Chereads / NedGarrick (BL+Mpreg) / Chapter 76 - A little Team work

Chapter 76 - A little Team work

"In the past few days, you have been my most expensive employee, I shouldn't be going any more easy on you yet here I am, already giving you another gadget!...Happy birthday Tacito." Jihi said while gently placing their small gift in the palm of Tacito's hand.

Examining the piece of jewellery in his hand, Tacito couldn't help but to admire the beauty of the pair of earrings Jihi just gave him, they were a near copy of Thorn's dangling earring and he loved how the gemstone used was Brown, his favorite color.

"I may have made it myself, But the design is Jasper's idea, Although I thought a bracelet would look better, HE thought an earring would be perfect for you." Jihi said chuckling a bit, "And As I did my research, it turned out that the best gemstone I could use to break the enchantment on your body would be A Tiger's eye gemstone."

"And coincidentally, it turned out to be a brown colored gemstone with a cat inspired name that you used to make these earrings for my Taci?" Yurei asked skeptically.

"Yes,'s one of the most beautiful, and puzzling brown colored gemstone I've ever looks like a glistening piece of Stone or Wood more than a gem, And apparently The Tiger's eye is widely used in the magic field too." Jihi explained.

Removing his old stud earrings, Tacito placed the new earrings with excitement.

Once in place, he shook his head slightly to feel the new jewelry dangling, his lips quivered from joy into a small shy smile.

"These earrings of course darling, serve a greater purpose than fashion, as long as you have them on, That freak Freddie won't be able to control your body, So now you're both safe and fashionable."

Hearing that, Tacito's smile grew bigger making Yurei giggle at him, he thought Tacito being so happy about this gift was so cute, and he wondered whether he's going to like everything they prepared for him.

It warmed Yurei's heart to see his friends rallying around Tacito to make his Day, he felt especially grateful for Ned and Jihi, those two never stopped helping him and Tacito even when Yurei pushed them away.

"They look absolutely stunning on you Taci! Thanks Jihi!" Yurei spoke hugging his mate from the back, "Thank you Yurei...and you too...Jihi...thank you so...much."

"You're welcome darlings...Now, if you two pitifully in love creatures are done here in my office, I suggest you leave because I have somewhere to go." Jihi spoke walking towards the door.

"Yeah we're leaving! I have to take my prince to receive his second birthday gift for today." Yurei spoke breaking the hug, he took a curious Tacito by his hand and followed Jihi outside the office.

...Few minutes later...

"This is...mine?!"

"Yes! You wrecked your previous one, I thought you want a better replacement! I got it brown too...hehe brown."

"It's so... pretty!" Tacito's mouth was left hanging as he stared in disbelief at the pearl-brown Sports car that just got parked in front of him by the saleswoman, and as soon as the lady handed him the keys, he climbed in her place with speed and enthusiasm.

"Can I!" Tacito asked feeling the wheel in hands, "Of course Mister Tang!" the saleswoman spoke with a bright business smile.

"It's yours Taci! Go try it, just be careful though!" Yurei said encouraging him.

The car sale agent nudged a proud looking Yurei as he smiled while watching an Over-the-moon Tacito drive around with his new car.

"Hmm? what do you want?"

"First of all good morning and second, Looks like you picked a good model for your partner Yurei, Mister Tang seems happy with the car." the sale agent said.

"He is! and you know I know nothing about cars, in fact you and I both don't Moni! I just Boogled 'Best sports cars' and picked the one I saw fitting for my boyfriend, and of course I made your boss get it and pay instead of me."

"That's very much like you Yurei, well it's only fair since my boss is using you as much as you use him, your ability is definitely useful to him.

Right now, I'm thinking how it is weird that Mister Tang likes the color brown so much, not too many people prefer cars in this color too, or literally in anything."

"There's nothing weird about it, Taci likes everything in any shade of brown, it's one of nature's most calming colors and it looks good on know? they say people who prefer this color are sensual, warm and supportive.

Taci is definitely that."

"It also says Too much brown or being surrounded by the wrong shade of brown can bring-up feelings of heaviness, dullness and lack of sophistication.

We all can use Boogle btw."

"Monika, did you came here to finalize the deal or to insult my mate? you know that's crossing the line."

"Nah, you know I wouldn't insult my own kind! you adorable two-faced snake!

Anyways, My boss says the car is officially yours to take, and he's very happy with the results of your work, so he is offering you another job already!" the sale agent spoke, "Hmm, thanks but I won't do it, I only used my ability to get money to buy stuff for my boyfriend and I did, I have gathered the amount I need." Yurei replied.

"Can you at least consider meeting with the boss today?"

"No it won't change my mind, he's your boss not mine, and as you can see Monika dear, I'm celebrating my boyfriend's birthday Right now! so I won't be going anywhere...I can't be more delighted knowing that I won't see your Snake Ass again too."

"Honestly the same bruh, but still, you sure on not taking the job?"

"Positive Moni."

"Hahaha! Loser! can't you be a little greedy for yourself? with an ability like yours, you can do anything you want! You can be a billionaire!

I heard Boss is offering a bigger sum this time? but guess I'll tell him you said no.

And Btw, does your boyfriend know you worked for my boss?"

"I already came clean to Tacito long ago, as long as I don't use my ability to do bad stuff, he doesn't ask much questions."

"Thatsss nice! my new boyfriend is so nagging! he's trying to get me to quit and work something he considers more suitable for a woman...he also called me this morning a whore for wearing a skirt to work."

"Why are You complaining about you new boyfriend to me again? we're not besties besides! get rid of him like the previous one? didn't you eat your ex for cheating on you or something? figure your problems on your own, Moni."

"I wish I can eat this one, but It'll be hard to stage this one as a missing person's Case, my new boyfriend has lots of family members that will suspect me at first glance and try searching for him.

Unlessssss... I'll choke him and you'll dumb his body in another country for me?" Monika said playfully batting her eyelashes, "Fuck no, I won't be your go around dating toxic abusive men, turning yourself into a 'Serial-killer' and then ask me for help? I don't think so, you're on your own." Yurei replied uninterested.


"Yes! this looks perfect, maybe I should place this one in the corner? Oh! and this one goes here!"

"Muri baby chill! you haven't sat down since you woke-up this morning."

"There is still so much work to do Sugar!"

"You're not preparing a birthday party for the queen of England, Why all this work?"

"If I will be doing something, I shall do it perfectly."

"Still, Thorn is right Muriel, you look tired." Ned said petting the cat in his arms, "Maybe you have a point." Muriel replied sighing.

"And you should start by taking off them heels baby! how you walk in that thing all day?" Thorn said pulling him a chair, Muriel sat down and took off his shoes, immediately feeling better.

"Honestly I'm surprised mom is letting you walk around with heels when everyone is in flipflops and slippers, ever since the DNA analysis said he's near 50% Asian, Mom has being making slippers and Pijamas the dress code in the house." Jasper spoke-up jokingly.

"I only make you follow the good habits! besides! Muriel's heels are brand new so I don't mind wearing them.

Socorro brought him a change of clothes when she came here earlier, since Muriel slept over here... turned out my clothes aren't a good alternative."Ned replied.

"Speaking of Coco, where is she?" Jasper asked, " She left to get the white roses with Matilda." Ned replied to him again, "Roses?! isn't that too much?"

"Jaspie, focus on your own tasks and stop stealing my attention, did you order everything else on the list?" Ned said.

"Stealing your attention from what? CHOCO?

What are YOU doing btw MOM! you're walking around with Choco in your arms, doing absolutely nothing!"

"I'm Cat-sitting Choco, we're besties now! right Choco?" Ned said nuzzling the cat who purred in satisfaction, "Why does Choco loves him more than me?! I was the one bathing you these days you ungrateful furrball!" Jasper whined leaving the room.

"Is Jasper okay? he has been in a sour mood all day! I have never seen him this loud or edgy before! " Muriel curiously asked, "He's been going through lotta shit lately, I can't blame him...I bet he's feeling lonely especially without his sister." Ned replied sitting next to Muriel, Admiring the change the blonde made to his dinning room.

"I suppose I have solved that little problem." a voice came from behind them, " Jihi?!" Ned said as soon as he saw the cloaked figure in a new outfit, behind them were Also Garrick and Jade with shopping bags in hand.

"Sup MOM!"

"Hey there lovely!"

"Wait, what's going on? who's this person?" Thorn asked, "Hello Mister Tang, Hello Mister Spencer...hehe! it's pleasure to see you again!" Jihi spoke cheerful despite being dressed in black Tech-wear with a bucket hat, face mask and shades on.

"Again?" Muriel repeated the odd word, "My name is Jihi and I'm Tacito's current and Yurei's former boss, as for Ned over here, he's my Business partner." Jihi replied.

Both Muriel and Thorn turned to stare at Ned, who was absolutely as confused as they were.

Coming back to the dining room, "Mom, I got a text from Aroon, the cake is gonna be here any-WHOA! " Jasper stopped mid sentence, he then unexpectedly smiled for the first time today.



The two siblings shared a tight swaying hug.

"I don't see Aroon or Lucius around?" Jihi said inspecting the room, "They went to get the cake." Jasper replied still hugging his sister.

"OKAY?! can someone explain to me what the HELL IS GOING ON?!" Thorn yelled, "Like father like son?" Jihi replied taking a seat near Ned.

"Jihi came to us at the academy, apparently they got two of their witches to take our places in training for today." Garrick responded as he walked to Ned, "It's Tacito's birthday right?" he added.

"Ye-yeah!...I didn't expect any of you today! omg I look like shit!" Ned said hastily getting-up, his sudden movement spooked Choco away.

"I don't agree, I think you look lovely, lovely." Garrick said giggling, Ned was blushing madly feeling embarrassed as he stood with messy hair, wearing an undershirt, sweatpants and cat slippers on his feet, "Stop lying, can't come-up with something more believable than lovely?"

"I'm not lying! you do look lovely, in my eyes." Garrick said staring at him deeply.

"Maybe you need glasses, have you seen an optometrist yet?"

"Oof you're so mean Lovely, totally my type!"