When all of the people were gone, a ding came again and Alayna wondered what was going on.

[Due to some loophole detected by the system, the host will be given some revised rules for running the hyper-market, or else heavy punishment will be served.]

Seeing this, it finally dawned on her that the system was very serious. Did they take it too far?

She didn't need to hear the answer as it was very obvious.

"Fine, send them to me!"


1. Work hours – 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.Free snacks – 3 a day.

2. Customers to buy one serving of each a day and no repetitions.

3. Not allowed to have someone fill in for you or the customer will be blacklisted.

4. All troublemakers will be blacklisted and thrown out of the shop.

5. Working days – 6/7.]

Alayna chuckled sheepishly as she read the rules, she had really overdone it this time but luckily the money that she earned wasn't being taken as a void and this was good enough.

"Okay, I will keep this in mind. Can you make a list of the rules that applies to customers? This way they can read them and see, I wouldn't want to keep on explaining," she told the system.

It was quiet for a while and another ding was heard again.

[The rules board is already outside, any customer that will come from now going onwards, will see it.]

"Thank you for your hard work, so does it mean that the money I made today is counted?" she asked nervously, she wanted to know about this seriously.

There was another silence from the other party but shortly after that, her response came that made her very jubilant.

[It is counted.]

That is all that she wanted to hear so her gloomy mood for not being to use the cheat anymore was replaced by joy.

On the other end, Marcus felt like a genius. After eating the food and snacks he had eaten after returning to the inn, he was completely enchanted and he knew that he had to get more.

He was going to return back to Ciliren and he didn't want to miss the snacks, and thinking of his mother and sisters, he decided to go big and hire the men and women to buy for him.

Looking at the food he had gotten after this, he wanted to go and do it again. So, he sent more people but when they came back empty-handed, he was so upset he flew back to the shop, only to see the rules board glaring at him.

He wanted to cause a scene but then he felt a scary pressure aimed at him, when he looked around, he failed to see who this ancestor was but one thing was for certain, this shop was backed by a big shot.

In the end, Marcus left upset but he vowed to come back soon and alongside his peers.

With Marcus gone, the men and women that had money by buying expensive food for the young immortal couldn't help but talk about it. Because it was very strange that a shop was opened in that forest and it was selling food that was also strange but aromatic, they wanted to share it with others.

So, Alayna was forced into a situation where men and women courageously came to her shop and ask about what she was selling. In the end, she came up with a beautiful pitch to tell them.

Since she couldn't advertise her shop and go out to call people, it didn't mean that she can brag about her shop to others, right?

"If you eat or drink anything for my shop, you are guaranteed to witness a miracle!"

The men and women didn't understand what Alayna was talking about but when they thought of how that young immortal crazily bought from this place they began to wonder if the food was really that miraculous.

Alayna was very patient with them again and told them about the prices, of course, these people wouldn't be able to afford any of her food items but it wasn't a good thing to judge a book by its cover.

She had done that in the past and the face slap was too much for her.

On the other side, James who had left for Ciliren a long time ago was on his way back accompanying several young masters and mistresses. As he was well known among their group, they trusted him a lot and decided to visit Draak as the town was much closer to the Dark Forest.

The group of rich people arrived on the same day that Marcus caused a scene so they also happened to overhear about the mysterious shop in the Dark Forest.

James knew some of the people talking so he went to them and ask for more information, he just didn't think that by leaving, he would come back to find the shop that he wanted to hide for a while already this popular.

"Oh, you mean that shop! That beautiful woman is a nice person, she was very patient when explaining to us about the shop. And also, the shop should be closed by now, she closes by 5 p.m."

James couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, they arrived a little bit late but it was already good news as last time the shop was closing at noon.

James relayed the message to the people that he came with and they were all okay with it. The group of five people checked into an inn and made the boss very happy, after all these city masters love high-quality goods and services.

Alayna's day went smoothly and another one began again. She made a pot of tea and brought it to the tuck-shop as she was in the mood of having some dumplings and since there weren't drinks yet, tea will suffice.

So around 7 in the morning, Alayna already opened her tuck-shop and she served herself a serving of dumplings which were five and they were all different flavors and she loves the uniqueness of it.

The aroma of the pork-filled dumplings burst out as soon as she opened a small corner and it spread throughout the forest. At this moment, the group of the rich masters were on their way, and smelling this, their pace increased.

Who didn't want to enjoy such delicacy?