Chereads / Call of Love in the Woods / Chapter 10 - Chapter 9 Gift

Chapter 10 - Chapter 9 Gift

To find out who Prince Heron's real father is, a promise by King Regadon to his grandson. Which was a year-old prince named Prince Heron.  And he will order the searching in their kingdom. Even though the king knew it would be difficult to do. But he must.  After he admitted the truth to the young prince that his mother didn't know who his real father is too. The king could introduce someone to the prince as his father. So that his grandson will have a father, like other fairy children in their kingdom. It doesn't matter to him that his grandson has no father, but for his grandson, he must have. Someone to be called his father when he grows up. Even as a pretense. But the king wants the best for the prince. He didn't want to fool his grandson. He loves Prince Heron very much despite everything. The king thought of a way to find Prince Heron's real father. King Regadon set a whole day for the event to be held in the palace to find Prince Heron's father. It will be started early so that he can be sure that everyone will arrive for the event. The only way he thought could help. Everyone in the palace agreed with his plan except for Princess Dana who didn't want to. But the king will follow his will.

"Summon all the men in the entire kingdom and other kingdoms. From the highest class ass of fairies to the lowest class to come and bring a gift to prince Heron," King Regadon ordered.

He no longer chooses the level of fairies. The important is to find someone from among them Price Heron's real father. His heart felt like it was being squeezed with pain every time his grandson asked about his father. King Regadon always gave the reason that his father was far away. His love for his grandson prevails the reason why he told the truth.

Two options were in the row to choose from. First,  candidates must all bring a gift to the prince. Whose gift that the prince would like to accept will become his father? He will also be the next king to sit on the throne and become the king of the palace. He will also be the becoming king for Dana to be crowned as the next queen. Or they will be the couple to be crowned king and queen. But if the king's plan fails. He will advise Prince Heron to choose one to be his father.

All the men came. As well as those from distant kingdoms. They all lined up to the seated prince. One by one they handed their gifts to the prince. Someone brought food and someone brought toys. Everyone in the queue was exhausted but none of what they brought was accepted by the prince.

"Go to the event in the palace creature," ordered the magical fairy.   

Ulysses could not believe what the magical enchantress was telling him. He knew that everyone there would only bully and bash him. But the magical enchantment was compelling to him. Ulysses was stopped at the gate. The guards didn't want to let him in. So he can hand to the prince his gift. 

"A bunch of ripe bananas, that's what you're carrying. You daring smelly creature. You insist on handing that to the prince. While he refuses to accept all the expensive gifts." 

The gatekeepers laughed loudly. They mocked Ulysses for his appearance and the gift he was carrying. They drive him away from the palace. But Ulysses begged to at least hand over to the prince what he had brought, which was a bunch of ripe bananas. He just walked away and failed to personally deliver what he had brought. Even so, he thanked the gatekeepers for promising to give the prince the bananas he had brought. But it's not. Gatekeepers were laughing as when he left away.

"Why are you so happy? What makes you all happy?"

They were surprised by the sudden arrival of the king. Instead of saying that the vagabond Ulysses had come, they hid it. And they said they would also like to give a gift to the prince.

"We are shy. So we laugh at our daring and shameful plans."

The king said as he said, the state of the living status will not be considered when giving a gift. Anyone can be chosen as the prince's father. So the gatekeepers were happy about it. The two of them lined up to give their gift. And the first gave the banana that Ulysses had brought. For an incredible reason, Prince Heron quickly accepted it and was very happy looking at a bunch of ripe bananas. To the great joy of the prince, he immediately ate the banana, as if he had never tasted it. Everyone who witnessed the incident was surprised. The prince only accepted a bunch of bananas. Not all of them expected the prince's acceptance of the gift. At the same time, various delicious foods and beautiful toys were rejected by him. The prince even finished eating the banana in just a few moments.

The king asked a gatekeeper. If the banana that the prince accepted and ate was his. It answered Yes to the king. Which means he deserves the reward. But Prince Heron cried loudly. Which indicates that there's something different about what's going on.

"My last question. Confess before I behead the liar," said the king angrily.

The gatekeepers confessed the truth in fear. That Ulysses was the real bearer of the bunch of bananas. They got rid of it because it smelled bad. It's not worth standing in line. The king was angry at what he heard. So he imprisoned the two gatekeepers. He sent all his fairy soldiers to fetch Ulysses the wanderer. And the fairy soldiers immediately obeyed the king's order. Much happiness can be seen on the young prince's face. The prince seems to understand. He was very happy with the king's order. Patiently the prince waited for the vagabond Ulysses.