Chereads / You Are Mine, I'm Yours Season 2 / Chapter 44 - Love Hungry Beast

Chapter 44 - Love Hungry Beast

After such a long flight, I had to transfer to Dubai. I couldn't sleep. Why didn't I read?"

Can't sleep? James raised his eyebrows and an evil smile appeared on his lips. "I have a way to make you fall asleep on a plane."

Do you have a way? Emmy looked at him in surprise and almost instinctively said: "Let me tell you, I don't want sleeping pills or anything. I don't want to sleep."


James looked at her like that, and then the smile on his lips widened. he reached out and stroked the short hair at the top of her head.

"What's on your mind? Go take a shower. You have to get up early tomorrow." Emmy nodded and turned to go to the bathroom. He was still worried when he reached the door and turned around to warn him: "James, I will repeat again. You can't give me sleeping pills." James nodded solemnly.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: