Logan says as his tone had bits of anger in it that no one at the table couldn't have missed.
"So you were born in Uvuton, then given how the way your tone is sounding." Flossie pointed out.
The woman didn't think to meet a male from her home to be sitting down across from her. What a way for things to come around in Flossie's life.
"Yes, I was born and raised in that world. A world that man values by how strong they are to breed stronger female future soldiers. Weak ones cost aside to death as I saw of many I know to have gone out that way to the reason I couldn't handle living that type of lifestyle for much more." Logan says, grabbing a bit tightly to the cup in his hand.
"I can't say anything that can excuse how we handle things. At best, I can offer an apology if you wish to accept it from this old woman who used to be one of them." Flossie says, looking straight at his face.