Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 79 - A special birthday song.

Chapter 79 - A special birthday song.

"Happy Birthday To You~"

"Happy Birthday To You~"

"Happy Birthday Happy Birthday~ Haaaappy Birthdaaaay To Youuu! WHOA!"

Everyone clapped in the room before "C'MON TACI! BLOW THE CANDLE!" Jade cheered loudly.

Tacito unable To bring himself to stop Smiling, struggled to blow the candles as his lips wouldn't come together, and it made some of the guests chuckle at his adorable attempt to blow the candles.

"Don't forget to make a wish!" Yurei said,

"Is he seven years old? if he has a wish, Taci can tell me and I can make it happen with a black-card instead." Ned replied sarcastically, "Talking like the rich people you used to hate, At least compared to you, Tacito isn't an old hag who cares about money." Yurei smugly replied back before running away, he knew what's coming at him.

A slipper flew hitting Yurei right on the back, "HEY! GET YOUR ASS HERE! didn't I say I'm going to BURRY YOU if you EVER call me an OLD HAG AGAIN!"Ned shouted as he chased a giggly Yurei around the table.

Tacito who finally managed to blow the candles," Don't kill might sound... impossible...but Yurei is... actually least" He said jokingly, "Mom doesn't go for violence unless you mention his age, and after running all day with Choco, he's exhausted, so your boyfriend stands a good 50% chance of survival." Jade replied watching Ned already get tired.

Panting, "YOU! ugh...I can't, I give-up." Ned said going back to his chair in defeat, " And! There it is, ladies and gentlemen." Jade said pointing at the exhausted Ned.

"We done already? oh you're really getting old! though you look the same." Yurei said going back to his chair.

"You little shit! Ugh... wait until I get my hands on you!... You're dead!"

"Since everyone is back to their chairs! it's time we cut the cake!" Thorn said picking the knife, "Here, let me help." Garrick said grabbing the plates.

"Can I get a smaller cut? I'm not a sweet-tooth." Jasper said, "Me too, I don't do cake much." Ned said as well.

"Alright, lovelies." Garrick replied winking, "Thanks Rickie." Ned spoke smiling meanwhile Jasper felt a bit cringy.

"Right! the drinks!" Aroon said standing-up, "I'll handle it!" Socorro said eagerly, "Can everyone tell me what they wanna drink, apparently we have a variety here." she added.

"Jade and I want coffee, Jasper and Ned will get Mint sodas, Matilda will probably take the Orange juice.

As for Jihi, Aroon, Lucius and Muriel, They seem like they're definitely going to ask for tea.

I think Thorn and Tacito aren't too picky so I can't really tell, you might have to ask them both again...I also think you're not too picky, Coco.

And finally, Yurei would probably get whatever Tacito is getting." Garrick said while giving everyone their share of the cake, his conclusion made the whole room goes quiet, "What? is something wrong" he asked as he noticed the silence, he got confused by their confusion.

"Oh no darling, your deduction was spot-on actually! no wonders Ned is so hooked on you" Jihi replied.

"Very impressive partner!" Jade said snickering, "I bet all that texting after 12:00pm with mom, is your source of information." she added.

"HEY!" Ned felt embarrassed by her words, "What? everyone knows you're together, so what's the shyness for?" Jade replied.

"Alright then, I'll get everyone's drink ready, I'll also get some milk for poor Choco, she looks thirsty." Socorro said petting the friendly cat, Choco purred in delight at her gentle touch.

...Few minutes later...

"This cake is DELIIIIIIIICIOUS!" Matilda said with a tear in her eye as she took her second piece, "Sis, I can't agree more! this shit was so Good, I'd marry the hoe that made it." Jade said taking another slice for herself.

"It's thanks to Lucius we found that amazing cake shop!" Thorn said boosting about his shy Assistant, " But Jasper was the one who picked the cake." Lucius said trying to send some praises towards Jasper.

"I never resisted the urge to eat a cake in my life, as much as I have done it today, when Lucius and I went to get this cake." Aroon said.

"I don't get the hype, but I'm glad everyone enjoyed it, like Thorn said, it's thanks to Lucius we found that place." Jasper said while watching Aroon savor his last bite.

"It's really good!...thanks Lu, and...Jaspie!" Tacito said brushing his hair behind his ear as he took another bite, for some reason Tacito's expression of gratitude made Jasper blush right away, "Y-You're welcome Taci! I owe you that much...I guess." he hastily replied, scratching his face.

Whispering besides him "Maaan, you're really weak for them Omegas! can't blame you though, Taci is a work of art." Jade said teasing her brother "JADE! this isn't funny! I think my heat is coming soon or something, that's why!

Jeez...Even Muriel made me blush earlier." Jasper whispered back.

"Oh shit! I feel sorry for ya son, tell me if you need anything." Jade whispered again, then went quiet afterwards busying herself with the cake.

"Choco." Tacito gently spoke as his furry friend climbed on his lap, staring at him with her emerald green eyes, "Do you to rub...your back" he asked to which she purred to in agreement.

"How long has it been since you had Choco?" Muriel asked, "A years months I... think.

I had her...since...she was" Tacito replied caressing the cat's back, the furry creature purred with each stroke earning a glare from Yurei, who stared at her like she was his love rival.

Thorn noticed that and chuckled, "Easy boy, That cat isn't gonna steal your man."

"Sometimes I believe that cat is a human pretending to be a cat, she's too sneaky." Yurei replied turning his attention to Thorn.

"I hope I don't sound rude or anything, but are your eyes real? they look like Muriel's." Thorn asked, "They're As real as yours."Yurei responded slightly smirking.

"I heard a funny story, you and your boyfriend are using the same last names as Muriel and to explain?"

"Using? these are our last names...and no need to act polite, I know you're suspecting us of something."

"So you noticed? At least you're honest, I like that." Thorn said giving him a smile, "Oh? you thought I'd pretend to be a complete idiot? C'mon, don't think low of me, Father-in-law." Yurei replied before getting-up from his chair.

"Father in law?! the fuck are you talking about?!" Thorn asked but got ignored, Yurei kept on walking away until he reached Ned who was chatting with Garrick, he leaned in to whisper something and Ned nodded at him.

"Alright everybody!" Ned said clapping his hands together, he got-up and walked to the center of the room, "The best part about birthday parties is the presents!" he spoke again, turning his pov to Tacito.

"Presents? guys.. got me gifts?" Tacito asked, "Wait, you didn't expect that?" Jade Asked surprised, " No...i thought the... party...was my gift."

"Yurei, where the hell did you find your boyfriend? at the jewellery store? cuz he's a precious gem." Jade said joking, "No one is like my Taci." Yurei replied proudly before he walked outside the room.

Rolling his eyes "Ugh, He sounds like a yandere sometimes." Jasper said standing-up.

In seconds everyone followed Yurei outside the dinning room, he led them straight to the living room where a pile of gifts laid openly on the coffee table.

With many sofas and options around to sit, every person picked a spot where they sat down, leaving Tacito to sit with Yurei beside him on one of the sofas facing the table, just the two of them, by themselves.

"Despite the invitation being on a short notice, I believe everyone here got you a little something Taci." Socorro spoke smiling "Like I'd come empty handed to any party, that's just rude!" Thorn commented smiling as well, throwing a glance at Yurei.

Ignoring Thorn again, "Well Taci, go ahead! open them!" Yurei said urging Tacito towards his gifts.

"There's so...many!...I don't know...where to start!" said a puzzled Tacito, his eyes scanned the wrapped gift unsure what to pick first, "Want me to help you?" Yurei said, Tacito nodded at him so he grabbed one of the big gifts.

Jade chuckled knowing it was her gift he picked first, "I bet my gift is better than yours, wanna bet?" she whispered to her twin, "No." Jasper simply replied.

Opening the gift, Tacito found something that was on his mind for a while, A steering wheel and pedal set for racing games.

"This is...this is!" Tacito said checking them out, "I Heard a certain person here likes video games and cars, so I thought why not?" Jade proudly stated, she was feeling absolutely Victorious watching how happy Tacito was with her gift.

"400 $ gaming gadget, nice one knuckles... how cheap." Jasper whispered mockingly at his sister, "It's the thought that counts, not the money." Jade whispered back.

"Wow Jade, your gift makes mine look cheap." Garrick said a little embarrassed, "Don't say that Garrick...which one is...yours?...I want it next." Tacito Asked.

Garrick pointed at a little box and Tacito eagerly grabbed it, he opened the box to find a brown leather glasses case, inside were a Chic looking pair of sunglasses "Thank you Garrick...these are beautiful... really!"

"I was with Garrick when he bought those, they're some badass pair of shades, right? I think it cost him 155$ or something like that.

See how money doesn't matter?" Jade whispered to her brother, "Hmm? this reminds me, I'm rich AF and I don't think i own a pair of sunglasses." Jasper whispered back.

...Few minutes later....

Done Sifting through all of his gifts, Tacito was happy to be surrounded by his family and friends, even if some of them couldn't remember him.

Thorn got him an expensive watch, Muriel brought him a dress and a matching pair of heels, Socorro got him Driving gloves and Matilda brought him toys for Choco.

Ned surprised him with a new violin, And Aroon got him some gear that he needed for the new instrument that Ned bought.

The only gift missing was Jasper's, but a grateful Tacito didn't question it since he already received the earrings earlier.

Embarrassed since he had to bring a gift at the last minute, Lucius revealed that he was carrying his gift the whole time, he was afraid that he'd be mocked for it but instead he was encouraged to show-off his gift.

"C'mon Lu! go for it!" Socorro gave him a thumbs-up as he walked towards Tacito, Lucius took a deep breath "Okay...umm I have this talent, if I held your hand I do this thing where I'll sing what you're feeling...idk if I'm making Any sense." Lucius bit his lips as he spoke.

Without hesitation, Tacito extended his hand to him, so sitting next to Tacito, Lucius held his hand.

Surprisingly, Lucius's inky eyes turned completely white as he started singing, in a sweet but sad voice.

"I'm wondering why, my heart Feel so warm~

It's been a while since I, felt like I'm home~

I'm wondering why, you're so kind to me~

when I brought you nothing, but pain and Misery ~

I can't believe someone loves me, Oh I love you too~

I hope you'll forgive me, for trying to leave you~"

Removing his hand from around Tacito's, Lucius eyes went back to normal, he bit his lips feeling shy when suddenly Tacito wrapped him up in a big hug, "Thanks Lu for... saying the words...I struggle to... say on my...own." Tacito said before letting him go.