THE SUMMER CROWN SIGNIFIED GLORY AND AUTHORITY. The Gold of merchants across the sea. The Splendor of gifts from realms beyond. The beauty of beholding the might of the Empire. The Majesty of commanding thousands of troops. The Royal Balls. The Noon soirees. The reverence of the populace...
Even the secrets too.
In the Kingdom of Syveria, the Crown signified Power, second only to that of the Seventh Flame and the Pantheon. The supremacy of monarchy.
King Arlon Pierran remembered when he first ascended the White Throne some twenty summers before. He had feasted with the Lord and Ladies of many Noblehouses for about a fortnight. He'd been unmarried then, and during that period of celebration, he couldn't count how many invitations he'd received into different chambers.
There had been many from Ladies, very much married Ladies. With Arlon's golden looks, the women didn't need much incentive to want him. A man as rugged as he, one who was also the King.