Chereads / Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped) / Chapter 47 - Setting up Shop & Going Home

Chapter 47 - Setting up Shop & Going Home

Besides me having to keep LinLin off me the duration of our travel back to Hachinosu was rather quiet and nothing major had happened, except one thing.

After waving down a news bird while using my other arms to still keep LinLin off me, I payed it and got the news.

"Huh, I guess I'm going up in the world now…" I say as I get a new look at my name, and the new nick name they gave me.



Dead or Alive

'Bloody Asura' Mandricardo




Dead or Alive

Edward NewGate




Dead or Alive

Charlotte LinLin




Dead or Alive




"Seems like all our bounties went up after that, though I'm not really surprised about mine since I killed several world nobles and an admiral too boot, more surprised it's not higher than it is now." It probably will be later down the line, but for now this is what it is.

"Hmmm…" (NewGate)

"Ohhh…" (LinLin)

"Hmph.." (Kaidou)

All there reactions were rather lukewarm for there new bounties which now all exceeded there old bounties as the last remaining members of the Rocks Pirates twice over.

Probably because we all were able to get away and cut a huge chunk out of both the Marines and Cipher Pol as well.

But besides that, excluding LinLin, nothing much else happened as we all made it back to Hachinosu where I dropped them off at.

Prior to pulling into dock I was able to use Heavens Door to write on her that she was extremely tired and had her fall asleep so she was easier to get off my ship.

"Kid…. Why didn't you do that earlier then?" NewGate said while looking at me, Kaidou had the same look as well.

"There wasn't any good opportunities before until now *Yawn* now if you don't mind tossing her to her crew to take care of her, I'm gonna go to sleep and find me a place to set up shop, I'll see you two sometime…." I say rather tiredly as for several days I didn't sleep cause she was persistently trying to sleep with me so now I'm sleepy that it's all over.

NewGate just smirked as he used his strength to toss her like a sack of potato's onto her ship which wasn't far away, he isn't called the strongest man in the world without a reason after all.

But with that we part ways, maybe will see each other again, but for now I'm setting off again to find me my own islands to call my own.



Several days later, our ship was traveling along the southern CalmBelt with the help of the engine that I had custom made for traveling on these seas.

Sure we could have gone through with normal ships but it's annoying to deal with Sea Kings or worse Sea Emperors every second while traveling along so a seastone base and engine is a must.

We've been hunting and killing any that got in our way, either for food, or purely just because they were obstacles so we had too.

"Captain! I see land!" BlackBeard shouts from the crows perch down towards us as land comes in sight.

It was a tropical island like any other you see, any island in the calm belt on either side of the grand line are all tropical islands since there is no wind and the weather stays constantly the same in the calm belt, these islands would be the perfect place to vacation if it weren't for the large numbers of Sea Kings and Sea Emperors in the calm belt causing problems.

But that's a problem I can figure out how to deal with at a later point in time, for now it's time to start to build my own personal island kingdom.

And as soon as I set foot on land the system activated one of the dormant subsystems for me.

(Activating the Kingdom Creation Subsystem)


(1. Clear land to start the creation of your HQ/Castle)

(2. Start construction on your HQ/ Castle)

(3. Build your Castle Walls and City Walls)

(4. Connect Fresh Water Source to your budding City)

(5. Build farm land outside the city)

(6. Create houses and shops necessary to keep the city functioning)

(7. Make a port for your city to have ships dock at)

(8. Have the proper people set for managing your city while your away)




the list goes on and on, but the main goals I have at the moment is to clear land, start building my HQ and starting the outline of my city while leaving someone here to manage it.

But first to clear land, luckily I can use the system to create homunculus and golem workers for me to go and do my bidding.

So first I bought 10 large golems roughly half the size of giants, as well as 100 homunculuses that would do more of the detailed labor work and planning of how the HQ and later city will look like.

"But who to leave in charge…." While I'm away someone has to take care of this place, obviously one of my servants, question is who I should pick?

"Isn't the answer rather obvious young master?" Archer said while standing next to me with his arms crossed as if it was painfully obvious who I should choose.

"Yes your right, I need someone who knows the ins and outs of the underworld as well as how to set up proper supply channels."


"He has to be charismatic and have a great sense of fashion but can definitely get the job done when push comes to shove."

"Mhmm." He says while fixing his tie and pushing up his glasses.

But I turn around and see who I'm talking about, "Roberts, do you think you can run this place while I'm gone?"

Archer and Roberts both nearly stumble over from hearing what I have to say.

"Wait what?! Why me?!"

"Well weren't you both a pirate and a merchant in your previous life?"

"Yes, but I wasn't that high ranking on the merchant ship I worked on at the time! I only know some basic knowledge on how merchant ships deliver thing and where they are bought from, the Grand Line is way different from Earth!"

"So you don't want it?"

"If there wasn't someone clearly better than me I would but well, Archer is the better of the two of us." Roberts saying pointing at Archer.

"Well you make a good point I guess I'll have no choice but to take your suggestion then." I said with a rather exaggerated sigh.

"Young Master, enough with the jokes." Archer said giving me a rather stern look.

"Ahh, haha! I guess you saw through it, then again you are a genius so it shouldn't be that hard for you to figure out." I say with a smirk as I was clearly joking about choosing Roberts in the first place.

"Though I would love to give it to you, but in all the years we have been together you still haven't told me your name, Archer of Shinjuku." I said getting to the real main reason why I decided to joke like that, I do trust Archer, but he doesn't have my absolute trust because he doesn't wish to disclose his name to me.

"Haaa…." He sighs as he pushes his glasses up before smirking, "I guess with all the fun you have given me through the years I guess it's time I introduce myself."

He straightens his tie before giving me a smirk, "James Moriarty, the King of the Underworld and the Arch enemy of that bastard Sherlock Holmes!"

I just smile back, "Good, it's good I have received your full trust, now I have to ask, what is your strongest class of yourself?"

"I was originally a Caster Class, but I do have inkling that I also have access to the Ruler Class as well."

The Ruler Class, a servant class that is a full counter to all servant types like the Berserker, but without the Berserkers insanity and equal weakness to all other classes as well, with only those of the Avenger Class having the upper hand against them.

I smirk, "I see, it's time we gave you a class change." I say as I pull out the pen and write on my notepad.

'Change James Moriarty's class from Archer to Ruler.'

And as soon as I finished a blinding flash of light came to pass over all of us, and soon after it faded before I was faced with a new and improved James Moriarty.

No longer was it the old man I once knew, but now it's as if he has become 30 years younger, but I knew this is still the man that I've come to know over the last several years.

*Crack!* he stretches out his back and cracks his neck before smiling, "Man it's nice to be and feel young again! You can't imagine all the back pain and aches I've had over the years as an old man, now that I'm young once more, Ruler, James Moriarty, is once again at your service young master." He says as he gives a bow towards me.

"Now then, once we get this base all set up, I'll be able to spread my web throughout this world and have everyone at there knees in fear of pissing off the King of the Underworld! Hahahahahaha!!!"




2 months later, the HQ/Castle of ours was finally finished and our base of operations was set, it was about time I went back home.

"Moriarty, I leave everything in your care, your only job is this, put fear in the name of the Marines in ever mentioning the Storm Pirates." I said as I shaked hands with him as I was preparing to head back to my world, the only one to come back with me was Musashi after she had asked for me to make her a true body.

Because now she decided that after all these years that she wanted to be more than master and servant, as she was now truly a part of my women, Anne, Mary, Drake and Dahut were all ambiguous on if they should advance there relationships with me, but I think there just shy and need more time so there gonna stick back and be the pirates they were always meant to be.

"Alright master, it will be only a few weeks for you, unless you go to another world and stay for an extended time, it will be a few years till you get back, but don't worry I'll take care of everything in your absence." He said with a confident smile on his face.

"Good, I'm counting on you to expand our network, and make this island more livable for plenty of people later on."

"Of course sir, and will go search for another island in the northern calm belt for our own as you command, soon will have trade routes coming and going from the rest of the world into the New World, and trade will bring us plenty of profits."

"Good, all the money I have accumulated over the years are at your disposal, spend money to make money and what not, but take care of yourself, all of you." I say looking towards the rest who were here to see me and Musashi off.

They just smiled and waved at me as they saw us both off as we both hopped through the portal and landed back in the World of KonoSuba.

"I'm home…." I said as I saw my village down below as both me and Musashi went down to see everyone again for the first time in years.