The power of the seas.
The strength and endurance of stone and the earth.
The supernatural power of darkness and shadows.
These essences, these elemental powers Aquarina had been cultivated endlessly and seamlessly, converged alongside her training so far.
Everything counted at the end, every single thing, every punch, every kick, absolutely everything!
In that very moment, Aquarina suddenly attained something she had never done before…
Something that even Sylphy had done a while ago.
Because Aquarina was so hotheaded at times, she wasn't good a philosophical thought.
But in this moment, through endless effort and a convergence of all her training and her own emotions.
Her body, her heart, responded to them.
Just like the Ancient Hero of Stone, Bjorn, cultivated the mighty Adamas Physique and became as hard as Diamond, untouchable.
She was reaching something new, only for herself.