Chereads / You Are Mine, I'm Yours Season 2 / Chapter 18 - James Was In Good Mood

Chapter 18 - James Was In Good Mood

The doctor looked at Liney meaningfully, took the surgical green book, and headed to the emergency room. Emmy immediately walked over.

"Give me the letter of knowledge. I am her daughter. I will sign it."

Johnson in the emergency room heard Emmy's voice and said:

"Doctor, she is my daughter. Ask her to sign for me."

Emmy picked up a pen and quickly signed the consent form. So the doctor took the consent form and went inside. The operating room door closed again.

She turned around and met Liney's vicious gaze. She frowned slightly, and Liney spoke angrily.

"Emmy, are you especially proud to see that your father kicked me out of the family? He only thinks that he will be yours from now on?"

She felt that Liney was too inexplicable. When did he say that he loved him?

Furthermore, even if she wasn't his, it wouldn't be Liney's turn, right?

Seeing Emmy's silence, she was more and more certain that her guess was correct, so she couldn't help but say angrily.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: