Chereads / You Are Mine, I'm Yours Season 2 / Chapter 8 - Shocking Maybach Came Oncoming

Chapter 8 - Shocking Maybach Came Oncoming

"You mean we got engaged on the cruise ship without your permission?"

"Which of you two is engaged?" She immediately retorted mercilessly. "Aren't you engaged to Cassie? I remember when Cross and I went to the spring bridal shop in Paris, I saw you trying on the wedding dress with Cassie."

"Emmy, you all know this is a scam, why are you lying to yourself?" he explained with a deep smile. "In the beginning, the person I like is you, the person I want to get engaged to is you, and Cassie and Jiang Cross, and they are just acting together."

"So, you set up that scam?" She raised her eyebrows, and her eyes instantly became sharp. "Do you think I need to set up such a scam?" he asked back with a smile.

"If you don't need it, why did you co-act with them in that scene?" She asked puzzledly.

"Originally, I wanted to propose marriage to you, but Cassie said that you and Cross still have an engagement, and you don't agree to terminate the engagement with him. As long as the marriage contract between you and him is over, I cannot successfully propose."

"So, you guys came up with that scene?" her lips curved into a sneer. "Shawn, do you think that as long as you lie to me to get engaged to you, then I can only make a wrong decision with you?" he was slightly taken aback. That's exactly what he was thinking at the time.

Besides, on the night of the engagement, he will definitely sleep with her, and once he sleeps with her, the Cross family will definitely not want her, so who will she sleep with?

At that time, his only mistake was that he didn't notice James, let alone she and James knew each other. The most unexpected thing was that James snatched her away from the cruise ship where he was about to get engaged.

"Shawn, if you think so, then you are wrong, I am not a destined person." She looked at him coldly and said, "If I had resigned to my fate, I would have resigned to my fate five years ago, and I wouldn't be the Emmy I am today."

"If I don't want to do something, even if you force me to do it, I think it's just a lose-lose, and you won't get any benefit."

"So, in the future, you will do less of this kind of conspiracy to collude with others in order to achieve your goals. It will not do you any good!"

"Besides, I'm not pretty either. There are many beautiful stars around you. You should pay more attention to them. Emmy, the ugly duckling, won't bother you to pay attention to them." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked quickly towards the hospital entrance. He didn't look back at him who sprained his ankle.

He stood there, squinting at her who was walking further and further away, with a complicated smile on the corner of his mouth. If she was a stubborn woman, it would be to his liking. If he doesn't need to pay attention, he still has to pay attention.

She is going to hold a wedding with James? Will he let them complete the wedding so smoothly? It seems that he really had to give them a big gift at his wedding. She walked out of the hospital gate, and the shocking Maybach came oncoming. She walked forward quickly, opened the door and got in the car.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" He really glanced at her hastily and handed her a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

"Ah, you called me?" She took the juice cup and quickly took out the phone from the bag. Sure enough, several missed calls were from James.

"Sorry, my phone vibrated, I didn't hear it just now." She looked at him with some embarrassment. "You went to see mom, she didn't insult you, did she?" He took a closer look at her and was relieved to find that he was not injured.

"How can she bully me now?" She shook her head.

"She can only protect herself now."

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly,

"Your father and Aunt divorced?"

"My dad was going to divorce mom, but I didn't expect..." Emmy told them that Cassie is their daughter of them.

"What?. . is it true?" He looked at her in shock. The news was really hard for him to digest. "I hope it's fake too." She leaned back in her seat and sighed. "I'd rather Cassie be my half-sister than..." Cassie is her aunt, and Emmy really can't accept such a change of identity.

James looked at her with a sad face, stretched out his hand to gently cover the back of her hand, and then slowly held it as if to give her strength.

"Dad must have been in pain, pain," After a long time, she spoke in a low voice: "I don't know how to comfort him..."

"Live your own life well, don't worry about him, don't embarrass him, that's the best comfort," James replied in a low voice.

"Now, apart from accepting her new identity, the one that bothers your dad and mom the most is probably, right?" Emmy nodded, took a sip of juice, thought for a while, and said, "He was created by a mom. I am worried that she will invest. In that case..."

"Your granny is a smart person. In the past few days, I have sent her a lot of real estate information." James took the message and said.

"I will let people keep an eye on Henry. If your grandma really wants to take over him, I won't stand by." She looked at him gratefully and asked in a low voice after a long time. "Why? Didn't you say that he is too big and there is no hope?"

Because your grandmother wanted to save her," James smiled and replied. "Your grandma is the best person in the world to you. In order to protect your reputation, she could have invested in a building.