Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 130 - Another patient for the doctor.

Chapter 130 - Another patient for the doctor.

"Should we call you Mother again?" Yurei asked Muriel, "Oh dear, you two can call me whatever you like... considering my relationship with Thorn, I am your mother either way." Muriel replied happily.

"Mother...It seems always knew... Yurei and I...were a thing." Tacito asked.

"Oh yes! Yurei did not try to hide the fact that he liked you at all." Muriel said giggling.

"He didn't?" Tacito asked, "I liked you before the whole mate thing, you know that?" Yurei said chuckling.

"Although we lived...together all these... years...sometimes I wish...we grew-up...together instead Yurei.

I wish I...went to my...father's Kingdom even...for a day." Tacito said.

"Oh wishes...I wish there is a way we can go back to our kingdoms and our past lives! I cannot imagine the terrors that could have possibly happened in Derora or Junglaya by now." Muriel replied.

But then it struck him, "My goodness...Thorn have you not realized something?!" Muriel said in disbelief, a big smile formed on his face.

"That Yurei is a menace?" Thorn said jokingly, "No! Tacito is talking!" Muriel replied.

Realizing it as well, "Oh my god... you're fucking right!" Thorn said.

"It's thanks to...Yurei that I'm...talking actually...he used one...of his wishes." Tacito responded.

"I always knew that Tacito was in good hands with you Yurei, I am really proud of you two...although I must admit Yurei, you have been a troublemaker to others." Muriel replied.

"I know I did some bad stuff...but I got Taci with me to keep me in check." Yurei sheepishly replied.

"I wonder where...Ned went to?...I noticed Garrick...seemed a when they...left together earlier." Tacito asked all of the sudden.

"Beats me...that old hag barely ever tells me his plans!" Yurei said.

"It is not very nice to call people 'Old hag' Yurei." Muriel said.

"I know, but I'm serious! that guy, when him and I worked together, Ned even managed to attend a funeral and bury someone without me knowing.

If there's one thing that Ned is good At more than anything else, it would be secrecy.

You can't know Ned's secrets unless he tells you himself." Yurei replied.

"Despite all the...trouble that Yurei...caused for Ned...The doctor a helping... hand for Yurei...and even me." Tacito said.

"I wonder if I never hired Ned to begin would things play out?" Muriel asked, "Probably Fernando would've found a way to destroy us nonetheless.

Ned Seems to be the only one capable of taming him." Thorn replied annoyed.

"To think we're now supposed to cover-up for Fernando...ugh!" Yurei said.

"I believe we...should trust Ned...As far as...I can tell...he knows what...he's doing usually." Tacito spoke-up, "Tacito has a point, if we are confused than the best thing to do is to trust Neddie.

He has proven himself to see more than what meets the eye." Muriel replied.

"Oh yeah, for how long exactly?" Yurei Asked, "Ned is smart, but there's limits to that! how can you make an alliance with the guy who murdered everyone you care about?" Thorn spoke next, "Sorry Taci." he added.

"No need to...apologize I know...very well the...actions of my...birth mother are...atrocious in nature...I can only...hope that... he's now...a changed Man." Tacito replied.

"I think it's because they have a common enemy.

Maybe that's why Ned and Fernando are teaming-up." Mallory said as she returned to the living room, "Sorry I took long, They called me from work." She added.

"Ah right! The Style family, that's what you mean by a common enemy right?" Yurei asked.

Nodding "Pretty much." she replied.

Suddenly, Tacito began feeling dizzy, "Ugh... Yurei...This is too...much for me...I need to...lie down somewhere." he said.

"Are you alright? the couch facing us is empty, you can lie down there." Yurei said.

"Is it a headache or something?" Muriel asked.

Standing-up, "Idk...My vision is... spinning all of...the sudden." Tacito said breathless.

"Okay let me help." Yurei said standing-up as well, he wrapped his arms around Tacito waist and took a step with him towards that couch, only to have Tacito faint in his arms.

"Taci?! Taci can you hear me?" Yurei asked holding him, "What's going on?" Thorn asked, "Oh dear! Maybe he was too stressed?" Muriel suggested.

"Was he always like this?" Mallory asked.

"What's happening?" Fernando said as he walked in on them, "Jesus." Mallory was stunned by his new look but still gave him a mean look.

Seeing his son passed out, "Tacito!" Fernando hurried to his side, "What happened to him?" he asked.

"Do I look like a doctor to you! didn't you say it's impossible for him to get sick in this body?!" Yurei replied.

"I said it and it's true, normal illness wouldn't effect him...has he been drinking blood like I asked him too?" Fernando replied with another question.

"Blood...wait what is this all about?" Muriel asked but was ignored, "Yes, he's drinking alright!

But usually when he lacks on that, he doesn't pass out, he'd get aggressive or extremely paranoid." Yurei replied to Fernando.

"Take him to Ned, he's at his hospital with Garrick.

That boy Yuuya had fallen sick or Something earlier, so Ned should still be working." Fernando said.

"Yuuya...From the knights?!" Muriel remembered them, "Those guys are here too?" Thorn asked.

"You're not coming Freddie?" Yurei asked, "Unfortunately, I have somewhere else to go at the moment." Fernando replied before walking away.

"Cold hearted." Muriel whispered underneath his breaths.

"How about you teleport with Taci and we'll follow you guys later in the car?" Thorn said, "Got it." Yurei responded before teleporting away with Tacito.


"So they called you Son?! my own parents did that?" Yuuya was definitely surprised.

"Yeah...see, I told you they'll come around." Agu replied smiling.

"How old fashioned can they be though! they want grandchildren so badly they tried to break you two up!" Stella said annoyed.

"Right! Seems like they don't believe in modern medicine! Natural sex isn't the only way to have children." Garrick replied.

"I heard there's like an 18 ways now to have a baby!" Kimberly said, "That's actually true, for example, one of the most Common way among gay beta couple like you, is surrogacy." Ned replied.

"I'm definitely not ready to be a dad." Yuuya said giggling, "That makes two of us." Agu replied kissing his forehead.

"Anyways about Your parents-! uh...huh?" before Stella could finish her sentence, Yurei teleported into the room scaring the shit out of Garrick.

"AHH C'MON?!" Garrick yelled, "Ned I need your help." Yurei said.

"What happened to him!" Ned asked as he noticed Tacito passed out in Yurei's arms, "He just fainted all of the sudden, Fernando asked me to personally bring him to you." Yurei replied.

...Some Time Later...

"I tried to get everything done quickly so the test results should be here any minute but still, you didn't have to bother yourself waiting Yurei.

You could've took Tacito back home or something." Ned replied.

"I'm just worried, can you blame me?" Yurei said, "You're right, I can't do that!" Ned replied, "Umm, where's Tacito by the way? You two were supposed to come to my office together." he added asking.

"Weird but Kimberly asked him to have a chat with her, they should be outside the office right now." Yurei replied.


"Anyways Ned, about Tacito...Fernando told me that his body structure should be of a normal human for the looking eye, but he wouldn't be able to die or get hurt from normal illnesses and injuries, like anybody else would.

So I can't think of anything that could possibly cause Tacito to faint, other than stress." Yurei responded.

"Honestly I don't know much about this type of body, I mean crafted-bodies, and Fernando's the expert not me, so I'm taking his word seriously.

However I don't think it's stress, I think that it could be something else wrong with his body." Ned replied.

"You know sometimes...I think about it, that week when Tacito disappeared.

The idea that he literally died, his body probably was broken to pieces, he's gone through an imaginable pain from that car crash.

And His only hope was Fernando crafting him his body, it just makes me feel like shit." Yurei confessed.

"I know that you feel like shit because you feel in debt to Fernando.

From the very beginning, we thought Fernando wanted to get rid of his child, but instead he saved Tacito's life, which if anything makes me believe that Fernando does really love his child." Ned replied.

"But doc, people who love their children don't go around cutting their tongues off...that was uncalled for."

"Yurei, don't get me wrong I'm not saying that Fernando is right in any way, I'm not saying that what he did is justifiable...but I'm saying that in his own twisted ways, he tried to look after Tacito."

"When you look at it...there's only few of us who had a normal upbringing.

Jade and Jasper were lucky to have you, you know."

"Don't you ever miss the time we worked together Yurei?"

Yurei laughed, "You got me on that one! It was really, one the best times I've ever lived! and I kinda feel shamed to say that, because Tacito wasn't involved in it."

"Listen buddy, romance isn't everything I'm telling you!

The time we spend together working, It was the craziest probably most fun adventure I ever lived in my life! We should do that again! Go on a crazy mission...You really should go back to working for Jihi." Ned said.

"I don't know anymore, I promised Tacito that I will settle down...and just live normal peaceful life, at least once we get married." Yurei replied.

"Sucks to be a grown-up, doesn't it friend?"

"Yeah, sometimes I wish I never really gave-up on all those years of our childhood.

Tacito was right, I wish we grew-up together First, and discovered our lives bit by bit like all children do."

"Even if short-lived, you have felt what it's like to be a child, especially under Muriel's care...i envy you because I never knew what it's like to be a child, everything I knew at the time was fear and pain, Something that children shouldn't deal with." Ned replied.

"I swear if this was a story written by someone, I would hope to meet the author and punch them in the face! All of us deserve to live happily, This plot is just absurd." Yurei said annoyed.

"What crazy bitch would write a story like this?" Ned said chuckling, "Oh, you have no idea gentlemen!" Kimberly said smiling as she walked into the office, Tacito was right behind her.

"Kimberly." Ned said, "I apologize for borrowing your mate, Yurei... anyways now that I made sure Yuuya is okay, I should be heading back to my photoshoot." Kimberly said before walking out of the office once more.

"What was that all about?" Yurei asked, "Kimberly wanted to...know...where I shoes from." Tacito replied.

"Really? just shoes?"

"Yes...just shoes."

"Taci are you sur-!" before Yurei could question him anymore, one of the hospital staff came in with a document.

The staff member went straight to Ned's side and handed him the document, whispering something in his ear before leaving as quick as they entered.

"That was suspicious." Yurei pointed out, "Let's go home...Yurei." Tacito said.

" might want to stick around for this." Ned said eying the papers in his hands.

"Are you talking to us?" Yurei asked, "Is there something... that's wrong Ned?" Tacito was next.

"Depends on how you see it." Ned replied.

"Umm, meaning?" Tacito asked.

"You're pregnant, Tacito." Ned replied.