The tavern fight started as quickly as it ended though!
All these dwarves were very weak compared to us.
When they jumped to fight, we were able to restrain them with simple spells.
I think none of these were past Tier 3 of their Physiques.
Maybe they think they're super powerful warriors, but their resistance against magic and how to deal with spells is near null.
"Aaargh! Using magic is not fair you damn lasses!"
"Let us go! I don't want this BDSM shit!"
"I'm into this I think… Burp."
"You guys really are annoying and boast a lot, but you got easily defeated," I said. "Stop being so stupid, we could easily have killed you if we weren't good people."
"Hmph, and what do you know anyways I am a mighty dwarf warrior and I diggy diggy mines and then I smack monster skulls and later I diggy diggy a pussy, bahahaha!"
Even now they were joking as they had been utterly defeated.