said and everyone looked at Ned who was still staring at the bracelets.

Right then, Jade finally understood the meaning behind her brother's words.

"If it involves a pretty rock, it involves a Valentino...You mean...

Oh god please No! is that pathetic Piece of Crap is involved?!" she spoke-up, shifting the attention towards her.

"Pathetic who?" Thorn questioned, "She's talking about our Mystery Guy.

Knowing that Ned was born a magic user, he's also a very talented Jewelry designer and so is Jasper who's his child." Yuri explained, "It Essentially applies that Ned probably inherited his talents from a family member too." they added.

"A family member?" Yurei questioned, "Exactly...What I personally know about the Valentinos, is that it's a hereditary kind of thing for them, to be interested in jewels and magic." Yuri replied,

"These bracelets are exceptional, it's like nothing I've seen before, but because Ned seems to recognize this work and also seems to be terrified by it, I can only assume...

That it could be the work of one specific Man." They added looking at Ned.

"No it's impossible! we gotta be wrong! it's all speculations right?!" Jade said hopeful, "Jade...Darling, even I believe it's that man's work! although just like Muriel said, I don't understand how and why...what does he stand to gain from doing all of this?" Yuri replied.

"Are you suggesting that the person who did this is a family member of yours? So it's really not just the three of you out here?" Yurei asked.

"No, of course not smartass! how do you think we got the last name Valentino? Also It's not an uncommon last name. " Jasper replied angrily.

"I see now...It's not just...any family member... it's a parent...Ned's parent." Tacito spoke-up.

"You mean Mother's Father?" Faunus said surprised, "Ned's father is behind this? TF is going on?!" Thorn commented.

Enraged, "You have no idea how shitty he is...if this is true...if he's back then I'll kill him myself this time.

If he ever dares to hurt My mother again, I'll kill him." Jade said while clenching her fists.

"The man in question Would be Lord Raud Valentino.

He was a nobleman of Derora that I heavily disliked and avoided...he often spoke ill about my family and me, especially since I'm an omega.

He also was very vocal publicly about his political stance.

How he believes that the Spencers, My family, was not worthy of becoming Derora's Monarchs." Muriel explained, "He is not completely wrong...

As You know now, My grandparents took the right to rule the kingdom from Ned's mother, Which means that I was not the rightful king myself.

Ned is." He added.

"Our shitty grandpa wanted badly to become a king using mom." Jade said, "You don't know how bad the abuse mom had to endure...I bet right now he's in a state of shock, just the thought of That man being close by, could paralyze him." she added.

"Jesus...I may the one...with the worst...parent after all." Tacito replied.

"That explains Why You're shocked about the Bracelets, Ned.

Your father thinks he's worthy of ruling Derora, through you." Thorn Stated.

Sighing, "I guess you can't really run from your abuser forever, as long as they are alive or can be reborn...they will always hunt you and haunt you.

I think I met way too Many family members today...And he's the last face I want to see." Ned spoke-up finally.

Reaching with his hand to touch Ned, "Ned...You're shaking bad! are you Alright?!" Garrick Asked worried.

"Don't worry about me, I'm okay.

Hah! I just realized we've been sitting out here on the cold hard ground, We should stand-up already...I can barely feel my legs from the cold.

C'mon let's just go inside!" Ned said forcing a smile, But Garrick only got more worried.

Garrick watched his mate's lips quiver in fear despite the forced smile, Ned's eyes were glistening with tears but he wouldn't allow them to fall.

Wherever Garrick touched, Ned's whole body was shaking violently, he was terrified out of his mind, and it terrified Garrick to see him try and pretend to be okay despite everything.

In fact everyone was terrified now, Ned's behavior took them by surprise since most of them never really saw Ned this shaken before.

"Mom, stop pretending! I can tell you're not okay! I can hear thoughts remember?! Do you want me to remove my amulet and expose how bad the situation is?" Jade threatened.

"Don't do anything stupid, I'm fine! really! don't worry about me honey...Let's just all go inside, it's cold...I hate it when it's cold, you all know that heh!" Ned said attempting to chuckle.

"And Rapunzel!'re also welcome to come with us...there's a lot left for you to explain anyways." Ned Added.

"Am I really welcome?" Rapunzel asked, "Bring Henrietta first." he replied and Rapunzel sighed in defeat.

The genie Snapped her fingers and in a matter of seconds, Henrietta who was Inside a bubble, descended from the sky.

When the bubble reached the ground, it popped on its own and freed a very grateful- to-be-back-on-earth Henrietta, "I nearly shit my pants!" she first said when her feet touched the stable surface beneath her.

"Henrietta! You're okay?" Ned Asked as he tried to get-up to check on her, but his knees buckled underneath him as soon as he stood-up, "Neddie be careful!" Muriel warned Ned who was about to fall, but thankfully Garrick caught him just in time.

"Ned! What happened?!" Henrietta asked while rushing to Ned's side, "You're shaking too much, you can't even stand!" She said when she touched him.

"I got him, step back!" Garrick said pushing Henrietta away.

"You can't stay jealous of her forever..." Ned tried to joke, "Stop pretending Ned...You're scared, aren't you?" Garrick Asked, "I'm fine...I just need some rest." Ned replied.

"I don't believe you, but it doesn't matter, I'll carry you inside." Garrick said.

"No! I can walk!" Ned protested but Garrick still picked him up, bridal style.

With Ned in his arms, "Tomorrow, we're going to be mates for real...So, I'm not going to ask for much, just that you can lean on me, like how you let me lean on you all this time, Lovely." Garrick said gently.

Sighing, "You're still the sweet idiot from back then...Fine, I'll lean on you." Ned replied.

"You know something? We're not even granted tomorrow so...Garrick..." Ned spoke again chuckling while Garrick stared at him curiously, "Do you accept me as you mate?" Ned asked.

Some gasped, some blinked twice but all had Their eyes wide open like Garrick, "You're asking that now?!" he asked surprised.

"Yeah! I'm trying to speed the process!...So, do you?" Ned asked again.

This time, without hesitation, "Yes, Ned Valentino, I accept you as my mate." Garrick replied while staring deep into Ned's dark-purple eyes.

"Then I accept you too." Ned replied staring back with a smile, his fear vanished as he felt the sudden happiness and satisfaction, from his bond with Garrick being finally sealed.