16:00 Monday
I can't believe it's been 2 days since I wrote about my daily ventures. All it took was 2 days for what I had thought was just a quote "except the unexpected" to manifest into reality and become my shadow. The plan for this year was to take gap year , a year to reflect on my choices. Ironically i had 5 years in high school to make a choice but it all came down to 1 year. Throughout my high school life i had always wanted to become a doctor, with this goal in mind i raced to the finishing line to achieve the first step to my goal but to my surprise upon finishing the first of many races that would qualify me to become a doctor, a looming mythical beast code named "life" chose me as a victim and beat me up senselessly leaving me questioning my life choices, to weak to fight back I chose to take a break for one year to recover and reflect on my life choices.
While reflecting on my life choices I made a decision to work for the time being. Work is going great , i made new friends and the manager doesn't seem to have the demonor of a sadistic evil conniving prince of darkness who gets pleasure from abusing his power he seems like an understanding person.Last week there were rumours spreading like wild fire in a forest about a new supervisor that had being hired. I had no worries my experience at work had been great I was optimistic to meet the new supervisor. The manager made an announcement saying "she" (the supervisor) would start on Sunday and I was instructed to show her around and help her. Sunday came knocking at my door faster than Timothys dad who went to fetch milk 15 years ago ( that's a story for another day).
Sunday also known as the lords day , a day of worshiping God, a day filled with joy. I woke up bright and early went to work extra early to clean things up before the new supervisor arrived after all people will remember the way you appear when you first meet them, so it is important to look and act your best when you meet someone for the first time. A few minutes passed and it was finally time to open the shop I opened the door and inhaled the fresh air as the oxygen travelled to my lungs and blood then finally breathed out with a satisfactory feeling off content and joy I looked around observing the amount of peace that was surrounding me. Then suddenly I heard a soft strangled "hello" I looked around trying to find the source of the voice turned to my left and there she was my ex.
My world came crushing down I glitched with my eyes twitching unable to process what I was seen, there she was Jezebel in the flesh an evil, scheming , shameless woman an immoral woman. If Satan had an advisor it would be her. Unable to process what I was seen I subconsciously took my social mask off unknowingly , the first words that i said to the heathen was "I rebuke you!"
I snapped back to reality gaining authority again over my subconconcious now I was staring a angry revengeful ex dead in her eyes baffled in the heat of the moment, i only remember her arm swinging backwards and her hand accelerating faster than sonic the hedgehog then suddenly my face felt like it had been hit by a meteorite. I blanked out for a second and remembered the notes I had forgot in my exam in my first year of high school. I gained conscious and somehow I was still on my feet. I had never felt such a shock wave in my entire life a flood of tears were on there way eager and hungry to break through my tough persona. I gave her a death stare and like a alpha lion ready to roar to scare of the opponent the words "you witch!!!" came roaring from my vocal cords ready to express my anger but then just as fast as the words "you witch!!!" came roaring out of the blue, like thunder travelling at the speed of light another monstrous voice came roaring "calm down ya fools!!!". This monstrous voice carrying so much authority managed to shatter through my death stare and defuse my anger, at that very moment i felt like I was a antelope in the presence of a alpha lion. Tilting my head to try and find the source of this monstrous voice I looked and there he was the owner of the shop standing upright and fearless one hand in his pocket head held high as if he was the embodiment of authority standing 6ft 7 looking down on earth with a death stare that had made it seem like time stopped. I glared in his eyes realizing I was in the presence of a king and I was a servant in his territory. Only a fool would challenge a king without first infiltrating his kingdom and gaining favour from his servants and knights. If history has taught me anything is that always make those above you feel comfortably superior so that you don't raise any suspicion in the kings eyes or you may be exiled or put to death in my case been fired.
My ex
I was in the presence of a king so I decided to withdraw. In my withdrawal I had come to the realisation that my boss had not realised that I was wearing my social mask and that I had managed to create an illusion of a obedient worker. He does not realize I am the wielder of excilabar. Excilabar been a term to represent knowledge in this case. Throughout out time history has whispered a tale about excilabar countless times, the most famous being the wielder of excilabar who killed the Irish king Diwrnach while stealing his magical cauldron. Does my boss not realize if I were to take off my social mask right now that his death stare would resemble that of a puppy gazing into the abyss and the abyss would gaze back making him feel like a prey being hunted down in its safe heaven. But it's futile I chose to keep my mask on , realizing i might win this battle but long term it would greatly effect me. The owner resolved the issue in matter of seconds between me and my ex with five simple words roaring like an alpha lion "this is ya first warning!"
Now finally realizing my ex was my new supervisor Sunday was the day hell came to earth of all days. I was fuming with anger but I couldn't let her know that , i had to act as calm as possible play possum like Julius Caesar I was planning to raise an army to capture my enemy and have them crucified. The plan was to raise an army of her insecurities and subtly feed them to her, this will in turn effect her mental health issues like depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety and might lead to eating disorders and substance use disorders. One might say a truly evil deed but revenge is sweetest when you start a fire you can't control.
Anyway that whole scenario took place in my head that was a possiblity of what might have happen had i actually chose those actions. What actually happened was I woke up late on Sunday and arrived late at work, i didn't really set a good first impression because fate had decided I would arrive late at work, fate being me sleeping late watching series buts that's irrelevant let's call it fate. When i saw my ex I was surprised i held on tightly to my social mask while I created a scenario of what would happen if i took off my social mask that i put on everyday for the world to see and I managed to say "hi" without hurling insults to the heathen like the saying goes "think as you want but behave like others"people fear what they don't understand , if I invited them in my mind they would see a monster instead of the brilliance. Monsters stay hidden for a reason. Anyway my ex is now my supervisor , "except the unexpected" has striked again.
The tale of me and my ex is nothing but a short tale that took place in ancient times back on my first day of high school. Let's just say she dated me to prank me. Her prank featured heavy pranks that could kill a human from a freight. We dated for one year her plan was to use me to pass the year and dump me at the end of the year. She would upload her progress on the prank on her you tube channel which went viral. This was the origin of my protagonist and villain background and the day excilabar started being molded and forged in to shape.
If I look at things from her perspective her plan was absolutely brilliant she had identified her weak subjects in school and came up with her devilish plan to find a target (me) and woo the target into doing her work while she sat and got praised by her fellow peers and her teachers for outstanding work. She is the embodiment of manipulation, a snake that orbits around whispering sweet words as a illusion. Once the target is under her illusion subtly manipulation is phase two slowly she ties a string around your head then around your shoulders and then legs, hands and back thus subjecting and crowning you a human puppet. The praise from her peers and teachers couldn't quench her taste for fame and recognition for her electrifying and mind boggling results which had being actually achieved by me and not her!! .She sought out more fame on youtube to quench her thirst to be praised and for fame, her plan was as smooth as butter she gained the recognition and fame she had desperately searched for by vlogging and telling her subscribes about her master plan the video went viral. Truly she is Satans spawn or Satan is in her lineage, a direct descendant who defiantly inherented satans will. The beauty and brilliance in her plan was simply tactful she had managed to gain fame and power without breaking a sweat truly she must be a descendant of a vulture scavenging and lurking about looking for a victim. Interesting fact vultures sometimes attack sick or dying animals they don't discriminate whether sick,healthy or dying once seen as a target by a vulture you will be a victim.
But what she had not realised was that her plan had sparked and awoken a pending fire deep in my mind and heart. A fire that rapidly grew out of control and would burn me destroying everything my mind and heart had built. The fire grew larger and burnt more intensely every time I thought about how i had been tricked. I was undergoing character development I was being molded in lava evolving and under going a tremendous change. Even after forgetting about her and moving on the fire still remained and burnt with more intensity till the point were I became the fire it no longer burnt me instead I inherited the will of the fire and became the fire that grows and burns intensely. In that intensely burning fire i forged excilabar by heating the metal and pounding it into shape. Excilabar representing knowledge would be the weapon to slaughter any other person that stands in my way. A weapon that's forever evolving and forged in the most intense fire.
Well there I was stuck having to show my ex around a part of me felt satisfied and happy that I had come late and not set a good impression to my ex. Like a actor playing out a scene I played my role well and showed her around the shop in the most graceful manner to exist. I analysed her facial expressions her body language she did not seem to recognise me, which made it easier for me to subtly invade her thoughts through friendly interrogation phase 1 was now in progress get her to speak and blab more about herself while I collected data and sought out her weaknesses. If she ever planned on getting in my way I would use the data I collected from her loud rants about herself against her for truly what better interrogator exists other than a friend who knows your weak points and string points. The day flew by faster than the fuel in my car at the end of the day I had managed to become acquaintances with her every chance I get I will collect information through friendly interrogation to someday use against her the day she decides to pull a stunt like back then like the saying goes a tiger never changes it's stripes.
Humans are capable of change ,turning a new leaf from their old devious nature to a much more repentful manner in which they seek to not make the same mistakes they did back then, but i also have to take into account that even the most righteous person has bad thoughts and the most devious person also has good thoughts and vice versa meaning that humans are capable of both evil and good but in actuality your actions define you and not your thoughts you choose which thoughts you want to become reality.
Whether my ex has turned a new leaf her actions shall speak, whether her actions are merely a smoke screen to cover up her devious nature my mouth and ears will fan out all the smoke through friendly interrogation for truly wherever there is light darkness also looms nearby,wherever light is darkness is there casting a shadow. In order for the light to illuminate brightly it needs darkness around because light and darkness compliment each other. They are neighbour's because whenever someone builds a church for god his neighbour will build a church for Satan.
If her evil nature is still rooted in her mind and she decides to bring them to reality aimed in my direction I will swiftly dodge and then I will slaughter her with excilabar and finally i will raise a army of her insecurities that will wage a life long lasting war it's like starting an uncontrollable fire. Its only been day 1 since the friendly interrogation started and this has been a smooth process because of my social mask capable of creating illusions. Illusions are easily manufactured whether it be subconsciously or consciously like for example playing dumb around intelligent people so they can lower there guard and not see you as a threat a simple but yet powerful tactic if placed in the right hands. Another example would be making a customer feel as if they have authority and power and are kings or queens in your store, unknowingly they have limited power that you give them through your manufactured illusion , in order for this illusion to soldify and become reality you would need to play the role of a servant lowering yourself and creating a high platform where the customer feels like he/she is the embodiment of authority just so you can achieve your goal of selling ițems. There are so many factors that contribute towards every illusion like body language and eye contact just a few examples out of the dozens that carry the ability to solidify illusions and evolve illusions into reality all because of one fact someones illusion is someone else's reality and vice versa. Those capable of manufacturing illusions and turning them into reality are capable of moving heaven and earth and controlling kings and queens in the background because let's be frank there is always someone behind every king and queen with authority that's controlling the threads of fate in the background.
It was a productive day at work and I was circling around my ex probing around as a friend while collecting information so lets say a double productive day. As productive as the day was it ended with the monstrous beast code named "life" lurking waiting to teach me one of it's lessons again but I dodged and ran home luckily today I was wearing the shoes of a coward and lived to fight another day. When facing a powerful opponent I wear the shoes of a coward to lower the guards of my opponents and then strike them when there guards are at there lowest not knowing that I wear the shoes of a coward to lower your guard and once your guard is lowered I take them off and strike you down. There I was on my way home after work then suddenly like a nation of cockroach coming out of your bag while you at school(that's a story for another day) I was shocked and embarrassed when I had come to realise that I was walking with a fist sized hole at the back of my pants that had left my butt and underpants exposed for the world to see. The hole wasn't there this morning I had just bought these pants yesterday and wore them to work but somehow they had magically cut themselves up huh?. Upon realisation of why I was feeling so much wind I had also come to realise the reason why the kids walking behind me kept on giggling and saying "sir you got a bright future behind you!" My response naturally was"thank you!" ,damn those brats they must be satans spawns!! anyway before any other people started taking pictures i quickly wrapped my jacket around my waist and started speed walking till I reached the nearest turn then I looked back to make sure that no one was behind me then I ran like a wounded antelope I ran to the safety of my house. Someone at work must have cut my pants truly there will be hell to pay for the sucker how can you provoke someone capable of manipulating the threads of fate, does the person not fear they might bring about there own demise. Does the mask I wear not resemble a mask ?,have you fooled yourself that far into falling for the illusions my mask created that you think?!... you actually think that i won't seek revenge?. At work we have work uniforms and i don't like the idea of wearing 2 pants at the same time, so I usually take off the pants I wear when I am going to work and change into the work uniform, there is a separate male and female facility for workers to change into their work clothes. The work clothes always remain at work due to a policy introduced by the owner because of a incident that happend 9 months ago ,eleven employees had a party after work to celebrate new year naturally they got drunk and partied the night away ,the party came to a halt when one of them came up with a idea to call the owner of the shop and tell him " let's play hide and seek! " if the owner couldn't find them they wouldn't come to work , so they called the owner and told him "let's play hide and seek" and explained the rules that if he couldn't find them they wouldn't come to work they would continue hiding, naturally the owner thought of this is a joke and laughed it off then dropped the call. The eleven employees decided to hide in a different city which was three hours away so they called a uber and travelled to the city while drinking tons of wine and beer. When they got to the other city they texted the owner "come find us hehe!"naturally the owner did not respond as he thought this was a joke.
Two days passed and the eleven employees never showed up for work the owner became frustrated because they weren't enough employees to keep his business running because eleven people had not shown up for work for the past two days he tried calling but there was no response from all eleven employees. He decided to watch tv to calm down then suddenly like a thief showing you ads for a job opportunity because you to broke to rob (that's a story for another day) he was shocked and embarrassed when he saw all eleven of his employees on the news headline after being arrrested for burning down another store for selling items cheaper than the their store all while wearing there work uniform which bought a negative light on the owners shop and would mean calamity for him and his shop. After a few court cases and having to pay damages the owner introduced the policy of "work clothes to remain at work". To the court it looked like the owner was involved in the burning of the shop because there prices were lower than his own shop so him and his employees burnt the shop. Misery attracts misery the eleven employers were fired to prevent them from attracting any other misery that will affect the owner and his business.
I am guessing the devils spawn who cut my pants must have done it while I was working and cut my pants that i had left in the male facility. For now I will play dumb and act like I didn't notice the hole in my pants I will wait for the sucker to expose themselves I will flash them out and throw them in hell and lock the gate. Anyway I won't be walking down that road where those kids were giggling at me for a week or two.