We gathered on my bedroom, Celica and Celeste quickly sat over the bed and started checking out books I had brought, mostly books full of pictures and so on, which they could get some easy fun from. I also put on some music using a Music Box, which is a magical artifact that can record sounds, but it's mostly used to store melodies, mostly a lot of folk songs and orchestral music from when we went to visit the capital's theatre.
It was good, lively music, and the girls loved it and felt relaxed, so it was a win-win without a doubt, as my friends relaxed, I brought a wooden table and placed a lot of sweets and drinks. By drinks I meant mostly fruit juices. Mostly cookies in terms of sweets, and a few small creampuffs, we didn't want to eat too much before dinner.
"Alright here's the sweets, dad usually comes to prepare lunch at 3 PM, so we got like three hours before he gets here~" I sat down in between the two. "What are you reading?"