"What on earth should we use to defend ourselves then? And wh- what kind of war are they talking about?"
As if Stephanie and Mark hadn't been made confused enough with the aggressively typed email, Reynaldo burst out of the gate and left it wide open, allowing the sunlight and external air to flood the chambers.
It was nice and warm but blinding to the two people inside who had been long living under fluorescent lamps and air from the AC.
As the sudden influx of light rendered them unable to see anything, Mark's first reflex was to pull Stephanie's hand to stand behind him so her body was shielded by his. Stephanie closed her eyes and sank her face on Mark's back, her other hand clasping his shirt tightly, afraid of getting separated.
"Who is it?" Mark yelled as he still closed his eyes, protecting them from the light flood.
"It's me, Reynaldo, I come alone. I-"