After getting on Brigliadoro me along with Cu Chulainn and Nero followed in the same direction as where the car went off to.
After we crested a hill off in the distance we saw the car had come to a screeching halt as a rather small person was hit by said car and was sent flying.
"Let's go check it out you guys." I say to the other two and keep going further on down the road to see what's going on.
Meanwhile where the car just hit a small child and sent the kid flying into a tree the driver, a teenage girl with blue hair shut her eyes not daring to look at what she believed to be the kids mangled corpse.
"Is…. Is he dead?" She said before opening her eyes to see the kid fine but hiding behind the giant fish he had caught that day.
"What-what is that thing?" The boy said not familiar of the metallic monster before him.
"W-wow…. Your alive?" She said shocked the kid survived a full frontal hit from a speeding car with only minor cuts and a few bruises.
Though hearing that the kid was clearly very angry at the girl and her metallic monster that hit him, "Grrrr! So you thought you killed me now did you?! Well I'm made of tougher stuff! It's not gonna be that easy to finish me off and steal my food you know!"
After saying that he began to run up to the car and lift it up but before he could get up any higher he saw a man on a horse arrive before standing on top of the monster, forcibly making it to hard to lift it up.
"Hey kid, I don't think you should lift this thing up, you'll hurt your back doing that." I say as I sit down on the roof of the car.
"Grrr! Are you with this person and their monster too?!" The kid shouts before pulling out his staff and pointing it at me.
"Monster? Kid have you never seen a car before, but before that I saw what happen and I know the person in the car didn't mean to hit you, I think it was an accident after all, right?" I say tapping on the top of the woman's car.
"Y-yeah! It was an accident I swear! Please for give me little guy!" She says as she gets out of the car and clasped her hands together with her eyes close before peeking one eye open to look to the side to see what her savior looked like.
To make a long story short on my appearance I was wearing my white armor with goldfish yellow under armor with a red collared shirt underneath all that with skin tight black pants under that wearing a chain around my neck with my buckler shield on my back while wielding my wooden sword with rocky spikes attached to the wooden blade.
"A real knight in shining armor!" The girl said out loud as she was slightly drooling at the sight of me.
Hearing that and looking at her-
(Target Aquired!)
(Learned Multithread Processing)
(Romance Target Bulma)
(Bulma 85pt My Knight in Shining Armor)
(Harem Target Bulma)
"…. I guess you can call me that miss." I said sweating a bit at what the system said to me, but then again remembering what she looks like when she's older she doesn't look half bad, though she is like 16 right now.
"Hey! You wanna be my boyfriend?" She asked with a bright smile on her face at the sight of me.
I just scratch my face a bit, "Uhh… how about we get to know each other a bit first, but I'll think about it."
(Bulma +3)
"Okay! Hehehe!" She said with a bright smile, at least he was thinking about it, plus he was her type as well and was around her age based on his looks.
"Are you sure this isn't a monster?" The kid says while poking it with his staff.
"No it's a car, not a monster." I say as I jump off the car and walk in front of it.
"Hmm… your a bit shorter than I thought." Bulma says while standing next to me.
"Well I am only 14 after all, I still have time to grow some more."
"Oh right I haven't introduced myself, I'm Bulma and I'm currently on a journey." Bulma says as she properly introduces herself.
"What's your name kid?" She asks looking at the boy who has a monkey tail on him.
"Oh me? Well I'm Goku! And I live here! Say since we're here we should all head inside and will have fish for lunch!" Goku says excitedly as he takes the big fish he caught earlier and brings it toward his house.
Both Cu Chulainn and Nero went back into their spirit forms before I reached here so me, Bulma and Goku all went together to head inside to eat some food.
"Goku, you have any soy sauce? I can turn this big fish into Sashimi if you want." I said looking at the giant size of the fish Goku is dragging around.
"Oh my god! You know how to make Sashimi?" Bulma says excited like.
"Well yeah I am a decent cook after all, had to watch over my little sis while growing up because dad was busy with work most of the time." I said with a smile.
(Bulma +3)
"…. But what about your mom?"
"She…. Is gone…." I said rather sadly, I never got to meet YunYun's mom growing up because she died giving birth to YunYun in the first place after all, but dad said she was a lovely woman and that YunYun is growing up into the spitting image of her.
"Oh I'm so sorry." Bulma says as she didn't mean to bring it up.
"It's okay, it's been many years since then so it doesn't hurt as much."
Hearing all this gets Goku sad too, "My Grandpa Gohan who always took care of me growing up is gone too."
I just go over and rub his head, "Well then, we got to live so that someone will always remember them right?"
He gets over being sad and smiles brightly, "Yeah! Grandpa Gohan would always want me to keep living and train even harder to protect those I care about!"
"Good, now let's get started on cooking, I bet you two are hungry, oh and after lunch I'll introduce you two to my friends."
"Friends?" x2
"Mhmm, Goku you'll like one of them because I see your a staff fighter and he fights with a spear so you will probably get along with Chulainn, and Bulma will probably get along with Nero since you both seem to like fashion after all." I say as I begin work on the fish.
"Chulainn?" (Goku)
"Nero?" (Bulma)
"I know you two got questions but that can wait till later, speaking of Bulma, what's a city girl such as yourself doing all the way out here?"
"Oh I'm out on a mission to find the Dragon Balls, and I think there's one around here."
"Dragon Balls huh? I think I've heard about them but I'm forgetting what there for exactly." I say while cooking, which I might add I'm very fast at, but I decided to turn only have the fish into Sashimi and just cook the rest to give to Goku to eat for himself.
"Foods ready." I say as I lay half the fish meat, deboned, and cooked over on Goku side while me and Bulma had Sashimi with Soy Sauce.
Goku starts gobbling his half down wall me and Bulma enjoy the Sashimi with soy sauce.
"Mmmm! It's so good!" Bulma exclaims as she holds her cheeks enjoying the flavor.
(Bulma +9)
(Bulma 100pts Definitely need to make this guy my Boyfriend!)
"…" I don't say anything as I enjoy the food, though I am sweating a bit inside, though I suddenly remembered why Bulma wanted to get the Dragon Balls in the first place and that was to find a boyfriend, but you can't blame me it's been 20 years since I watched the show after all, it was 10 years prior my last life's death that I started to watch Dragon Ball in the first place.
And soon after we were all finished eating with Goku having a bloated gut from eating that big fish, and both me and Bulma were full as well.
"Thanks for the food!" x3