Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 91 - Saturday plans.

Chapter 91 - Saturday plans.

"Coco you have come back!" Muriel greeted Socorro with hug, "Yes, I'm back but not empty handed, I got some peace offerings with me." She replied showing him what she was carrying.

"You got something for us?" Thorn asked, "Some snacks and popcorn kernels, thought we can make some popcorn here...

Figured Thorn might stay the night and he loves watching movies, so I thought we should all watch a movie tonight." she replied.

"Oh! that is so sweet of you!" Muriel cheered, "Thanks Soco, I'll go make us some popcorn in the kitchen now." Thorn said taking the plastic grocery bags from her.

"I am glad to see you smile again Coco." Muriel spoke as soon as Thorn went away, he held Socorro by her arm and the two walked to the living room together.

"Sorry about earlier, I kinda lost my mind for a moment."

"Well, it is a bit understandable, I am sorry as well for pushing your buttons too far."

"Muriel, you can count on me to cover for you." Socorro said smiling to his face, "Ned won't hear about tomorrow."

"Coco! thank you." Muriel said hugging her again, she hugged him back grateful he can't see her expression shifting to worried,"My pleasure, pleasure."



"I can't believe he cheated on her with her own brother!"

"Lu!" Aroon Said pressing pause, the two were watching a movie together when Aroon wanted to get something out of his mind, "Umm, is something wrong Aroon?" Luciel asked.

"Can I make a confession."

"Sure thing Luv!"

"Back in Derora, you and I did not meet."

"True, I was hired sometime after Fernando did what he did to you." Lucius replied frowning a bit.

"Well I...Before that *clears throat* I had a relationship with someone while I was alive back Then." Aroon said biting his lips.

"You mean like another lover?"

"Yes, I slept with him and all."

"Him...who is he?"

"Garrick." Aroon said embarrassed, he hid his face in his hands but still peered through his fingers to see how Lucius reacted.

"Oh! Thank you for actually coming back to me then!

I mean after being with Garrick, I understand that you had to lower your standers too much so you can be with me." Lucius unexpectedly replied.

"Lower my Standards? what is this nonsense? and I'm sorry I don't understand, are you not angry at the fact I was with another man?"

"I'm surprised you still want me after you had him."

"How low is your self esteem?"

"What self esteem? haha?" Lucius jokingly said.

"Lucius you CANNOT be serious! pookie you're perfect for me! and my relationship with Garrick was just a transactional thing, no feelings were involved at least not from my side...he has Ned now anyways." Aroon replied.

"Seriously, I'm not bothered at all! besides your relationship with him happened at a time where neither of us could've been together! I don't consider it cheating if that's what you think it is." Lucius said.


"Yes, really! I have to admit something, I also had relationships with other people in this life."

"I suppose we are even then!" Aroon said happily smiling, Lucius smiled back at him nervously, "We're even, definitely even." he said chuckling.

Noticing his nervousness, Aroon narrowed his eyes at Lucius " many people were there before me?"

"What? how what?"

"Don't be silly, tell me." Aroon said giving him an evil smile, "What's Your body count...I only had Garrick."

"Uhhhh, I just remembered I left the tea kettle on the oven, I'll be right back!" Lucius said hastily getting-up, "What tea kettle?! there's no tea kettle! come back here!" Aroon replied following him.

...Few minutes later...

"59?! is this even possible...Lu I thought you hated socializing? goodness! what happened to the low self esteem?" Aroon questioned while looking at him skepticaly.

Leaning on the kitchen counter, "I'm sorry Aroon, i never had confidence with dating, so I took any opportunity I got...I kinda believed I'd end-up alone for the rest of my life." Lucius replied blushing.


"I'm sorry, I get it if it bothers you."

Wrapping him in a hug, "No it does not." Aroon said.

"Really?" Lucius spoke in disbelief.

"Yes, really pookie! you accepted me so I should do the same."


They stared at each other afterwards for few seconds smiling, before Aroon's smile turned into a devilish smirk.

"What?...why are you looking at me like that?" Lucius asked, instead of answering him, Aroon dropped to his knees still smirking.

Lucius stood watching as Aroon pulled down his pants, as soon as his hands reached Lucius's underwear, "My mum is asleep in the other room! what if we get caught!" Lucius whispered with a fully flushed face.

"And? we just have to be quiet." Aroon said seductively before winking.

"Oh god...that's easier said than done."

...(Next Day)...

"Good morning!"


"Hello? I said good morning!"


"Okay I'm not gonna get the silent treatment...So, Saturday's afternoon, coffee date with me?"


"Oh C'mon dude! *whispering* you're gonna feel so fucking stupid when you get your memories back...I know now where I got my brains from."

"What did you just say?" Garrick asked, "Nothing." Jade replied smiling.

"You were mumbling something, I'm not stupid Jade."

"I was just saying, I hope you'd just forgive me because you're my friend and I don't want to lose you."

Rolling his eyes at her, "If I was your friend, you wouldn't play me like that."

"How many unnecessary times do I have to apologize to you, so you'd would finally forgive me?"

"Until you actually feel remorse, you can apologize as many times you want, and it doesn't mean I have to accept your apology."

"You're right but still, I'm being grilled over here, you're mad at me, Mom is so mad at me that he punished me, and I can't wait for Jasper to know so he'd also get mad at me."

"Ned punished you?"

"He put all of my cars for sale, and put a limit on my credit card...this is the most severe punishment I got in years."

"You don't have your own source of income?"

"You mean like Jasper has, nope... I'm Not a business owner or anything, I worked in the family business back in the days but then I pulled my hand away, and ever since I tried to be independent by working a variety of jobs but couldn't hold any, either I quit or get fired...

Until mom suggested law enforcement to me, and I just went for it, didn't consider much."

"Wow Jade, You're definitely something."

"I wasn't always like this Garrick, shit happens to people."

"I know, but You brought this upon yourself." Garrick replied, "Listen, I'll text you later when I'm going for coffee, if you want to come and have a chat with me...

I'll be paying for the both of us and I'll explain to you why I did what I did, and after that you can decide whether you want to cut me off or not." Jade said, "Deal?" she added.

A little convinced, Garrick nodded at her and she smiled immediately, "Cool! I hope I see you later."

"I'm only doing this for Ned's sake."

"I know." Jade said patting his shoulder one time before she took off.

... Meanwhile...

"Aroon is not back?" Matilda asked, "No, he slept at Lucius's place." Ned replied.

"Ohh!" Matilda smirked, "I see, I see!" she added playfully, the two were chatting in the living room of Matilda's apartment.

"He wanted to spend time with them, he Missed them after all." Ned said.

"I'm sure he did miss them." Matilda still spoke with the same playful tone, "Do you think of anything besides sex?" he asked.

"Stop acting as if you're not thinking of doing it with Garrick 24h."

"At least I keep my thoughts inside my head, the way you act around Socorro is creepy as fuck."

"Wait?! am I being creepy?! really?!"

"Gurl, you look at her like you're about to devour her any moment!" Ned replied.

"Oh shit!...what can I do to make her feel Comfortable around me?"

"Try to avoid touching her as much as you can, don't go around grabbing her whenever you feel like it.

Don't force her into plans she didn't agree to...also buy her books and dresses with pockets, she'd appreciate that Alot."

"Ok got it!" Matilda said making a mental note of what Ned said.

"Is Jasper planning to keep himself locked forever in his room?!" Ned whispered underneath his breaths, Jasper didn't come out of his room or even contacted him in any way.

"You're worried about something else, your other kid?" Matilda asked.

"Yeah, Jasper is in started at the party, and he locked himself in his room ever since."

"His heats take long, like yours...wouldn't finding him a partner solve that issue?"

"As if he's going to get one... he's heartbroken at the moment, I don't think bringing him that suggestion is a good idea."

"Maybe we should find him different suppressants, it seems like these ones didn't work."

"Yeah...Maybe we should find new ones, or find him a completely different solution."

"Like Magic? "

"I asked Aroon about it, but he said he couldn't seem to find a good solution."

"Do you want me to ask Coco? she seems to be interested in these subjects." Matilda suggested, "Yeah!" Ned Nodded at her while getting-up from the couch.

"Awesome! I'm going to go see her anyway! she's home alone today." Matilda said getting-up as well.

"Home alone? Muriel is still with Thorn? those two should move in together already!" Ned said chuckling "Oh! bestie I forgot to tell you something!" he added.


"Yurei told me about this something, apparently someone has been using his ability in exchange for money."

"Obviously, from where else would he get Tacito a new car, right?"

"Yeah, before someone started offering him work regularly, Tacito was most of the time, the only provider for them." Ned said, "That someone that Yurei worked under, apparently has a shady woman named 'Monika Serpentines' that Also works for him, she pretended to be the saleswoman when they brought the car for Tacito." he added.

"So you knew, Who is this someone? the boss Yurei worked for?" Matilda asked.

"They call him just the 'Boss', he collects people like Yurei with abilities he needs like keychains, uses them for all sorts of tasks, kinda like Jihi.

Apparently neither Monika or Yurei have seen this someone in person, but Yurei managed to get a name somehow." Ned answered her.

"Let me guess, he's a famous person?" Matilda said.

"The one and only mystical 'Faunus Style'...the guy that nobody can get to meet." Ned replied heading for the front door.

"That Toys business owner? he's the other adopted Style!"

"Apparently he has more than the toys businesses to run."

"Why would a guy whose company designs and produces toys, need people like Yurei unless he had a side hustle."

"And that's what we are going to figure out today, I'm going with Yurei and Tacito to the Style's mansion today...I bet Leonard is gonna hate seeing my face there." Ned said while grinning.

"You're going there? should I come with you?" Matilda asked, "No no! you go enjoy some quality time with your girlfriend, I got this."

"Are you sure Ned? no Aroon, no Jasper, you don't even want me by your side."

"I got Yurei, he's one wicked son of a bitch, and it's about time I meet this Faunus guy in person.

I heard a rumour that he's most comfortable with male should go well with me And Tacito there." Ned said.

"Okay! keep me updated though, and don't leave out any drama for me." Matilda replied while opening the door for him.